GTCO CalComp ScanPlus 7 ATF1824C Brochure & Specs

ScanPlus 7 Flatbed Scanner
Expand your business opportunities with GTCO CalComp’s versatile ScanPlus 7 ATF1824C atbed scanner, featuring GTCO CalComp’s advanced CCD technology ensuring picture-perfect imaging results for color and monochrome scanning - every time. The atbed surface gives you the exibility to scan fragile or uneven materials - you can scan just about anything directly on the scanner bed! You get exceptional professional-grade performance with 400dpi real optical resolution with speeds of up to 5 inch/second. With uncompromising image quality standards, the ScanPlus 7 ATF1824C is designed for high-volume productivity for businesses-critical imaging tasks. Whether you are a private business, government or print-for-pay, GTCO CalComp’s full range of ScanPlus 7 scanners is the right solution for improved efciency and productivity.
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Odd Si ze Items - B ooks - Fragile Materials
Copyshop s - Reprographics - Ori ginal Artwork
Clipping Se rvices
Museums, Libraries, Government Ofces
GTCO CalComp
Sc anP lus 7 Ser i e s Sca nne rs
Corpor ate Oce
GTCO C alComp, I nc. 7125 Ri verwood Dr ive Columb ia, Mary land 210 46 Tel: 410.381 .6688 or 1.800.3 44.4723 Fax: 410.290. 9065 E-mail : Sales @gtcocal
West ern Sal es Oc e
GTCO CalComp, Inc. 8224 Ea st Evans Road Scottsd ale, Ariz ona 85260 Tel: 480.948.6540 or 1.800.856.0732 Fax: 480.948.5508 E-mail:
Eur opea n Sa les Head quar ters
GTCO CalComp GmbH Krei ller S trasse 24 81673 Muenc hen, Germany Tel: +49 (0) 8 9.370 12.0 Fax: + 49 (0 ) 89. 37012 .12 E-mail: E USale s@gtc ocalc m
Flexibl e atbed de sign built to scan any type of media, in cluding thick books
Ethernet interface allows di rect connecti on to the LAN for eas y device sha ring and HTM L control ov er the network
See our enti re pro du ct ra nge an d do wnl oad furt her deta i ls at ww w.g tc oc al c omp .co m
400dpi optical resolution standard
48-bit color and 16-bit grayscale image data
capture from 4-channel CCD technology
USB 2.0 interface and Ethernet (LAN) port with
Remote HTML Control
On-board Image Processing: Built-in Sharpen, Blur,
Descreen, Error Diusion, Adaptive Thresholding
Scan-to-Net function for scanner sharing over
a network, and sending les to remote PCs
Color calibration to sRGB color space
ALE Technology provide accuracy between any two
points in the scanned image
ScanPlus 7 ATF1824C
Optical Resolution 400dpi
Maximum Resolution 9600dpi
Maximum Scan Width 18 x 24” (457 x 610 mm)
Maximum Media Thickness Top Down: 1.5” (38 mm) Without Top: Unlimited
Accuracy 0.1% +/- 1 pixel
Scanning Speed (inch/sec.):
400dpi (Turbo) 24-bit RGB Color 3.0
400dpi (Turbo) 8-bit Index Color 3.0
400dpi (Turbo) 8-bit Grayscale 5.0
400dpi (Turbo) 1-bit Monochrome 5.0
Interface :
High Speed USB 2.0
Ethernet (LAN) port
Remote HTML Control
110/220/240V, 60/50cs, 180W
Weight & Dimensions (L x W x H) 37 kg / (50” x 25” x 9”) (128 x 63 x 22 cm)
Device Drivers
Windows XP, Server 2003, Vista (32-bit only)
Image Quality Without Compromise
Enhanced with superior image capture, color delity and document handling capacity, the ATF1824C rises to the challenge of handling any documents – even delicate, oversized, and valuable materials that require special treatment. With 400dpi optical resolution, the combination of highly sensitive 4-channel CCD cameras and full­sized high-quality camera lenses, the ATF1824C scanner provides the best image quality available in wide format scanning.
Scan What You Need
The atbed surface gives you exibity and ease of use for almost any 2D scanning task - easily handling
documents up to A2 or
C-size and unlimited thickness!
The ATF1824C atbed scanner is a br eak thr oug h so lut ion for grap hic a rts, c opy s hop a nd re pro an d the ideal solution for museums, libraries, government ofces and archival institutions. Scan what you need, when you need it.
Copyri ght 2008 © GTCO CalC omp, Inc . (Rev. 3-20-08)
Flexibi lity at your ngertips. Take the li d o to scan odd sizes
GTCO CalComp
Sc anP lus 7 Ser i e s Sca nne rs