GuangZhou Walkera Technology DEVO12 Users Manual

User Manual for DEVO-12
Part one: General information...................................................................................................... 5
1.0 Gen eral in forma tion........................................................................................................................................5
1.1 Foreword................................................................................................................................................5
1.2 Imp ortan t st a temen ts....................................................................................................... .......................6
1.3 Safety needing attention..........................................................................................................................6
1.4 Attention before flight..............................................................................................................................6
2.0 Feature s.........................................................................................................................................................7
2.2 Features of RX1201................................................................................................................................7
3.0 Specification...................................................................................................................................................8
3.2 Receiver specification.............................................................................................................................8
4.0 Definition of DEVO-12.....................................................................................................................................9
4.1 Panel definition.......................................................................................................................................9
4.2 Rear definition......................................................................................................................................10
4.3 Wirin g Diagra m.....................................................................................................................................11
4.4 Function keys in panel..........................................................................................................................12
5.0 Control stick adjustment................................................................................................................................12
5.1 Control stick length adjustment .......................................................................................................12
5.2 Control stick tension adjustment............................................................................................................13
6.0 Neck strap usage..........................................................................................................................................13
7.0 Stick mode switch...................................................................................................................................14
8.0 Switches between left-hand and right-hand throttles ................................................................................16
8.1 Right-hand throttle switched to left-hand throttle.....................................................................................16
8.2 Left-hand throttle switched to right-hand throttle...............................................................................20
5.5 Stick tension adjustment............................................................................................错误!未定义书签。
9.0 T ra in ing funct ion.......................................................................................................... .................................22
10.0 Customized fixed ID....................................................................................................................................25
11.0 Instal lation requirements for receiv er............................................................................................................28
12.0 Installation requirement for DEVO-12 Battery pack.......................................................................................29
12.1 Matters needing attention on battery pack............................................................................................30
12.2 DEVO-12 battery charging..................................................................................................................30
12.3 Voltage parameters.............................................................................................................................31
12.4 Indication for charging status...............................................................................................................31
Part two: Helicopter................................................................................................................... 32
1.0 System menu.........................................................................................................................................32
1.1 Language setting..................................................................................................................................34
1.2 Skin selection.......................................................................................................................................34
1.3 Display.................................................................................................................................................35
1.4 Buzzer warning.....................................................................................................................................36
1.5 Date & Time.........................................................................................................................................36
1.6 TFT screen calibration ..........................................................................................................................38
1.7 Stick mode...........................................................................................................................................39
1.8 Stick and lever......................................................................................................................................39
1.9 Power amplifier.....................................................................................................................................41
1.10 About..................................................................................................................................................42
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2.0 Model menu.................................................................................................................................................42
2.1 Model select.........................................................................................................................................42
2.2 Model name..........................................................................................................................................43
2.3 Model copy...........................................................................................................................................44
2.4 Model wireless copy..............................................................................................................................46
2.5 Model reset...........................................................................................................................................48
2.6 Typ e sele c t...........................................................................................................................................49
2.7 Tr i m s y s tem..........................................................................................................................................50
2.8 Stick position........................................................................................................................................51
2.9 Warn ing ................................................................................................................................................53
2.10 Device select......................................................................................................................................54
2.11 Device Output.....................................................................................................................................56
2.12 Swash type.........................................................................................................................................59
2.13 Fixed ID..............................................................................................................................................60
3.0 Fun ction M enu..............................................................................................................................................63
3.1 Reverse Switch.....................................................................................................................................63
3.2 Trav el ad ju st.........................................................................................................................................64
3.3 Sub Trim ..............................................................................................................................................64
3.4 Dual Rate and Exponential....................................................................................................................65
3.5 Throttle hold.........................................................................................................................................70
3.6 Throttle curve.......................................................................................................................................72
3.7 Mix to throttle........................................................................................................................................74
3.8 Gyro sens o r..........................................................................................................................................75
3.9 Gov ernor..............................................................................................................................................77
3.10 Tail curve............................................................................................................................................78
3.11 Dual pitch...........................................................................................................................................79
3.12 Swash mix..........................................................................................................................................81
3.13 Pitch curve..........................................................................................................................................82
3.14 Program mix.......................................................................................................................................85
3.15 Monitor...............................................................................................................................................89
3.16 Fail safe..............................................................................................................................................89
3.17 Trainer................................................................................................................................................91
3.18 Timer..................................................................................................................................................94
Part three: Airplane.................................................................................................................... 97
1.0 System menu.........................................................................................................................................97
1.1 Language setting..................................................................................................................................98
1.2 Skin selection.......................................................................................................................................98
1.3 Display.................................................................................................................................................99
1.4 Buzzer warning...................................................................................................................................100
1.5 Date & Time.......................................................................................................................................101
1.6 TFT screen calibration ........................................................................................................................102
1.7 Stick mode......................................................................................................................................... 103
1.8 Stick and lever.................................................................................................................................... 103
1.9 Power amplifier...................................................................................................................................105
1.10 About.....................................................................................................................
