4-Cha nnel CCD Techno logy produces
unparall eled image quality
See our enti re pro du ct ra nge an d do wnl oad furt her deta i ls at ww w.g tc oc al c omp .co m
600dpi optical resolution standard
48-bit color and 16-bit grayscale image data
capture from 4-channel CCD technology
Ultra fast USB 2.0 interface with xDTR (Extended
Data Transfer Rate)
On-board Image Processing: Built-in Sharpen, Blur,
Descreen, Error Diusion, Adaptive Thresholding
Scan-to-Net function for scanner sharing over
a network, and sending les to remote PCs
Color calibration to sRGB color space
Upgrade to PLUS model to get higher speed and
Image Quality Without Compromise
With 600dpi optical resolution, the combination of highly sensitive
4-channel CCD cameras and full-sized high-quality camera lenses,
ScanPlus 7 HD736 and HD936 scanners provide the best image quality
available in wide format scanning. With image processing performed
inside the scanner, your PC is free to run software more efciently.
Speed When You Need
GTCO CalComp ScanPlus 7 HD736 and HD936 wide format scanners are the fastest in the business with up to 12 inch/second scanning speeds.
With two unique models in four dierent congurations, choosing the right
blend of speed and connectivity for your business is simple.
ScanPlus 7 HD736 ScanPlus 7 HD936
Optical Resolution 600dpi 600dpi
Maximum Resolution 1200dpi 9600dpi 1200dpi 9600dpi
Maximum Scan Width 36in. (914mm) 36in. (914mm)
Maximum Media Width 44in. (1118mm) 44in. (1118mm)
Maximum Media Thickness 0.6in. (15mm) 0.6in. (15mm)
Accuracy 0.1% +/- 1 pixel 0.1% +/- 1 pixel
Scanning Speed (inch/sec.):
400dpi (Turbo) 24-bit RGB Color 0.6 1.0 1.5 3.0
400dpi (Turbo) 8-bit Index Color 1.5 3.0
400dpi (Turbo) 8-bit Grayscale 12.0 12.0
400dpi (Turbo) 1-bit Monochrome 12.0 12.0
High Speed USB 2.0 with xDTR
Power 110/220/240V, 60/50cs, 180W
Weight & Dimensions 61 kg / 55” x 19” x 7” inches (139 x 46 x 18 cm)
Device Drivers Windows XP, Server 2003, Vista (32-bit only)
Corpor ate Oce
GTCO C alComp, I nc.
7125 Ri verwood Dr ive
Columb ia, Mary land 210 46
Tel: 410.381 .6688 or 1.800.3 44.4723
Fax: 410.290. 9065
E-mail : Sales @gtcocal comp.com
West ern Sal es Oc e
GTCO CalComp, Inc.
8224 Ea st Evans Road
Scottsd ale, Ariz ona 85260
Tel: 480.948.6540 or 1.800.856.0732
Fax: 480.948.5508
E-mail: Sales@gtcocalcomp.com
Eur opea n Sa les Head quar ters
GTCO CalComp GmbH
Krei ller S trasse 24
81673 Muenc hen, Germany
Tel: +49 (0) 8 9.370 12.0
Fax: +4 9 (0) 89.3 7012. 12
E-mail: E USale s@gtc ocalc omp.co m
Copyri ght 2008 © GTCO CalC omp, Inc . (Rev. 3-20-08)
Extended Data Transfer Rate improves
scanner speed at high resolution
GTCO CalComp
Sc anP lus 7 Ser i e s Sca nne rs