Gude EMC Professional NET 19 inch, EMC Professional NET User Manual

EMC Professional NET(19“)
Time Server with integrated DCF77 Time Receiver for
Industrial Applications
Manual EMC Professional NET(19“)
© 2019 GUDE Systems GmbH
Rev. 2.3
Security declaration 5
1 Description 6
2 Hardware 7
2.1 Content of delivery 7
2.2 Installation 8
2.3 Display 8
2.4 Alignment of the active antenna 10
3 Network operation 12
3.1 EMC Prof NET (19“) as SNTP-Server 12
3.2 Time synchronization as SNTP-Server 12
3.2.1 Windows XP/Vista 12
3.2.2 Windows 9x/NT/2000 13
3.2.3 Linux 14
4 Operation via serial interface 16
4.1 Operation under Windows 16
4.1.1 Installation of the Software 16
4.1.2 Settings 16
4.1.3 Interface 18
4.1.4 Logmode 19
4.2 Operation under Linux (NTP) 20
4.2.1 NTP installation 20
4.2.2 NTP configuration 20
4.2.3 Starting NTP 21
4.2.4 Setup of a NTP daemon 22
4.3. V.24 protocols 23
4.3.1 Gude standard time protocol 23
4.3.2 Gude UTC time protocol 23
4.3.3 XNTP time protocol 23
EMC Professional NET
5 Configuration 24
5.1 Automatic configuration by DHCP 24
5.2 Network configuration by GBL_Conf.exe 24
5.3 Configuration by Webinterface 25
5.4 IP Access Control List 30
5.5 SNMP 31
5.6 Syslog 32
5.7 Presentation of the recent configuration 32
6 Features 33
6.1 Bootloader mode 33
6.2 Firmware update 33
6.3 Technical information 34
7 Support 35
Declarations 36
Contact 37
Security declaration
The device must be installed only by qualified personnel accord­ing to the following installation and operating instructions.
The manufacturer does not accept responsibility in case of im­proper use of the device and particularly any use of equipment that may cause personal injury or material damage.
The device contains no user-maintenable parts. All maintenance has to be performed by factorytrained service personnel.
Check if the power cord, the plug and the socket are in proper condition.
The device can be connected only to 230V AC (50 or 60 Hz) sockets.
Always connect the device to properly grounded power sock­ets.
The device is intended for indoor use only. Do NOT install them in an area where excessive moisture or heat is present.
Because of safety and approval issues it is not allowed to modify the device without our permission.
Please note the safety advises and manuals of connected de­vices, too.
The device is NOT a toy. It has to be used or stored out or range of children.
Packaging material is NOT a toy. Plastics has to be stored out of range of children. Please recycle the packaging materials.
In case of further questions, about installation, operation or usa­ge of the device, which are not clear after reading the manual, please do not hesitate to ask our support team.
EMC Professional NET
1 Description
EMC Professional NET (EMC Prof NET (19“)) provides ac-
cess to one of the most exact working atomic clocks in the world. It is run by the Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt (PTB) in Braunschweig/Germany. Time and date are broad­casted by the DCF77 long-wave sender in Frankfurt/Mainflingen in Germany on a frequency of 77,5 kHz. The broadcasted time and date information are CET/CEST. The range of DCF77 is about 2000km.
EMC Prof NET (19“) receives the DCF77 signal, using an ac­tive antenna. The received time and date information can be published in a network using NTP or via serial interface to a single PC.
EMC Prof NET (19“) acts as stand-alone SNTP-Server. All PCs in the network can synchronise with EMC Prof NET (19“).
EMC Prof NET (19“) was designed for a safe implementation in a environment, which is polluted by electro-magnetic inter­ferences. To secure a proper receive, EMC Prof NET (19“) is equipped with a precise electronic.
In case of longer receiving problems, EMC Prof NET (19“) automatically switches to its internal battery buffered real time clock and provides further on the exact time and date. When the quality of the received signal has gone good enough again, EMC Prof NET (19“) switches back to radio time.
