GTCO CalComp MM II 1201 User Manual

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
What is the MM II and How Does It Work?
Assembly and Installation
Interfacing with the Host
Section A: Hardware Interfaces
RS-232C Interface TTL Interface
Section B: Baud Rate Section C: Communication Protocols Section D: Report Formats
Binary Report Format ASCII BCD Report Format
Operating Characteristics and Functions
Section A: Controlling the Report Flow
Point Mode Remote Request Mode Stream Mode Switch Stream Mode Report Rate Increment Mode Axis Update Mode
Section B: Setting the Resolution
Resolution, Predefined Resolution, Definable (Set X, Y Scale)
Section C: Other Functions
Absolute and Relative Coordinates (Delta Mode) Origin
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Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Appendix A
Appendix B
Appendix C
Appendix D
Reset (to Defaults) Send Configuration Tablet Identifier Transmission Control Z Commands
Section D: Reserved Commands
Guidelines for Writing a Device Driver
Using the MM II
Checking the Graphics Tablet
Section A: Power/Prox Light Section B: A Quick Functional Check Section C: Diagnostic Functions
Code Check Echo Self-Test Send Test Results
Operating Environment, Care and Service
Section A: Operating Environment Section B: Service Section C: Care and Cleaning Section D: Changing the Stylus Refill
Changing the Set Up Jumpers
ASCII Conversion Chart
Quick Reference of Commands and Defaults
30 31 33 34 34 36
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Chapter 1: What is the MM II and How Does It Work?
Section A – What is the MM II?
The MM II is a graphics tablet that acts as an input device. It allows for the translation of graphic information into digital, suitable for computer manipulation.
Steering a computer screen pointer Selecting locations on menus Drawing and tracing
The components required for a functional MM II are:
Tablet Stylus or cursor Interface cable Power source
The tablet is similar to a drawing board. The stylus and cursor are handheld devices that are used for pointing or drawing on the tablet. The interface cable connects the graphics tablet to the host (computer).
Section B: How the MM II Works
MM II translates the stylus/cursor position on the tablet into digital information and communicates it to the host. The stylus/cursor position is expressed as an X, Y coordinate pair. One coordinate pair is a report.
Valid reports can only be collected when the stylus/cursor is in the tablet’s active area and
in proximity:
Active area is an 11.7 inch square area inside the groove on the tablet surface.
Proximity is the maximum distance above the active area that the stylus/cursor can
be held and report a valid position. It’s approximately ½ inches, which means the
stylus/cursor and tablet do not need to be in direct contact with each other to issue reports. There still can be up to a ½ inch of material (drawings, photos, etc.) between the tablet and stylus/cursor, allowing it to issue reports.
The active area and proximity, in effect, establish a three-dimensional volume within which the stylus/cursor can issue valid reports. Reports issued from outside of this volume are out-of-prox and, therefore, do not represent the current position of the stylus/cursor.
Reports are measured in counts of resolution. Resolution is the fineness of detail that the tablet can distinguish. It’s expressed in lines per inch (lpi) or lines per millimeter (lpmm).
This is slightly misleading, however. Resolution should be expressed in “bands per …” or “lanes per …” because these lines have perceivable width at lower resolution settings.
The higher the resolution, e.g. 100 lpi or 200 lpi, the narrower the bands of resolution become. Eventually, the bands become so narrow that they are easier to conceptualize as lines of no measurable width.
As previously stated, reports are measured in counts of resolution. As shown below, each square is one count of resolution. The tablet reports the same coordinates for any point within the square.
With different resolution settings, you can receive different reports for the same tablet location. In the illustration below, points A and B are the same physical locations on the tablet, but their coordinates are different because of the resolution setting.
Reports are in absolute or relative coordinates. Absolute coordinates are coordinates measured from the tablet’s origin (0, 0). Relative coordinates are measured relative to the last report location. In the illustration above, point B is issued after point A. Therefore, in relative coordinates, point B is measured relative to point A.
The tablet defaults to absolute coordinates. However, you can change to relative coordinates with the Relative Coordinates command, described in Chapter 4.
Section C – Commands: Controlling the Tablet’s Operation
Control the MM II’s operating characteristics, functions and diagnostics with commands from the host. This book represents the commands in ASCII. For convenience, an ASCII conversion chart appears in Appendix C.
The tablet accepts commands from the host at any rate, except as follows:
After turning on the tablet or issue the Reset command, wait approximately ten
milliseconds before sending commands.
Commands that require a tablet response: If you send a command to the tablet that
requires a response, the tablet does so within two milliseconds. Wait until the host receives the entire response before issuing another command to the tablet.
