Mini-Me Chorus Build Instructions
This compares to the popular Small Clone
chorus, but includes modifications. The major difference between this circuit and the
commercial pedal on which this is based is the addition of a depth knob, which provides more flexibility than the original commercial
pedal, which only had a depth selector switch. Even better the circuit is isolated into two parts, each separately grounded for the
sole purpose of noise free operation compared to similar offerings. This requires you to connect both ground pads labeled: GND and
Board Dimensions (W x H) 2.08 x 2.32 inches, i.e.: 54 x 59mm. We recommend a 125B enclosure or larger for beginners.
● This board has 2 separate ground planes to prevent audible clock noise. Both ground planes need to be connected,
preferably to the main source ground (especially for G2). Please make sure that pads GND and G2 are both grounded.
● The MN3007 IC is no longer produced. eBay has many international sellers of these chips also. There has been some debate
over whether these IC’s are “genuine Motorola” or knock-offs. We recommend you purchase from Small Bear USA and
remind you that if you purchase from eBay, proceed (at your own risk) with caution as they are now heavily counterfeited.. does not endorse any eBay or Asian sellers or make any guarantee that you’ll get working IC’s from them.
● Please note that the CoolAudio 3207 IC has slightly different voltage requirements and is incompatible with this board.
● This board has 16mm PCB-mounted potentiometers, which mount to the underside of the board. We highly recommend
that you mount the pots in your drilled enclosure, and then fit the board onto the pots, and solder them together.
Absolutely do not solder the pots to the board and then force the pots into the holes, or you may break the circuit board. If
you prefer, you may also use wired pots and arrange them knobs in your enclosure to suit your personal preferences.
● The trimmer potentiometer is for biasing the output of IC1A and should be adjusted by ear until the chorus effect is most
pronounced. On our builds, this was a little to the left of center.