........................... 106
2.0 Model menu...............................................................................................................................................106
2.1 Model select.......................................................................................................................................107
2.2 Model name........................................................................................................................................107
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2.3 Model copy.........................................................................................................................................109
2.4 Model wireless copy............................................................................................................................110
2.5 Model reset.........................................................................................................................................112
2.6 Typ e sele c t.........................................................................................................................................113
2.7 Tr i m s y s tem........................................................................................................................................114
2.8 Stick position......................................................................................................................................115
2.9 Warn ing ..............................................................................................................................................117
2.10 Device select.................................................................................................................................... 118
2.11 Device Output...................................................................................................................................120
2.12 Wi n g type.........................................................................................................................................124
2.13 Fixed ID............................................................................................................................................130
3.0 Fun ction M enu............................................................................................................................................133
3.1 Reverse switch...................................................................................................................................133
3.2 Trav el ad ju st....................................................................................................................................... 133
3.3 Sub trim..............................................................................................................................................134
3.4 Dual rate and exponential ...................................................................................................................135
3.5 Throttle hold.......................................................................................................................................138
3.6 Throttle curve..................................................................................................................................... 140
3.7 Snap roll.............................................................................................................................................143
3.8 Differential..........................................................................................................................................145
3.9 Balance..............................................................................................................................................148
3.10 Gyro sensor......................................................................................................................................149
3.11 Governor..........................................................................................................................................151
3.12 Aileron to Rudder Mix........................................................................................................................152
3.13 Elevator to flap mix...........................................................................................................................153
3.14 Rudder to aileron/elevator mix...........................................................................................................154
3.15 Flap system......................................................................................................................................156
3.16 Aileron to flap mix.............................................................................................................................158
3.17 Pitch curve........................................................................................................................................159
3.18 Program mix.....................................................................................................................................162
3.19 Monitor.............................................................................................................................................165
3.20 Fail safe............................................................................................................................................
