GTP “FM” Flow Meters
Cold Water Bronze (Blue Body)
Hot Water Bronze (Red Body)
Operations & Maintenance Manual
This “QUICK START” manual is supplied as a guideline f or installation; please visit www.gtpcompany.com
for complete instruction manual, as s embly drawings and installation drawings.
1) All fasteners & f ittings should be inspected and se c ured before operation as they may be loosened in transit
2) Personnel saf ety practices should a pp ly at all times
3) Safety glasses or face shields and gloves should be worn
4) Close isolation v a lve and release pressure bef ore servicing
5) All liquids should be drained before servicing
2.0 WARRANTY General Treatment Products “FM” Flow Meters are guaranteed for one year from date of
shipment agains t manufa cturing de fects in mater ial and wor kmansh ip that develop in th e service for which they
are designed. We will repair or replace a defec tive par t of this system when retu rn ed to our fac tory w ith freigh t
prepaid; provid ing that th e part is f ound to be de fecti ve upon in spection. We assu me no liabil ity for lab or an d/or
other expenses in makin g repairs or a djustments.
3.0 UNPACKING Upon rec eipt of order, inspect package thoro ughly. In the event there was damage
incurred in transit you must notify the freight company within 3-5 days of receipt of order. Once system is
inspected for dama ge and received in good condition, a nd store indoors until installing.
4.0 LOCATION AND ENVIROMEN T Flow meter, mounting hardware and pulse cable should not be exposed
to direct elements. In most cases, there will not be a dry indoor location that is convenient to install the flow
meter. Some shelter, awning or shed needs to be installed to validate warranty.
5.0 INSTALLATION “FM” Flow Meters come standard with inlet/ou tlet coupling un ions. Flow meter must be
mounted in a horizontal line with the dial/register facing up. Any variation f rom this will cau se imp roper
bearing wear and void warranty. Flow meter must be full at all times to avoid water hammer. Have only an
experienced person nel wire flow meter to pum p or controls. Wiring diagrams are provided in section 9.0 .
Note: Minimum Fluid Temperature is 50oF/10oC.
7.0 ROUTINE MAINTENANCE Routine maintena nce in this section is ref erred to as chec king a flow mete r once
a month until a maintenance schedule can be determined. All fasteners should be check for proper operations.
Maintenance and ca re will depend upon the usage.
General Treatment Products Inc., Brea, CA 92821
O&M Manual INSTFMQS Rev. 1114, Page 1 of 2
GTP “FM” Flow Meters
Dial Pointer Pulse Rates:
Single Reed (Red or Blue)
Operations & Maintenance Manual
8.0 PARTS LISTING See full operations manual or contact factory for further inform a tion.
9.0 WIRING / PULSE RATES The “FM” Flow Meter is a three wire d ual reed switch sensor. Red and white
wires are one reed switch closure, blue and white are another reed switch closure. Join red and blue wires to
double switch closures.
Note: X10.0 not available on ½ ” to 1” meters. X0.01 not available on 1. 5” meters and larger.
10.0 TROUBLE SHOOTING If y ou are hav ing trou ble, c onta ct u s a t repairs@gtpcompany.com
us at the number on the front of the In struction manual.
Manufacturing: Bypass & Filter Feeders, Glycol Feed Packages, Separators & Separator Systems, Tanks,
Tank Stands, Chemical Batch Mixers, Corrosion Coupon Racks, Packaged Feed Systems and Custom Systems
P.O. Box 8697, Brea, CA 92822-5697 Phone: 714) 257-9165
113 Viking Ave., Brea, CA 92821 Fax: 714) 257-9215
www.gtpcompany.com customerservice@gtpcompany.com
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General Treatment Products Inc., Brea, CA 92821
O&M Manual INSTFMQS Rev. 1114, Page 2 of 2