Guardian Interlock WR3 User Manual

© GIS Australasia Pty Limited
GIS099 QLD WR3 User Instructions
Version 5.3
Responsibility: Admin Dept.
Current Release: 16 December 2016
QMS – QLD Quality Plan
Only electronic copy on server is controlled
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Guardian Interlock Systems Australasia Pty Limited ABN 47 062 932 932 8/11 Packard Avenue, Castle Hill, NSW, 2154 Tel: 02 8853 6200 Email: Fax: 02 8853 6201
QLD Interlock Program
Servicing is your responsibility. A “Missed Service
message indicates the date after which it will go into PERMANENT LOCKOUT. Ensure that you arrange for service to be completed prior to this date.
1. Caution ......................................................................................... 5
2. Economy of Operation................................................................ 5
3. Concession & Financial Assistance ......................................... 5
4. Operating Instructions................................................................ 6
4.1 General ................................................................................... 6
4.2 Taking a Test .......................................................................... 6
4.3 Failed Test .............................................................................. 8
5. Trouble Shooting Your Testing Technique .............................. 8
6. Stall Protect Feature ................................................................... 9
7. Retests ....................................................................................... 10
7.1 Failed Retest ........................................................................ 11
7.2 Retests not Taken ................................................................ 12
8. Illegal Starting of Vehicle ......................................................... 12
9. Servicing and Recalls ............................................................... 13
9.1 Scheduled Servicing ............................................................. 13
9.2 Checking Service Dates ....................................................... 13
9.3 Early Service ........................................................................ 14
9.4 Immediate Recall .................................................................. 14
9.5 Entering Codes ..................................................................... 15
10. Non-Compliance with Program Conditions............................ 15
11. Power Aspects .......................................................................... 16
11.1 Disconnecting the Vehicle Battery........................................ 16
12. Disconnecting the Handset ...................................................... 16
12.1 Sleep Mode .......................................................................... 17
13. Care of the WR3 ........................................................................ 18
14. Other Servicing of Your Vehicle .............................................. 19
15. Program Violations ................................................................... 19
16. Additional Functions ................................................................ 20
16.1 Volume Control ..................................................................... 20
16.2 Clock Adjustment (Daylight Savings) ................................... 21
16.3 Automatic Wake Up .............................................................. 21
16.4 Standby ................................................................................ 22
17. Service Centres ......................................................................... 23
18. Complaints ................................................................................. 23
19. Privacy ....................................................................................... 24
20. Removal of Interlock ................................................................. 24
20.1 Removal of Interlock Condition ............................................ 25
21. General Assistance ................................................................... 25
21.1 24 Hour Technical Support Line ........................................... 25
21.2 Electrical Interference ........................................................... 26
22. Override ..................................................................................... 26
23. Emergency Override ................................................................. 26
24. Messages Displayed ................................................................. 30
24.1 Unscheduled Service Recall Messages ............................... 30
24.2 Messages A-Z ...................................................................... 32
25. TERMS AND CONDITIONS ....................................................... 36
QLD INTERLOCK PROGRAM – FEE SCHEDULE ......................... 47
1. Before reading the rest of this manual, the user should be aware of the difference between the ‘Press’ command and the ‘Press and Hold’ command. The ‘Press’ command is a press and release of the button, whereas the ‘Press and Hold’ command, is a prolonged pressing of the button.
2. Read all instructions completely before operating the interlock.
3. Try to avoid others using the interlock as you will be held accountable for all events on the log.
4. If you are uncertain of any aspect of the operation of the interlock please contact Guardian or your service centre.
1. Caution
Blood Alcohol Content (BAC) can rise for up to two hours after your last drink. Users of the Guardian WR3 interlock are advised that care should be taken if a BAC reading close to their designated BAC lockout level is indicated.
It can take ten hours or more for the blood alcohol level to return to zero after a high blood alcohol level has been reached. This may lead to failed tests that will show on your record.