3.21 Trainer..............................................................................................................................................167
3.22 Timer................................................................................................................................................170
Part four: Glider........................................................................................................................173
1.0 System menu.............................................................................................................................................173
1.1 Language setting................................................................................................................................174
1.2 Skin selection.....................................................................................................................................174
1.3 Display...............................................................................................................................................175
1.4 Buzzer warning...................................................................................................................................175
1.5 Date & Time.......................................................................................................................................176
1.6 TFT screen calibration ........................................................................................................................178
1.7 Stick mode......................................................................................................................................... 179
1.8 Stick and lever.................................................................................................................................... 179
1.9 Power amplifier...................................................................................................................................181
1.10 About................................................................................................................................................182
2.0 Model menu...............................................................................................................................................182
2.1 Model select.......................................................................................................................................182
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2.2 Model name........................................................................................................................................183
2.3 Model copy.........................................................................................................................................184
2.4 Model wireless copy............................................................................................................................186
2.5 Model reset.........................................................................................................................................188
2.6 Typ e sele c t.........................................................................................................................................189
2.7 Tr i m s y s tem........................................................................................................................................190
2.8 Stick position......................................................................................................................................191
2.9 Warn ing ..............................................................................................................................................193
2.10 Device select.................................................................................................................................... 194
2.11 Device Output...................................................................................................................................196
2.12 Wi n g type.........................................................................................................................................200
2.13 Fixed ID............................................................................................................................................203
3.0 Fun ction menu............................................................................................................................................206
3.1 Reverse switch...................................................................................................................................206
3.2 Trav el ad ju st....................................................................................................................................... 207
3.3 Sub trim..............................................................................................................................................208
3.4 Dual rate and exponential ...................................................................................................................209
3.5 Motor hold..........................................................................................................................................212
3.6 Fla p eron mix.......................................................................................................................................213
3.7 Camber system..................................................................................................................................214
3.8 Differential..........................................................................................................................................216
3.9 Balance..............................................................................................................................................217
3.10 Gyro sensor......................................................................................................................................218
3.11 Rudder to spoiler mix........................................................................................................................219
3.12 Aileron to rudder mix.........................................................................................................................220
3.13 Elevator to flap mix...........................................................................................................................222
3.14 Aileron to flap mix.............................................................................................................................223
3.15 Flap to tip-aileron mix........................................................................................................................223
3.16 Flap rate...........................................................................................................................................224
3.17 Brake system....................................................................................................................................225
3.18 Program mix.....................................................................................................................................227
3.19 Monitor.............................................................................................................................................231
3.20 Fail safe............................................................................................................................................231
3.21 Trainer..............................................................................................................................................232
3.22 Timer................................................................................................................................................236
Welcome to use DEVO-12 transmitter. Note: rea d thoroughl y the manual b efore using , and keep it i n a safe p lace for th e
future reference.
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User Manual of DEVO-12 transmitter
Part one: General information
1.0 General information
1.1 Foreword
DEVO-12 takes 2.4GHz Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum (DSSS) technology, features automatic ID binding, automatic ID assignment, and also features custom izedly fixed ID setup . The usage of wireless copy function keeps you away from the tr oubl e in wi re l ink- up. Three m ode types of Hel icopter, Airpl ane, and Gli der are avai lable t o meet your req uir ements f or differ ent model s. Touch scr een w ith w ide area is us ed and it off ers you co nvenient op eration. U SB Online updat e technolog y ensures one transmitter in hand forever not to be out of date and makes it full of vigor.
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1.2 Important statements
1) The transmitter is suitable for experienced radio controlled aircraft modelers beyond 14 years old.
2) Flying the model aircraft in approved ground is a must.
3) We are not respons ible f or any safety c aused b y operati on, usage or control as soon as the transmitter is sold out.
4) We consign our distributors to offer technical support and service after sale. Please contact the local distributors for problem solutions caused by usage, operation, maintenance, etc.
1.3 Safety nee ding attention
1) Far away from obstacle and people.
RC air cr af t i n f l ig ht s i s uncer t ain of f l i g ht speed and s tat us, which p otenti al ri sk ex is ts in when f lying. Please keep your r adio contr olled ai rcr aft far aw ay from peopl e, high buildings, high-tension line, etc, and avoid operating in rain, storms, thunder and lightening.
2) Away from humidity environment
Radio contr olled ai rcraf t should be kep t away f rom humidity and vapor because i t is composed of complicated precise electronic elements and mechanic parts.
3) Proper operation
Use orig inal spare par ts to upgrade, m odify or maintain your equipm ent in order to assure its safety. Please operate your equipment within the range of functions permitted. It is forbidden to use out of the safety laws or regulations.
4) Safety operation
Operate your equipment according to your body status and flight skills. Fatigue, listlessness and mis-operation will increase the po ssibilit ies of accidental hazard.
5) Away from heat sources
The inside of the transmitter is composed of precise electronic components and mechanical parts. Keep it far away form heat sources and sunshine to avoid distortion, or even damage caused by high temperature.
6) Correct charging method
Use the assor ted charg er to charg e the batter y for your DEVO -12. The usag e of the charger should be within the range of rated voltage.
1.4 Attention before flight
1) Ensure the battery packs of both transmitter and receiver are fully saturated.