Section D: Alternative Configurations
The tablet is already set up to operate with a certain:
Baud rate: 9600 or Autobaud Report format: binary or ASCII BCD Parity: odd parity or no parity
The standard setup is 9600 baud, binary report format and odd parity. Your unit may be different.
Change the setup by altering the hardware or with commands from the host. Appendix B tells you how to change the hardware. Chapter 4 describes the commands. Read the passages and select the method most appropriate for the situation. Note that the tablet defaults to the hardware setup each time you turn on the tablet or send the reset command.
Chapter 2: Assembly and Installation
Tablet Stylus or cursor Interface cable
Power supply (optional) Document clips MM II+ Graphics Tablet User’s Guide
The MM II package should include the following:
To assemble and install MM II:
1. Connect the stylus/cursor to the tablet.
2. Attach the tablet to the host and power source.
3. Turn on the tablet.
4. Attach the document clips. (Optional)
NOTE: Always have the computer and tablet power off when attaching or detaching any part of the MM II. If the power is on, nothing serious happens to the MM II, but it could have the potential to corrupt the file being worked on or cause the computer to malfunction.
Installing MM II Graphics Tablet
1. Plug the stylus/cursor into the modular socket on the right-hand edge of the
The cursor and stylus are interchangeable.
2. Connect the tablet to the host and power source. Plug the interface cable
modular connector into the socket at the top left edge of the tablet.
Plug the interface cable 25-pin D connector into the host communications port.
The tablet can obtain power from the computer or MM II power supply. Never
power the tablet from both simultaneously. Pin 9 and the power supply socket are connected inside the 25-pin D connector. Therefore, power applied to one, also exists on the other. Ensure that nothing is attached to the source not in use.
Power from the host must supply +12 VDC at 250 mA, less than 50 mV ripple,
+/- 10% regulation and a rise time less than 100 milliseconds. Once the tablet is connected to the computer, installation is complete.
Power from the MM II power supply and plug the barrel connector into the
interface cable D connector.
Plug the power supply into a standard electrical outlet. Use only an MM II power supply. Substituting a different power supply could permanently damage the tablet.
3. Turn the tablet on.
The power light/prox light serves two purposes. First, it notifies that the tablet is on and receiving power. Second, it is a proximity indicator. The light remains lit when the stylus/cursor is in-prox. It blinks when the stylus/cursor is out-of-prox. If the light blinks when the stylus/cursor is in-prox, one of two problems exists. Either, the stylus/cursor is not connected to the tablet, or it is malfunctioning. (Service information appears in Chapter 8.)
4. Attach the document clips. (Optional)
MM II comes with document clips. These are to steady documents on the tablet.
MM II 10
The clips attach to rails on the tablet underside. To attach them, push them straight on or slide them up from the bottom.
Position the clips where they’re comfortably out of the way. To remove the clips, slide
them to the bottom of the tablet.
Chapter 3: Interfacing with the Host
For successful communication between MM II and its host, they must have the same hardware interface, baud rate, communications protocol and report format.
Section A: Hardware Interface
The hardware interface consists of one cable terminated with a 25-pin male D connector. (If the computer requires a different connector, contact your GTCO CalComp by Turning Technologies representative for information about adapters.)
Wire Name
1 2 3 7 9 11
GND TXD RXD signal ground +12 VDC TXD
Protective, frame ground Transmits data to host (RS-232C only) Receives data from host (RS-232C or TTL) Return for data Power to tablet from host Transmits data to host (TTL only)
RS-232C Interface
Interchange Voltage
-3V to -12V
+3V to +12V
Binary states Signal condition
1 Mark
0 Space
The interface accommodates RS-232C and TTL. (Do not use both at the same time.)
RS-232C – CITTL Interface: 25-Pin D Connector Pin Assignments
MM II 11
Pin 9 is for powering the tablet from the host. The host must supply a +12 VDC at 250 mA, less than 50 mV ripple, +/-10% regulation and a rise time less than 100 milliseconds.
Never power the tablet from the power supply and host simultaneously.
Pin 9 and the power supply socket are connected inside the 25-pin D connector.
Therefore, power applied to one, also exists on the other. Ensure that nothing is attached to the source not in use.
RS-232C Interface
The RS-232C lines are configured as DTE (Data Terminal Equipment). The signal levels comply with standard signal levels for data transmission:
RS-232C Signal Levels
NOTE: The source is the EIA Standard RS-232C: Interface between Data Terminal Equipment and Data Communication Equipment Employing Serial Binary Data Interchange, by the Engineering Department of the Electronic Industries Association
(Washington, D.C.: EIA, 1969).
MM II 12
TTL Interface
Interchange Voltage 0V to 0.8V
+2.4V to +5V
Binary states Signal condition
1 Mark
0 Space
TTL Interface
The computer port must provide full duplex, asynchronous, serial communications. The signal levels for data transmission are:
TTL Signal Levels
Section B: Baud Rate
The MM II is available with 9600 baud or Autobaud. The standard setting is 9600 baud, unless Autobaud is specifically ordered.
