GUAV Intelligent Technologies 280CF User Manual

1. In box
2. General Safety Precautions an d Warnings
3. Charging the Flight Battery
4. CROSSFIRE components intr od uc ti on
5. The Propellers Assembly and Rotati ng d ir ection check.
6. Tra ns mi tt er Control layout
7. Binding
8. ARMED the main flight controlle r sy st em
9. DISARM the main flight controll er s ys tem
10. Remote Controller O pe ra tion
11. Quick start flight procedure s
12. Parts list
1.I n box
28 0
2 3
3 4
4 5
6 6
6 7 8
Tra nsmitte r
Specifi cations :
Ma in r ot or s:6045*4 Fl ig ht weight: 580g Mo to rs: 2204 brus hl es s motor *4 ES C: 1 5AM brushle ss E SC Receiver : 2.4Gh z, 8 channel receiver Transmi tt er : 2 .4 Gh z,8 channel Ba tt er y : 3s ,11.1V,22 00mAh Ca me ra:720P
Aircraf t
Propell er
USB cable
3.Charging the flight battery
E3 comes wi th the buil t in power su pply. You ca n connect t he AC p ower co rd t o the AC socket ( 100-240 V AC) direct ly.
1) Insert t he AC power co rd into the c harger.
2) Insert t he AC cord int o a wall sock et (100-2 40V). ALL LEDs will green and f lash red to i ndicate t he charge r is ready to c harge.
3) Connec t battery b alance wi re to balan ce port whi ch is in fron t side of the c harge, fl ter 2 cecon ds, the cha rge detec ts the volt age of the batt ery and sta rts to char ge.
4) The ch arge star ts chargi ng.The LE Ds will gol w constan t red.If the batte ry pack is 2- cell, Cel l 1 and Cell 2 LE Ds will glo w constan t red; if the b attery pa ck is 3-cel l, Cell 1, Ce ll 2 and Cell 3 LEDs will g low const ant red.
5) When a cel l is comple tely char ged, its co rrespon ding LED wi ll glow cons tant gree n. A 2-cell pac k is fully ch arged whe n LE Ds 1 and 2 are con stant gre en. For 3-c ell pack, a ll LEDs wil l gl ow constan t green to in dicate th e pack is ful ly charge d.
6) Unplug t he batter y from the ch arge and th e charge st atus LED will stay g reen and fl ash red whi ch indica tes the cha rg er is rea dy to charge a nother ba ttery.
Specifi cations :
AC Input: 100-240 VC,50-6 0Hz Battery Type: LiP o Cell Coun t: 2-3 cell s Charge Cu rrent: 1. 2A Max Cell Term inate Volt age: 4.2V ± 0 .02V Circuit P ower: 11W ± 10% Dimensi on: 88x57 x35mm Weigh t:103g
Power lin e
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