2) Ensure both the throttl e stick and the thrott le trim of your DEVO-12 stay at the lowest positions before operation.
3) Strictly obey the order of TURN-ON and TURN-OFF before operation. When starting your flig ht, turn on your DEVO- 12 first, and connect the battery to the aircraft l ast. W hen tur ni ng off the ai r cr aft, disconnec t the b atter y f i r st, and tur n off your DEVO- 12 last. An upset i n t he or der m ay caus e your ai rc raft out of contr ol.
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Cultivate a correct habit of turn-on and turn-off.
4) Ensure whether the directions and actions of all the servos in your RC aircraft are correct when executing commands of the tr ansmitter. Using broken serv os will result in unforeseen dangers.
2.0 Features
2.1 Features of DEVO-12
1) The DEVO-12 adopts 2.4 GHz Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum (DSSS) technology and features both automatic ID binding and ID assignment. It can also be customizedly set as fixed ID code.
2) USB online update makes you always enjoy the latest program.
3) Hi-frequency output power is adjustable.
4) W ireless data transm iss ion betw een tw o DEVO-12 hel ps exp eri ence the tr aini ng function.
5) Up to 60-model data can be saved.
6) DEVO-12 adjusti ng the gyro sensi tivity m akes hoveri ng flight and f ancy flight i n an easy way.
7) Ultra big size TFT touch screen with graphic interface features direct and convenient setting.
8) Shape design accords with human engineering, and provides comfortable holding.
9) Both the length and ten sion of the sticks can be amendable.
10) DEVO-12 can be freely switched among Modes 1, 2, 3, and 4.
11) D EVO-12 i s sui table for Helic opter, Airpl ane, and Gli der. In the Helic opter mode, there are f our fli ght modes, each of whi ch can be freel y set and its param eters can be per sonali zedly adj usted t o m eet the req uir ement f or F3C or 3D aerob atic flight.
2.2 Features of RX1201
1) Adopt 2.4GHz Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum (DSSS) that features fast reaction and strong anti-jamming protection.
2) Double receiving circuits ef fectively assu re stability of receiving signal.
3) The single chip as CPU provides super-strong analyzing ability.
4) RX-12 maintains memories of both the frequency and ID code when it’s changed a new battery pack with DEVO-12 powered on
5) It can be customizedly set as fixed ID and automatic ID assignment. .
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3.0 Specification
3.1 DEVO-12 specification
Encoder ………………………..12-channel micro computer system Frequency ……………………... 2.4GHz DSSS Output power ………………….. 100 mW Current drain …………………… 400 mA (at 100 mW)
Power supply ………………….... LiPo 3.7V 3,000 mAh
Output pulse ……………………. 1000 – 2000 mS (1500 Neutral)
3.2 Receiver specification
T ype ………………………………2.4G Hz 1 2 channels Sensitivity ……………………….. 95 dbm Frequency interval ……………… 4 M Weight ………………… ………… 15 g Dimension ………………………. 48.6 X 32 . 3X17.3 mm
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4.0 Definition of DEVO-12
4.1 Panel definition
N/O English Your language N/O English Your language
1 Antenna 17 Hook eyelet 2 AUX 6 18 AUX 6 3 Throttle Hold 19 MIX 4 RUDD D/R 20 TRN 5 GEAR 21 FMOD 6 ELEV D/R 22 AILE D/R 7 AUX 2 23 Right key 8 AUX 4 24 AUX 5 9 Left Key 25 AUX4 10 ELEV/AILE Stick 26 THRO Trim
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11 ELEV Trim 27 Throttle stick 12 RUDD Trim 28 AILE Trim
13 Power SW 29 ENT 14 EXT 30 R+ 15 UP+ 31 L- 16 DN- 32 33
4.2 Rear definition
1. AUX 5
2. Regulation holes for throttle stick tension.
3. Charge socket (CHG): input DC at 5V, 500-1000 mA; Polarity:
4. AUX 4
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5. Battery compartment cover
6. Digital Signal Converter socket (DSC): for simulator flight practice via
computer (You need softw are and its dongle which are available in hobby shops, and for training.