Features of EMC Prof NET (19“):
Digital filter and intelligent failure correction Signal monitor with LED line Battery buffered real time clock Stand-alone Time server (SNTP) Νetwork configuration via DHCP Configuration over Ethernet (HTTP) Programmable Relais switch (without potential) Syslog SNMP (v1, v2c)
Figure 1 Front EMC Prof NET
Figure 2 Rear EMC Prof NET
3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 111 2
1 Display 2 Radio Time LED 3 RS232 LED 4 Clock rate LED 5 Signalmonitor 6 Ethernet connector (RJ45)
Figure 3 Front EMC Prof NET 19“
Figure 4 Rear EMC Prof NET 19“
12, 3, 4 5 6 78 91011 12
7 Relay contact (without potential) 8 Serial interface (RS232) 9 Bootloader button 10 Power inlet 11 Connector for Active antenna (BNC) 12 Power switch (only EMC Prof NET 19“)
2 Hardware
2.1 Content of delivery
The delivery includes:
EMC Prof NET (19“) Power adaptor (EMC Prof NET) /
Power cable IEC (EMC Prof NET 19“)
Serial Interface Cable (Sub-D) Network cable CD-ROM incl. software and manual Active antenna (only in EMC Prof NET (19“)-Set)
EMC Professional NET
2.2 Installation
1. Connect the active antenna and the power adaptor/power cable with the connectors at the device. If you are using EMC Prof NET 19“, activate the device. EMC Prof NET (19“) is now booting and shortly after ready for usage.
2. Connect EMC Prof NET (19“) with your network or via serial interface with your pc.
2.3 Display
After power on the LC display shows the configuration and the version of the firmware.
After a few seconds EMC Prof NET (19“) shows its IP address followed by the up-to-date time and date.
First EMC Prof NET (19“) is in quarz mode. Beside the time “Quarz” is shown in the display. Even in quarz mode EMC Prof NET (19”) is completely ready for use.
Config: Gude
15:39:53 Quarz
We 04.Jun 2008
It looks for a proper radio signal. Approximatly after two minutes EMC Prof NET (19“) has received enough information to switch into the radio mode. Then it shows “F=...” in the display, which means the number of faulty received bytes within in the last ten minutes.
When you receive a good signal quality, the LED line will swing fully once a second and the clock LED will blink every second. The radio time LED will shine green constantly.
15:39:53 ok F=00
We 04.Jun 2008
EMC Professional NET
11EMC Professional NET
2.4 Alignment of the active antenna
Local issues may have influ­ences on the received quality of the signal. Barriers like re­inforced concrete buildings or mountains may weaken the sig­nal, the electromagnetic fields of screens or motors may disturb the signal, too.
EMC Prof NET (19“) was de­veloped in aspect to be used in an electro-magnetic disturbed environment. With its active an­tenna and optimized electronic, EMC Prof NET (19“) offers a good receiving even in such ambience.
To obtain a good receiving, please attend to the following hints:
Do not place the antenna near by or directly on metallic,
or conductive objects.
Place the antenna near by a window. If neccessary it
is possible to mount the antenna outsides, in this case make sure, that there is an adequate lightning proctec­tion.
Do not place the antenna parallel to telephon/network or
power cables.
Change the direction and the position of the antenna
until you get a good receive quality (See figure 5).
Since the time signal moves cir­cular from the sender in frankfurt/ Mainflingen, you will get the best receive if you place the antenna tangential to these circles.
Figure 5 Alignment of the active antenna
11EMC Professional NET
Interferences may be exactly at 77,5 kHz or broadband
interferences, which meet 77,5 kHz. Devices like moni­tors or devices using a power adaptor are known jam­ming sources. Do not place the antenna near by those objects.
Athmospheric interferences occur like shortwave radio
in batches, up to a few seconds. To secure the received quality, we recommend to change the location of the antenna.
When you receive a good signal quality, the LED line will swing fully once a second and the clock LED will blink every second. The radio time LED will shine green constantly.
EMC Professional NET
13EMC Professional NET
3.1 EMC Prof NET (19“) as SNTP-Server
Due to its integrated ethernet interface EMC Prof NET (19“) can be connected to a network and is able to act as a stand alone time server. The SNTP protocol allows client in the network to synchronize the time with EMC Prof NET (19“).
3 Network operation
3.2 Time synchronization as SNTP-Server
The following chapters show how to synchronize your PC clock with EMC Prof NET (19“) while using a MS Windows OS.
3.2.1 Windows XP/Vista
If you are using Windows XP or Vista, you do not need additional software to synchronize your PC with EMC Prof NET (19“) First, open the date and time information by double clicking on the clock in the task bar. Now choose the tab Internet time and enter the IP address of EMC Prof NET (19“) into the field Server (see figure 6). By clicking at Update you can check the syn­chronization. Close the configuration by clicking at OK. Win­dows will automatically synchronize the time from now on.
Figure 6 Internet time at Windows XP
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