GUANGZHOU KECO M and E KR06B User Manual

KR06B Remote control
-User manual for KR06B-5
KR06B-2 KR06B-1
Read c arefu lly bef ore use a nd keep f or f uture r efere nce
Upw ard Dot M oving
Int ermed iate St op Pos ition
Dow nward D ot Movi ng
Cha nnel Ch ange -
Front vie w
Cod ing/U p
Sto p
Dow n
Cha nnel Ch ange +
Rea r view
S im ple and f l a t d e s ig n o f b ut t o n ; I nd ep e nd e nt b u tt o n d e s ig n f or d o t m ov i n g ; i nt er m ed i at e s to p p os it i on ;
P ro gr a mm i ng o f c o di n g a n d l im it b y r e m o t e co n t r o l.
Frequency: ASK433. 92MHZ Emitting Power: <10m W Battery: 2*AAA 1.5V
Functions and Setting
Coding(Receiver is p rovid ed)
1、When the receiver ente rs the co ding mode, press t he [but ton Coding] within 15 seco nds, an d the LED inreceiver flas hes 3 time s to tell it is done. 2、Within 3 seconds once th e recei ver is powered on, press t he [but ton F1], the recei ver’s LED g et on, an d then within 15 seconds, press the but ton Cod ing,andthe LED in recei ver flas hes 3 times to tell it is done.
Lab el
Bat tery Co ver
Reverse turning(Re ceive r is provided)
1、When the receiver enters the coding mode, press the [button Down] within 15 seconds, and the LED in receiver flashes 3 times to tell it is done. 2、Keep pressing the [button SET] and [button DOWN] simultanously for 3 seconds the LED in the receiver flashes 3 times to tell it is done.
Clearing(Receive r is prov ided)
Keep pressing the [but ton SET ] and [button UP] simulta nousl y for 3 seconds the LED in the rec eiver f lashes 3 times.Then wit hin 15 seconds, keep pressi ng the [b utton SET] and [button UP ] simultanously for 3 se conds a gain,the LED in the recei ver fla shes 3 times to tell it is done.
Limit Setting(Rece iver is p rovided)
Keep pressing the butt on F1 and button Stop simul tanou sly
for 3 seconds the LED in the receiver flashes 3 times,then the system enters limit setting mode, please adjust the limit for both ends and confirm each limit by pressing [button F1], then the LED in the receiver flashes for 3 time to tell it is done.
Intermediate stop po sitio n(Receiver is provide d)
Press the button Inter media te stop position, the mot or auto matically moves to the preset inte rmedi ate stop limit position .
Wireless operating
[Button UP], makes the system working and open the curtain. [Button Down], makes the system working and close the curtain. [Buton Stop], stop moving. [Button Upward] dot moving, the motos moves as dot moving mode. [Button Downward] dot moving, the motor moves as dotmoving mode. [Button Intermediate Stop position], the motors travels to the preset intermediate stop limit position.
Channel chang e(Not a vailble in single chann el type )
The left button for chan ge, it go es to the previous channe l. The right button for cha nge, it g oes to the next channel. The LEDs are all on is one cha nnel.
The remote is used to control the Motor of automatic curtain (Check the below pic.)
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