4.3 Wirin g Di a gram
N/O English Your language N/O English Your language
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2 Antenna 11 AUX 1 3 Battery 12 AUX 2 4 Power switch 13 AUX 3 5 Charge jack 14 AUX 4 6 Elevator servo 15 AUX 5 7 Aileron servo 16 AUX 6 8 Throttle servo 17 AUX 7 9 Rudder servo 18
Receiver DEVO-RX1201
10 Gear servo
4.4 Function keys in panel
There are 6 functional keys in the panel of DEVO-12. Below are the details:
1) EXT: Resetting key. Press EXT to exit the menu.
2) ENT: Confirm ation key. Press ENT to get ac cess to the s ystem or the f unction mode.
3) UP+: Function-selecting key. Move cursor up to the forward function item.
4) DN-: Function-selecting key . Move cursor down to the next function item.
5) R+: Move cursor rightwards to increase the setting value.
6) L-: Move cursor leftwards to decrease the setting value.
5.0 Control stick adjustment
The control stick adjustment includes parts: control stick length adjustment and control stick tension adjustment.
5.1 Control stick length adjustment
1) Prolong the stick leng th: CCW rotate the stic k head until the length you desir e, and then CCW tighten the stick sleeve.
2) Shorten t he stick l ength: CW rotate the stic k sleeve unti l the leng th you desi re, and then CW tighten the stick head.
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5.2 Control stick tension adjustment
Clockw ise rotate the sti ck tens ion sc rew thr ough the r egul ation hol e in the r are panel of DEVO-12 for tightening the tension of the corresponding stick by a Phillips screwdriver, and counterclockwise rotate the stick tension screw for loosening the tension.
6.0 Neck strap usage
There is a concealable hook eyelet in the face panel of DEVO-12. It will pop up as you press t he hook eyelet. The neck str ap can be connec ted to the eyelet . The eyelet located at the center helps to get the best balance of your DEVO-12.
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English Your language
1 Concealed status
2 Popup status
3 Hook eyelet
7.0 Stick mode switch
There are total four stick modes from MODE 1 through MODE 4. The left-hand throttle includes M ODE 1 and MODE 3, and the rig ht-hand throttle co ntains MODE 2 an d MODE 4. Below are the sketch maps:
1) Left-hand stick includes MODE 2 and MODE 4.
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2) Right-hand stick includes MODE 1 and MODE 3.
English Your language
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8.0 Switches between left-hand and right-hand
The throt tle sw itches b etween th e left hand an d rig ht hand w ill be successful if both the MECHAN ICAL switch and ELECTRON IC switch are fi nished, separatel y. Below are the methods for switching.
8.1 Right-ha nd throttle switched to left-hand throttle
1) MECHANICAL switch
Open the batt ery compar tment cov er in the rear of your DEVO-12. Push rig htwards and take out the battery pack.
Remove the left lateral, right lateral, and rear non-slipping blocks, respectively.
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English Your language
1 Lateral non-slipping block
2 Rear non-slipping block
3 Remove the block from the semicircle hole
Remove the fixed screws A1~A5, B1~B5, and then remove the base plate.
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English Your language
Base plate
Remove the screws C1 and C2.
Open the left and right switch caps, respectively, and then unscrew the screws C3 and C4. And remove the rear cover. Note: don’t break the wires inside.
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English Your language
Left switch cap Right switch cap
Below are shown the inside views of left and right throttle sets, respectively. Use cross screwdriver to loosen and remove Linkage Fixed Screw, Screw F, Screw G, and Throttle Contr ol Spring in rig ht throttle set, r espectivel y, an d then mount them in the corresponding positions in left throttle set. And then adjust the stick tension according to your habit.
English Your language
Right throttle set Left throttle set Linkage Fixed Screw Throttle Cont rol Spring
2) ELECTRONIC switch
Touch the shortcut icon
to enter System Menu. Touch the shortcut icon
to enter the interface of Stick Mode, and then select the mode you desire.