Mouthwash and some medications generate high levels of BAC readings for short periods of time – please ensure that you wait at least 15 minutes after using mouthwash or taking medication before attempting a test. Rinsing your mouth with water may reduce chances of receiving a high BAC from these products when attempting a test.
Many foods and drinks generate low level BAC readings for short periods of time – please ensure that you wait at least 5 minutes after eating or drinking anything before attempting a test. If possible, rinse your mouth out with some water.
2. Economy of Operation
Installation and monitoring costs are significant and non-compliance could result in additional fees. Please read these instructions carefully, and comply with the service dates so that you don’t become locked out by your own actions, and end up paying extra (and avoidable) fees.
3. Concession & Financial Assistance
There is a concession available for participants who hold a valid Centrelink Health Care Card issued by the Australian Government. The Queensland Department of Transport and Main Roads (TMR) may also provide other financial assistance for eligible interlock drivers. For further details and the latest information please contact TMR on 13 23 80 or visit the following website:
4. Operating Instructions
4.1 General
The WR3 is designed to prevent a driver operating the vehicle if there is alcohol present, and a BAC of 0.02%BAC or above is recorded. The WR3 displays information to the operator by an LCD screen, tones and colours displayed on the handset connector where the handset plugs in.
4.2 Taking a Test
To begin, press the right button if the display screen is blank. The screen will
display “Wait” and the status light will be
flashing orange.
(Alternatively, you can disconnect and then reconnect the handset to wake-up the unit)
NOTE: The ignition key must be in the
OFF position before proceeding further.
2 Wait for the Handset to display “Ready for Test” and the status light to change to
flashing green. The wait time will vary depending on the ambient temperature (this may take up to 3 minutes, particularly in cold weather).
Insert a mouthpiece into the Handset.
You should not eat or drink anything
for at least 5 minutes before taking a test.
Blow into the mouthpiece with moderate and constant force while simultaneously making a “Hum” sound. When the correct technique is used, the WR3 will generate a continuous tone to indicate adequate air flow. Do not stop blowing until you hear a beep from the Handset. The Handset will display “Wait”, followed by the test result within 10 seconds of test completion.
If you blew incorrectly, the Handset will
display “Hum Louder”, “Blow Softer” “Blow Longer” or “Blow Longer and Harder. Wait for the Handset to display Ready for Test” before trying again.
If “Start Motor” is displayed and the status
light is solid green, you passed the breath test. The BAC reading result will appear on the display. A pass BAC is between 0.00 and 0.019% BAC.
You must now start the vehicle in the normal fashion.
Important: Attempting to turn the ignition
on in the vehicle prior to the “Start Motor”
message appearing will result in “Key off” message.
Once the WR3 detects the motor running, a Drive Safely” message will be displayed.
4.3 Failed Test
A fail will be followed by a Lock Out message on the display followed by the BAC reading recorded. The vehicle cannot be started and the driver will be prevented from attempting another test for at least 5 minutes (countdown will appear on the LCD screen).
If a second fail BAC test follows, a Lockout period of 30 minutes will apply (countdown will appear on the LCD screen). A fail BAC is 0.020%BAC and above.
5. Trouble Shooting Your Testing Technique
Taking the test can be daunting once “you’re on your own” and it is easy to
become flustered. There are four parts to the test, namely: a) Pressure – a blow of sufficient pressure is indicated by a tone. The
aim should be to conduct the test at as low a pressure as possible.
b) Duration – you have to provide an adequate breath sample for about
five seconds, or until the handset clicks.
c) Hum – you have to hum as you are blowing. You will need to
maintain your breath level throughout the test while humming.
d) Breath band – the device will accept breath pressures between
upper and lower levels – The display and associated tones will guide you if you are not doing it correctly. Blow Softer means just that, to blow softer. Blow Longer and Harder normally means “don’t let your breath drop off midway through the test”.
Hint: Get rid of all distractions, or if you can’t, try focusing on the handset
when taking the test to give a better chance of success.
6. Stall Protect Feature
If the motor is turned OFF for a short time, you can restart it within three minutes without taking another breath test. This is a safety feature called
Stall Protect” which allows you to quickly restart the motor if it stalls.
