1040c Cutting Guide -
Cutting with the Guillotine - measurements embossed in black
When trimming with the guillotine, the cutting base is marked with rulers in
inches and centimeters across the top and bottom, as well as vertically along
the inside of the press down paper guide in black along with standard paper
and photo measurements embossed on the surface. Cutting edge is
outside edge of press down paper guide.
⅛” from
• To cut, square up the paper
along the raised edge of the top
or bottom of the cutting base
• Unlock and lift the guillotine
• Press down on the paper guide
and swing down the guillotine
arm in one smooth motion.
• To cut, for example, a 4½” x 6”
card, line up the paper with the
first measurement and cut
• Then turn the paper, line up with
the second measurement, and
•To cut out something like a photo
and get your cut exactly on the
edge, use the cutting base to
measure ⅛” from the desired
edge on the inside of the photo.
• Make a small mark above and
below exactly
desired cut edge.
• Repeat for each edge.
• These marks will be your guides.
⅛” from the
• Place your photo on the cutting
base, lift the guillotine arm, and
line up the marks with the edge
of the paper guide, this will line
up your desired cut edge with
the cutting base. Cut.