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Touch The switch from right-hand throttle to left-hand throttle is finished after both the
MECHANICAL and ELECTRONIC switches changed, respectively. And the transmitter is ready to normally work now.
to save and exit after the selection is finished.
8.2 Lef t-hand throttle switched to right-hand throttle
1) MECHANICAL switch
Refer to the above “MECHANICAL switch” to open the transmitter cover. Below are shown the inside views of left and right throttle sets, respectively. Use cross
screwdriver to loosen and remove Linkage Fixed Screw, Screw F, Screw G, and Throttle Con trol Spring in left throttle set, respectively, and then mount them in the corresponding positions in right throttle set. And then adjust the stick tension according to your habit.
2) ELECTRONIC switch
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Touch the shortcut icon to enter System Menu, and then touch the icon
to access to Stick Mode.
The model data will be automatically switched when touching MODE 1 or MODE 3.
The left- an d right-stick posi tions are shown, res pectively, in the lower rig ht corner when MODE 1 is selected.
The left- an d right-stick posi tions are shown, res pectively, in the lower rig ht corner when MODE 3 is selected.
to save and exit after the selection is finished.
The switch from left-hand throttle to right-hand throttle is finished after both the MECHANICAL and ELECTRONIC switches changed, respectively. And the transmitter is ready to work normally.
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Note: pay attention to the strength when removing and adjusting the screws.
Excessive strength may damage them.
9.0 Training function
Two DEVO-12 working together can execute the training function to meet the requirements for the beginners. The setting method is shown as below:
1) Data copy
Using the wirel ess copy function of the tw o DEVO-12 transmi tters, the model data saved in the trainer ’s transmitter can be transmitted to the trainee’s to ensure the model parameters are exactly same. Regarding the copying method, refer to 2.4 Model Wireless Copy at “Part Two: Helicopter”. Then fallow the steps below:
2) Linkage
Insert one end of the sig nal wire into D SC socket at t he rear face of the trainee’s DEVO-12, and then turn on the power. A linkage icon will be shown on t he boot screen. Find out the trainee’s model data.
English Your language
Linkage icon at trainee’s icon
Turn on the power of the trainer’s DEVO-12. Find out the trainee’s model data, and let the trainer’s DEVO-12 fly the aircraft model normally . Then turn off the power.
Insert the other end of the digital signal wire into the trainer’s DEVO-12, and then turn on its po wer. A linkage icon will be shown as below:
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English Your language
Linkage icon at trainer’s DEVO-12
English Your language
DSC socket Two ends of digital signal wire
Training status disp lay: when the trainer ’s icon becom es into “X”, the trainee stops flying and the trainer is working; when the trainer’s icon turns into “√”, the trainee is flying and the trainer is in leisure.
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English Your language
Trainee is off and trainer is working Trainee is working and trainer is off
3) Usage method
The traini ng sw itc h should b e w ork ed with t he TRN tr aini ng lev er, which i s located at the right top of DEVO-12.
English Your language
TRN: training lever
If the tr ainer ’s f inger pulls the tr aining lever TRN, a “” is shown in the linkage icon, whic h means the trai nee is c ontrolling the flight; if the trainer releases his finger from the tra ine r lever, an “X” will be sho wn the re, which means the trainee stops controlling.
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4) Setting for training function channels
Trainee is avai lable to get full or part of flight c ontrol power to the aircraft m odel via setting the traini ng function chan nel in the trai ner’s DEVO-12. Below is the setting method:
Touch the shortcut icon in Function M enu to g et acces s to Trainer s creen. The av ail able c hannels ar e show n
below, and the current status of trainer switch TRN is also shown.
to enter Function Menu, and then touch
English Your language
Current status of Trainer Switch (TRN SW)
The usable channels are shown here
Touc h the channel( s) which you desi re to grant t o trainee. The c hannel(s) you have touched will be activated as “Active”. The channels which are not granted to trainee will be kept inhibited. The defau lt setting is “Inhibit”.
to save and exit after finished.
10.0 Customized fixed ID
This setting will bind DEVO-12 and its receiver in a unique corresponding relationship. It will greatly speed up the time of automatic binding when DEVO-12 powered on.