Attempt to start the vehicle by using the
ignition key. If the unit is in stall protect, it will restart without a test.
Or, check the message displayed on the
Handset - if “Restart Available” is displayed, you can start the vehicle without a breath test.
To cancel the Restart feature, press and hold
the right button.
1b If “Ready for Test” is displayed, you need to
pass a breath test to start the vehicle.
7. Retests
The system will require retests on a random time basis as long as the vehicle remains in operation. The display will indicate Retest and a double beep will sound. The first retest will occur 3 to 10 minutes from starting the vehicle. Subsequent retests will be 15 to 60 minutes after a pass result.
The technique involved in taking a retest is the same as a test prior to starting the vehicle.
NOTE: If a retest request does occur, the driver must properly
complete a test, otherwise a recorded program violation may occur.
1 The Handset will display “Retest, and the status light will be flashing green.
The retest must be conducted with the vehicle stopped, and within 7 minutes of the retest request indication.
NOTE: Retests will be required at random times whenever the motor is running.
Do not take a retest while driving. Always bring the vehicle to a safe stop off the roadway before attempting a retest. You will have several minutes to do this.
Do not turn off the engine for a retest.
Blow into the mouthpiece with moderate
force while simultaneously making a “Hum”
sound. Do not stop blowing until you hear a beep from the Handset. The Handset will display “Wait”, followed by the test result.
If you blew incorrectly, the Handset will
display “Hum Louder”, “Blow Softer” or “Blow Longer and Harder”. Wait for the Handset to display “Retest” before trying
Observe the message displayed on the Handset.
If “Drive Safely” is displayed and the status
light is solid green, you passed the breath test.
The driver should not leave the vehicle while the retest request indication is active because a program violation could result. Once the retest has been successfully completed, you may continue on your way.
7.1 Failed Retest
If a BAC result occurs during a retest, a Pull Over, Turn Off Motormessage is displayed, the status light will flash red and a tone will sound to indicate the driver has 3 minutes to turn the engine off.
You must safely park the vehicle and turn OFF the motor, then press and hold the right button to cancel the Restart feature.
Lockout will be displayed on the
Handset, and the status light will be solid red. You cannot restart the vehicle, and must wait until the lockout period expires before attempting another test. A countdown timer shows the lockout time remaining.
Failure to turn off the engine within the 3 minute period will trigger the alarm to sound, indicators flash, and an immediate recall will be initiated. The service reminder will be reset to the day of the event, and the display will indicate “Immediate Recall 6” along with the final date the vehicle can be driven before the interlock will enter Permanent Lockout.
An Immediate Recall 1will be triggered where 1 failed retest is recorded, see section 25. Messages Displayed for further details. The interlock will need to be serviced at the participant’s expense.
NOTE: Do not attempt another breath test until you are sure your alcohol level is below the fail limit. A second or subsequent failed test may result in a longer lockout period (approximately 30 minutes).
7.2 Retests not Taken
If a retest is not taken and passed within 7 minutes after a retest is
requested, the interlock will enter a Missed Retest condition. “Missed Retest” will be displayed, and the alarm horn will sound, and hazard lights
will flash. To stop the alarm, you may either provide a breath test, or turn the ignition off and hold the right hand button on the interlock in until the alarm stops.
If the test is not passed, or the motor is not shut off and the right button pressed, the service reminder will be reset to 7 days, and the display will
indicate “Immediate Recall 5” along with the final date the vehicle can be
driven before the interlock will enter Permanent Lockout. This message means that the interlock will need to be reset by the Service Centre at the Program Participant’s additional expense before the date displayed.
8. Illegal Starting of Vehicle
If the vehicle is started by hot wiring, or push-starting, the display will indicate “Start Violation”. This is a program violation and will trigger an immediate recall. The service reminder will be reset to 7 days, and the
display will indicate “Immediate Recall 7” along with the final date the
vehicle can be driven before the interlock will enter permanent lockout. This message means that the interlock will need to be reset by the Service Provider at the program participant’s additional expense within 7 days, after which the device will enter a Permanent Lockout condition. This is a recorded program violation and will incur additional charges for the participant.
