In order to prevent serious physical injuries or major material damage, work on or with the
unit may be performed only by authorised persons with appropriate training and qualifications who are familiar with the set-up, installation, commissioning and operation of speed controllers. These persons must read the operating instructions carefully before the installation
and commissioning. In addition to the operating instructions and national accident prevention
regulations, all recognised technical rules (safety and professional work under UVV, VBG, VDE
etc.) must be followed.
Repairs to the device may only be made by the manufacturer or a repair centre authorised by
the manufacturer.
The applicable national accident prevention regulations must be followed when working on control
units under voltage.
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1.2Proper intended use
The unit is intended only for the purposes agreed in the order confirmation. Any other application or use for any additional purpose, is not a proper intended use. The manufacturer accepts no liability for any injury or damage arising from unintended use. Proper intended use
is also contingent on compliance with the installation, operating and maintenance procedures
described in these operating instructions. The technical data and the details of the connection
assignments can be found on the type plate and in the instructions, and must be complied
Electronic equipment is not fundamentally failsafe! The user must therefore ensure that his system reverts to a safe condition in the event of failure of the equipment. The manufacturer accepts
no responsibility for any damage to life and limb or to material goods and assets in the event of
failure to comply with this provision and in the event of improper use.
The electrical installation must be performed in accordance with the relevant regulations (e.g.
cable cross-sections, fuses, earth conductor connections, etc.). Additional information is included in the documentation. If the control unit is used in a particular area of application, the
required standards and regulations must be complied with.
Operating instructions – Güntner Motor Management GMM step V_3.0
The controllers are packaged appropriately for transport and may only be transported in
their original packaging. Avoid any impacts and collisions. Unless otherwise noted on the
packaging, the maximum stacking height is 4 packs. When you receive the equipment,
check for any damage to the packaging or the controller.
Store the equipment in its original packaging and protected from the weather, and avoid extremes of heat and cold.
Subject to technical changes in the interests of further development. Therefore no claims
may be derived from information, images and drawings; errors excepted!
All rights, including rights created by patent grant or other registration, are reserved.
These operating instructions are the copyright of
1.4Warranty and liability
The current General Terms and Conditions of Sales and Delivery of Güntner GmbH & Co. KG
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See the homepage at
Operating instructions – Güntner Motor Management GMM step V_3.0
All rights, including rights of photomechanical reproduction and storage in electronic form,
are reserved.
1.6EMC-compliant installation
Controllers in the GMM step series fulfil the requirements of EN 61000-6-2 as regards resistance to EMC interference and those of EN 61000-6-3 as regards emissions.
They also comply with standards IEC 61000-4-4/-5/-6/-11 for grid-bound interference. In order to guarantee EM compatibility, the following points must be noted:
All measurement and signalling lines must be connected via shielded cables.
• The shielding of measuring, signal and bus lines must be earthed at one end only.
• Suitable shielding and routing measures must be taken to ensure that mains cables and motor cables do not give rise to any interference in signal and control lines.
If the equipment is installed in a switch cabinet, proper attention must be given to the temperature
inside the cabinet. Güntner switch cabinets are provided with sufficient ventilation.
Operating instructions – Güntner Motor Management GMM step V_3.0
The GMM step must be set up in accordance with the configuration of the heat exchanger and
the fans. This commissioning process determines the performance of the heat exchanger.
The GMM step automatically detects whether commissioning has been carried out when it is
switched on and, if it has, continues with normal operation.
If the GMM step detects that this has not yet been done, it initiates the commissioning procedure. When this procedure has been completed, all the specified parameters are saved.
All values set up by the commissioning can also be viewed and changed individually later on
in the menus.
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Operating instructions – Güntner Motor Management GMM step V_3.0
If it is recognized that commissioning has not yet taken place, the following values are interrogated and set up in accordance with the following flow chart.
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Operating instructions – Güntner Motor Management GMM step V_3.0
In order to operate the controller it must have a power supply and must be enabled via digital
input DI1. If it is not enabled the process will not be regulated.
The unit has an internal PID controller, whose parameters (amplification factor, integral and
differential time) can be configured either per menu or via an external bus module.
The setpoint can be given via the internal menu, an external analogue value or via an external
bus module.
The current value is determined via a pressure sensor (4-20mA), a temperature sensor (KTY,
GTF210) or a 0-10V signal.