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1) Setting for fixed ID
The setting for fixed ID should be under the status that automatic ID binding is successfully finished. Below is the setting method.
Touc h the i con
in Model Menu.
to e nter M odel Menu, and then ent er Fi xed ID by t ouching the
English Your language
Navigation mark
Touch the navigation mark of the ite m ID Code S et ting. It will expand into two statuses: Off and On. A series of random digits will be shown below after touching On.
English Your language
Touch “On”
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A series of random digits is shown here
A mi ni soft keyboar d is show n in the low er part after touchi ng the r andom digi ts of ID Code
English Your language
Mini soft keyboard
The new ID dig its can be m odif ied by to uching the mi ni soft keyb oard. Touch Match after the n ew ID i s already se t. An enq uiry interf ace of “A re you s ure?” pop up . “ID Code Match … …” will be shown after touching OK.
English Your language
ID Code Setting ID Code Fixed ID Are you sure? Cancelled
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ID Code Match
2) Fixed ID cancellation
Insert the assorted BIND PLUG into the output terminal of BATT before the receiver is powered on, and t hen pl ug 5V DC p ower into oth er output term inal. The red li ght of receiv er will fl ash slowl y. This m eans the fi xed ID c ode has been c ancell ed. Pull out BIND PLUG.
DEVO-12 als o needs t o m ake rel ative c ancell ation and r ever si on after the f ixed ID in receiver is cleared out.
In the m ai n i nter face touc h the ico n to enter Fixed ID. Touch ID Code Setting to expand the navigation mark into two
statues On and Off. Touch Off. Then touch
to enter M odel Menu and then touch
to exit.
11. 0 Installation requirements for receiver
It is im portant to cor rectly mount your transm itter system i n your model . Below are some advices on how to install your equipments.
1) Wrap the r ec eiver with 10m m thick foam and soundly fix i t w i th a r ub ber or m agi c
string on your aircraft model. It helps protect the receiver from damage.
2) It is necessary to use rubber grommets and copper sleeves to isolate the
vibrati ons from the main b ody of air craft model . The mounti ng scr ews cannot b e over-tightened. Otherwise the rubber grommets will be distorted and decrease the vibration absorption effect.
3) When mounting the servos, make sure the servos’ bellcranks can move freely
over their whole travel range and ensure the control linkages don’t touch or impede the movement of these servos.
4) If installing various switches, keep them far away from the engine tuned pipe and
high vibration sources. Ensure all the switches move freely over their whole travel range.
5) Don’t make the receiver antennas wrapped or parallel.
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English Your language
Antenna Antenna arranges in correct directions Antenna arranges in wrong directions
12.0 Installation requirement for DEVO-12 Battery
Put the batt ery pack int o t h e b att ery com par tm ent i n a c or r ec t p os i ti on an d then push it left wards.
English Your language
Battery compartment Put the battery pack into the battery
compartment and push it leftwards
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12.1 Matters needing attention on battery pac k
1) Forbidden to disassemble battery pack in any case.
2) Forbidden to use or save the battery pack under such high temperature environment as fir e, heater, strong sunshine, or c ar. Otherwis e superheat, f ire, functional decline or lifetime dumping may happen.
3) Forbi dden to sink the batter y pack in water, also for bidden to be affected w ith damp.
4) Forbidden to make a short circuit between anode and cathode of battery pack.
5) Forbidden to use damaged battery pack. The battery pack with electrolyte leaking or smelling should be aw ay from fire in order to avoid firing or explosion. He should be washed with water and sent to see a doctor immediately in case of the leaked electrolyte caught skin, eyes, or other part of body .
12.2 DEVO-12 battery charging
DEVO-12, which is equipped with build-in charging circuit, is powered by 3.7V 3000mAh Lithium Polymer battery. It begins to charge when the output pin of the assorted power adapter is inserted into CHG socket, or the normal end of USB connecting line is connected to the computer USB interface, and the mini end is inserted into USB in the side face of DEVO.
Charging connection is shown as below:
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