1, Changes or modifications n ot e xp re ss ly a pp ro ved by the
par ty responsible for compliance could v oi d th e us er 's
authority to op er at e th e eq ui pm en t
2 NOTE: This equipment has been te st ed a nd f ou nd t o
comply with the limits fo r a Cl as s B di gi ta l de vi ce , pu rs ua nt
to Part 1 5 of t he F CC Rule s. T he se l im it s ar e
designed to p ro vi de r easonable prote ct io n ag ai ns t ha rm fu l
inter ference in a re si de nt ia l in st al la ti on . Th is e qu ip me nt
generates , us es an d can ra di at e ra di o fr equency
energ y an d, i f no t in st al le d an d us ed i n ac co rd an ce w it h the
instructions, may cause har mf u
communications. Howev er, there is no guarante e
that inte rferen ce w il l no t oc cu r in a p ar ticular installation. If
this equipment does cau se h ar mf ul i nt er fere nc e to r ad io o r
tel ev is io n re ce pt io n, w hi ch c an b e de te rmined
by turning the equi pm en t of f an d on , th e us er i s
encouraged to t r y to c or rect the interference by one or
more of t he f ol lo wi ng m ea su res:
-- Re or ie nt o r relocate the re ce iv in g an te nn a.
-- Increa se t he s ep ar at io n be tween the
equipment and rec ei ve r.
-- Connect the equi pm en t in to a n ou tl et o n a
circu it d if fe re nt
fro m th at t o wh
-- Consult th e de al er o r an e xp er ie nc ed r ad io /T V
tec hn ic ia n fo r he lp .
Your product is designed and manufactured with high quality
materials and components, which can be recycled and reused.
To prevent any potential negative consequences for the environment
and human health, please act according to your local rules regarding
the disposal of this device.
This marking or statement shall include the following or similar text
When this crossed-out wheeled bin symbol
is attached to a product, it means the product
is covered by the European Directive 2002/96/EC.
ich the re
l inter f
ere nc e to r ad io
ceiver is con ne ct ed .
This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to
the following two conditions: (1) this device may not cause harmful
interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received,
including interference that may cause undesired operation.