The relay outputs controlling the output stages are switched as appropriate for the setpoint
and the number of steps. A switch-on threshold can be configured for each step.
The integrated function “Fancycling” makes it possible to balance the running times for the individual fans.
The digital inputs are designed as potential-free contacts that must be connected to +24V. As
well as enable (DI1), digital inputs are also used to control external errors (DI2) and the setpoint switchover (DI3).
Please note that connecting the wrong voltage (e.g. 230V) may seriously damage the controller.
The relay outputs are used to control the output stages. Depending on the configuration (the
number of steps and your GMM step basic or GMM step professional configuration) a number
of special functions may also be available. The function assignment is described in the configuration table.
See Configuration table, Page 33
Analogue output AO1 shows the current control value from the controller (0-100%) as a voltage in the range 0-10V. Analogue output AO2 can be used to control an additional subcooler.
The CAN interface of the GRCS.1 is an internal interface for communicating with other Güntner equipment (e.g. the expansion module GIOD.1). The following communications modules are available for external bus connections: for Modbus (GCMM.1, ERP no. 5204182) or
Profibus (GCMP.1, ERP no. 5204543).
Operating instructions – Güntner Motor Management GMM step V_3.0
The GIOD.1 is controlled via CAN by a Güntner controller. The GIOD.1 possesses 16 digital inputs with a rated voltage of 24VDC and 8 relay outputs. The bus address of the GIOD.1 (node
ID) is set up using a rotary encoding switch. The address 0xF may not be used for this.
To operate the GIOD on GMM step professional the rotary switch must always be set to address1.
The GIOD reads this address only when first switched on.
To ensure the bus connection between the controller and one or more other units works correctly, bus termination must be activated at the beginning and end of the bus connection by
setting the units’ DIP switches labelled “Term”. They must be placed in the “ON” position to
activate the termination. Units that are in the middle of the bus and therefore permitted to
transfer the bus signal may not have bus termination activated.
The status of the inputs and outputs is indicated by LEDs on the front of the casing. A lit LED
against the digital inputs signifies that the corresponding input is receiving a “high” signal. A
lit LED against the relay outputs signifies that the closer contact is closed. A power LED signifies that the internal electronic components are receiving power.
There is also a status display for the bus connection that involves two LEDs.
Operating instructions – Güntner Motor Management GMM step V_3.0
The step generator comprises three main components
1. Step generator
The step generator generates a bit pattern for the outputs that are to be switched depending
on the number of steps, their thresholds, their hysteresis and the hold-off time (=default setting).
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2. Fancycling
Fancycling ensures even distribution of the running times for the outputs (the fans). To this
end it records and evaluates the running times of all the active outputs.
Active fancycling means,
- when a step is switched on, the output with the least running time is activated.
No change is made to any outputs that were already active.
- when a step is switched off, the output with the highest running time is deactivated.
- when no change is made (the number of outputs does not change for a period of one hour)
no outputs are switched over.
- An even distribution of running times can be achieved only in association with the
installation’s general control behaviour on the basis of higher or lower heat exchanger performance.
When fancycling is deactivated, steps and outputs are correlated 1:1. In other words, step1 switches output1, step2 switches output2, and so on.
When fancycling is active, an active step is assigned to an output depending on its running
The current assignments are shown in the Current values menu.
3. Outputs
The outputs are the physical correlations of steps to outputs.
This depends on the type of GMM step and the number of steps.
See also Configuration table, Page 33
Operating instructions – Güntner Motor Management GMM step V_3.0
• The module is designed for mounting on a top-hat rail.
• All measurement and signalling lines must be connected via shielded cables.
• The shielding of measuring, signal and bus lines must be earthed at one end only.
• Suitable shielding and routing measures must be taken to ensure that mains cables and
motor cables do not give rise to any interference in signal and control lines.
• The module is designed for mounting on a top-hat rail.
• Bus lines that are not wired via the supplied ribbon cable must be shielded.
• The shielding of bus lines must be earthed at one end only.
• Suitable shielding and routing measures must be taken to ensure that mains cables and
motor cables do not give rise to any interference in signal and control lines.
• Temperature:
Storage location,
• Protection rating: IP 20
-20°C .. +70°C
-20°C .. +65°C
Operating instructions – Güntner Motor Management GMM step V_3.0