GTCO CalComp ScanPlus 7 HD925 Base, ScanPlus 7 HD925 Plus Brochure & Specs

GTCO CalComp
Sc anP lus 7 Ser i e s S can ner s
ScanPlus 7 25” Scanners
Expand your business opportunities with GTCO CalComp’s ScanPlus 7 HD925 all-round color and monochrome wide format 25” scanner, featuring advanced technology and quality imaging. Small enough to t on your desk, yet big enough to handle your toughest archiving tasks - the HD925 delivers ScanPlus 7 quality in an attractively small package. The 25” imaging area is designed to facilitate archival and reprographic tasks with a wide variety of technical documents, detailed maps and drawings, or color posters and architectural sketches – all with unparalleled detail and accuracy. The ScanPlus 7 HD925 handles up to A1 or D-sized originals and documents with ease. With uncompromising image quality standards, the ScanPlus 7 HD925 is designed to provide dependable, top-quality results for businesses-critical imaging tasks. Whether you are a private business, government agency or high-volume copy shop, GTCO CalComp’s full range of ScanPlus 7 scanners is the right solution for improved efciency and productivity.
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Oil & Mining Industries - Government Agencies
Architects - En gineers - Contractors
Clipping Se rvices
Copyshop s - Reprographics
The 25-inch scanning area is ideal for scanning up to A1 or D-size do cuments or well logs .
See our entire p roduct ra ng e an d downl o a d furt h e r details at www. gt co c a lcom p . c om
25-inch design can handle up to A1 or D-size
48-bit color and 16-bit grayscale image data
capture from high quality CCD technology
Two efcient plug’n’play interface options -
FireWire and USB 2.0
On-board Image Processing: Built-in Sharpen, Blur,
Descreen, Error Diusion, Adaptive Thresholding
Scan-to-Net function for scanner sharing over
a network, and sending les to remote PCs
Color calibration to sRGB color space
Upgrade to PLUS model for more speed and higher
ScanPlus 7 HD925
Optical Resolution 424dpi 424dpi
Maximum Resolution 1200dpi 9600dpi
Maximum Scan Width 25in. (635mm) 25in. (635mm)
Maximum Media Width 28in. (711mm) 28in. (711mm)
Maximum Media Thickness 0.6in. (15mm) 0.6in. (15mm)
Accuracy 0.1% +/- 1 pixel 0.1% +/- 1 pixel
Scanning Speed (inch/sec.):
400dpi (Turbo) 24-bit RGB Color 0.5 1.5
400dpi (Turbo) 8-bit Index Color 1.5 1.5
400dpi (Turbo) 8-bit Grayscale 4.0 4.0
400dpi (Turbo) 1-bit Monochrome 4.0 4.0
Interface :
High Speed USB 2.0
FireWire (IEEE1394)
Power 110/220/240V, 60/50 cs, 180W
Weight / Dimensions (LxWxH) 43 kg (39” x19” x 7” inches) (98 x 47 x 18 cm)
Device Drivers Windows XP, Server 2003, Vista (32-bit only)
Small Size, Big Quality
The smallest of the ScanPlus 7 series provides the same high level of quality as the larger ScanPlus 7 products. The combination of a highly sensitive high-quality CCD camera with a full-sized professional-grade camera lens gives the HD925 the power to capture higher levels of detail than the competition.
Archiving When You Need
Whatever your archival needs are, GTCO CalComp has the right solution for your business. The HD925 scanner is the ideal solution for oil/mining industries, clipping services, and is perfect for copy shop/imaging services world wide. Thanks to 48-bit color and CCD imaging quality, the HD925 is also perfect for desktop publishing and graphics work.
AWD for a p erfect and even grip on any kind of original - even thick documents!
Corpor ate Oce
GTCO C alComp, I nc. 7125 Ri verwood Dr ive Columb ia, Mary land 210 46 Tel: 410.381 .6688 or 1.800.3 44.4723 Fax: 410.290. 9065 E-mail : Sales @gtcocal
West ern Sal es Oc e
GTCO CalComp, Inc. 8224 Ea st Evans Road Scottsd ale, Ariz ona 85260 Tel: 480.948.6540 or 1.800.856.0732 Fax: 480.948.5508 E-mail:
Eur opea n Sa les Head quar ters
GTCO CalComp GmbH Krei ller S trasse 24 81673 Muenc hen, Germany Tel: +49 (0) 8 9.370 12.0 Fax: + 49 (0 ) 89. 37012 .12 E-mail: E USale s@gtc ocalc m
Copyri ght 2008 © GTCO CalC omp, Inc . (Rev. 3-20-08)
GTCO CalComp
Sc anP lus 7 Ser i e s S can ner s