9. Servicing and Recalls
9.1 Scheduled Servicing
7 days before the scheduled service date, after every retest, the display will
indicate “Service Due” and the date and time that the vehicle is required
for routine service. This will appear every time the interlock device is powered up as well as for 5 minutes after the motor is shut off. You can also check this date prior to this reminder period by holding the left hand button to access the menu, use the left button to scroll to “Service Dates and selecting with the right hand button.
You should contact the service centre and confirm your appointment. A Missed Appointment fee may be applied if you return for your service after the given date.
If the vehicle is not serviced on the Service date, the display will indicate
Missed Service” and the final date the vehicle can be driven before the
interlock will enter Permanent Lockout. This new date will be 7 days after the original due date for service, the WR3 will enter a PERMANENT LOCKOUT after this date and time. This is a recorded program violation and will incur additional charges for the participant.
Failure to return to the Service Centre for inspection of the interlock device and downloading of data as required is a Program Violation. Queensland Department of Transport and Main Roads (TMR) will be advised and they may apply the appropriate program sanctions.
9.2 Checking Service Dates
The WR3 interlock must be serviced at regular intervals, as specified by TMR. A service reminder will be displayed on the handset starting 7 days before the service date. The next service date, as well as the time of your service appointment, can also be viewed in the user menu as follows:
Press and hold the left button to access the user menu.
Use the left button to scroll to Service Date.
Press the right button to select this option.
Press the left button until the Service Date is displayed.
You need to return for service before the date and time displayed expires.
After you are finished reviewing the date, press and hold the right button to exit the Service Date submenu.
Select Exit to return to normal operations.
9.3 Early Service
If an event has occurred that requires corrective action, an Early Recall message will be displayed. It will show a number for the recall and a date/time. The reference number given is the reason for the early service, and the date is 7 days after the event. If the vehicle is not brought in on the due date, the display will indicate "Missed Service" and the missed appointment date. 7 days after the due date for service, the interlock device will enter a PERMANENT LOCKOUT. This is a recorded program violation and will incur additional charges for the participant. TMR will be advised and they will apply the appropriate program sanctions.
9.4 Immediate Recall
If a Program Violation occurs an Immediate Recall message will be displayed. It will show a reference number and a date/time. The number displayed is the reason for the Immediate Recall, and the date is the date of the lockout. The vehicle is immediately in the “Missed Service situation. After this date, the interlock will enter a PERMANENT LOCKOUT, and will incur additional charges for the participant. TMR will be advised and they will apply the appropriate program sanctions.
9.5 Entering Codes
Once a code has been obtained from Guardian head Office, and payment made. Follow the below instructions to enter the code.
Press and hold the left button.  Scroll through the options pressing the left button until the
desired option is displayed on the screen (e.g. “Reset”).
Press the right button to enter. “RESET CODE” and “0000
OK?will be displayed.
The code must now be entered.
o Press the right button to scroll through to the correct
numerical value for the first number.
o Press the left button to move the cursor to the next number. o Continue for all digits.
Once all 4 numbers are correct press the left
button until the cursor is under the “OK?”. Press the right
button to accept the entry.
For the Reset code, you will now be required to enter the sub code. This is entered the same way as the previous code.
Upon successful entry of both codes, the WR3 will make a high
beep and display the new lockout date and return to “Wait” or
“Ready for Test”. The new service date has been set.
10. Non-Compliance with Program Conditions
The interlock device fitted to your car is meant to keep you under supervision and control. Its features and performance have been developed to ensure that any non-compliance is recorded, and will generate an EARLY or IMMEDIATE RECALL, or potentially, a PERMANENT LOCKOUT in the event of circumvention or tampering. EARLY or IMMEDIATE recalls will incur additional expenses to the user. In addition, the Installers, Service Providers and Guardian are required to advise TMR of any tampering or circumvention detected.
TMR expects participants to return their vehicle on, or before, the scheduled service date (printed on your invoice). While there is a period of
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