Autobaud automatically matches the tablet baud rate to the host baud rate. The tablet supports 75 to 19,200 baud. After turning on the tablet, the first character it must receive from the host is an ASCII space, <SP>. The tablet uses this to identify the host baud rate and to set its own accordingly.
Section C: Communication Protocols
The MM II communication protocols are:
Number of start bits: 1 Number of data bits: 8 Number of stop bits: 1 Parity: odd or none. (The standard product has odd parity.) To change the parity
setting, refer to Changing the Tablet Setup in Chapter 1.
Section D: Report Formats
The MM II has one of the following report formats:
To change the format, refer to Changing the Tablet Setup in Chapter 1. The reports are in counts of resolution and not in inches or millimeters.
Binary Report Format
Binary Format for Absolute Coordinates
MM II 13
Binary Format for Relative Coordinates
LSB is the least significant bit. MSB is the most significant bit.
Fa, Fb and Fc are the flag bits. They identify the status of the stylus and cursor
MM II 14
MM II 15
Absolute Coordinates
Relative Coordinates
1 to 508 lpi (20 lpmm) 1000 lpi or 40 lpmm
Sx and Sy are the X and Y coordinate signs. 1 is positive and 0 is negative. In
absolute coordinates, the sign is always positive. In relative coordinates, the sign can be positive or negative.
T is the Tablet Identifier. Your choice of 1 or 0. Command controlled.
PR is the proximity bit. 0 is in-prox and 1 is out-of-prox.
PH is the phasing bit, which is always 1.
X0, X1, etc. and Y0, Y1, etc. are the X and Y coordinate bits.
ASCII BCD Report Format
The ASCII BCD format depends on the coordinate system and resolution:
X is an X coordinate digit, where each digit is an ASCII character from 0 to 9
“,” is an ASCII comma
Y is a Y coordinate digit, where each digit is an ASCII character from 0 to 9
F is the stylus and cursor flag character, identifying the button status:
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MM II 17
<CR> is an ASCII carriage return character.
<LF> is an ASCII line feed character.
Chapter 4: Operating Characteristics and Functions
MM II includes a variety of operating characteristics and functions that can be controlled with commands from the host. For example, define:
Report flow Tablet resolution Tablet origin location
The tablet accepts commands from the host at any rate, except in a few situations. These are listed in Chapter 1, Section C, Commands: Controlling the Tablet’s Operation.
So that the MM II is operable upon arrival at your facility, it is set to predefined default settings. The unit defaults to these settings each time you turn on the tablet or issue the Reset command. A summary of the defaults appear in the Reset command section and in Appendix D.
MM II 18
Section A: Controlling the Report Flow
The primary functions that control the report flow are Point, Remote Request, Stream and Switch Stream modes. The secondary functions are Report Rate, Increment Mode and Axis Update.
Reports have a proximity bit.
Each report has flag bits. These bits identify the stylus/cursor buttons that were
activated when the report was issued.
Point Mode
In Point Mode, the graphics tablet issues one report when pressing a stylus/cursor button. If the stylus/cursor is out-of-prox, the last valid report is issued for each button press.
Remote Request Mode
In Remote Request Mode, the tablet issues one report each time the host sends a trigger command. Issue the mode command once. Thereafter, send only a trigger command for each report. After initiating Remote Request Mode, the tablet issues the report resulting from the first trigger within ten milliseconds.
Issue reports with the trigger even if the MM is in Point, Stream or Switch Stream modes. However, the reverse is not true: pressing a stylus/cursor button when the MM is in Remote Request Mode does not issue a report.
When the stylus/cursor is out-of-prox, the tablet issues the last valid report each time it receives a trigger.
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ASCII command
Report Rate equal to: Maximum throughput Maximum throughput +2 Maximum throughput +8 Maximum throughput +32
Stream Mode
In Stream Mode, the graphics tablet issues reports continuously, whether a stylus/cursor button is pressed or not. The Report Rate, described below, controls the number of reports issued per second.
If the stylus/cursor is out-of-prox and no buttons have been pressed, the last valid report is transmitted three times. If a button is pressed, the last valid report is issued continuously.
Switch Stream Mode
In Switch Stream Mode, the graphics tablet issues report continuously while pressing a stylus/cursor button. The Report Rate, described below, controls the number of reports issued per second.
If the stylus/cursor is out-of-prox when pressing a button, the last in-prox scanned report is issued continuously.
Report Rate
The Report Rate function is an adjunct to Stream and Switch Stream modes. Use Report Rate to define the number of reports the tablet issues each second. Maximum throughput is the default.
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