GTCO 2500 User Manual

Table of Contents
Commands Entering Commands Command Prefix
Entering Commands from the 16-Button Cursor Entering Commands from the Menu Enabling and Disabling Command Sources
Command Source Control Commands
Set Command Prefix Tablet Reset Enable/Disable Bank Select Menu – Locate, Erase or Restore Using the Soft Switches to Control the Menu Enable/Disable Cursor Commands Changing the Character Constants 9100 Formats Only
Communication Commands
Enable/Disable Output Port Set Data Rate Enable/Disable Echo Enable/Disable Line Feed Enable/Disable or Change Prompt Character
Messages and Indicators
Enable/Disable Beep Messages from the Cursor to the Host Messages from the Menu to the Host User 1 and User 2 LEDS Controlling the Tablet Display LEDS 2500 Unique Command Set Serial Communications Parameters 2500 Unique Command
Digitizing Commands
Changing the Operating Mode Operating Mode Commands Set Increment Value Resolution
3 4
4 4 5 6
6 7 7 8 9 9 10
11 12 13 13 14
15 16 16 16 17 17
19 19 20 21
2500 Series 1
2500 Series 2
Change Format Move Origin Enable/Disable Margin Data Create Window Aligning Media Using the Window Command Enable/Disable Non-Proximate Data
Storing and Recalling Setup Parameters
Factory Settings Baseline Settings Current Settings Erase Current Settings from Memory 2000 Series Compatible Command Summary 16-Button Cursor Command Summary Host and Menu 9100 Series Compatible Command Summary
Basic Program to Check Installation ASCII Code Chart 2500 Menu Overlay
23 23 24 24 25 26
27 27 27 28 29 30 31
36 37 38
2500 Series 3
The 2500 tablet can accept the command set of the CalComp 2000 series tablets as well as commands of the standard CalComp 9100 series tablets. There are a few commands specific to the 2500 tablet.
With these commands, you may override the default operating parameters set in the soft switches without leaving operating mode. For instance, as drafting projects change, you may adjust the resolution of the tablet or the number of points per second transmitted to the host.
You may use any of the following to enter commands:
1. Terminal or host computer
2. Buttons on the 16-button cursor (limited command set)
3. Stylus or cursor, in conjunction with the menu overlay
The commands and command sources may be disabled if they interfere with the host or software. The 9100 commands, 2000 commands, menu and 16-button cursor commands may be enabled or disabled by setting the soft switches. They will remain that way until the switch settings are changed.
Commands cannot change the settings of the soft switches although they can
override them.
Some commands may interact with others. You will be advised of the interactions.
Command sources may not be mixed. For example, a command begun by the host
must be finished by the host, not the tablet menu or 16-button cursor.
If a space character is required in a command, it will be designated by SP. All other
spaces in the commands are included only to make the command more legible.
Toggling a command will turn the function off if it was on; it will turn the function on
if it was off. Unless you are certain of the state of the function it is better to specify ON or OFF.
2500 Series 4
ESC % a b (b) CR n
Command prefix, the ESC key followed by the % key One or more ASCII characters which activate a command One or more ASCII characters; required parameters of the command Optional parameters are indicated by parentheses ASCII carriage return character Numeric variable
The 2500 commands will be explained in the following order:
1. Commands that control the command sources.
2. Commands that regulate communication between tablet, operator and host.
3. Commands that manage the tablet during a work session.
Entering Commands
Command Prefix
To alert the digitizer that a 9100 compatible or 2500 unique command is coming, the host must send a COMMAND PREFIX before each command (the 2000 series commands are a single character). The digitizer will treat all characters between the command prefix and the next carriage return character as a command. The default command prefix and the one used in all of the examples in this manual are ESC %.
You may enter the commands from the host keyboard or they may be sent from the host under the control of a custom digitizing program. A command from the host follows the general format: ESC % a b (b) CR
The command will take effect immediately after the carriage return is entered.
NOTE: The host must be configured to transmit the commands to the tablet.
Entering Commands from the 16-Button Cursor
The 16-button cursor may be used to send a limited number of commands to the tablet. The general format of the command is: F F a b (b) E
2500 Series 5
F F a b (b) N E
F button pressed twice is the command prefix Single button code for the command Any required parameter of the command Optional parameters Numeric variable E button ends the command string with a CR
[b] ([b]) [n] [CR]
A function code block or blocks. The contents of one block are indicated by [] brackets. Any required parameter of the function, picked out on the ASCII blocks. Optional parameters A numeric variable Carriage Return block, which terminates the command sequence.
The command will take effect as soon as the E button is pressed.
The cursor does not need to be on the tablet surface to send a command, but it must be enabled. The 4-button cursor cannot be used for cursor commands.
Entering Commands from the Menu
The menu refers to the tablet region dedicated to issuing commands and the Mylar overlay for that region. The overlay is only an aid for the operator; its position must coincide with the menu region on the tablet surface. When the menu has been enabled, the menu region transmits commands or ASCII characters instead of position data.
The four rows of blank blocks may be used to activate a custom menu. If the menu is enabled, picking these blocks transmits a coordinate pair. The Mode Status character is an M for MENU, the X-axis data is the block number (1 to 64) and the Y-axis data is not significant. The block numbers may be used by a custom program as commands. The blocks are numbered from 1 at the lower left corner to 65 in the upper right corner of the blank area.
NOTE: The output format must contain a Mode Status character or the software will not receive an indication that the custom menu is being used.
Menu commands take the general format: [a] [b] [CR]
2500 Series 6
The command will take effect as soon as the Carriage Return block is picked.
NOTE: Picking the [ESC] [%] blocks from the ASCII portion of the menu will not activate any commands. The command prefix for the menu commands is included in the function code block represented by [a] and cannot be changed.
Enabling and Disabling Command Sources
The 2500 tablet can accept commands from the host, 16-button cursor, menu or soft switches. The command sources may be disabled if they interfere with the operation of the tablet.
The 2000 and 9100 compatible host commands may only be enabled and disabled by the soft switches.
The 16-button cursor commands may be enabled and disabled by the host commands, menu commands or soft switch settings. It may disable itself.
The menu may be enabled and disabled by host or soft switch commands. It may disable itself.
The software switches may be enabled or disabled by a host or menu command. They will also be enabled by powering the tablet off and on, or pressing the reset button.
Command Source Control Commands
Set Command Prefix
Set Command Prefix changes the default prefix from ESC % to one of your choice. The new prefiex may be from one to three characters in length; it may use any ASCII characters except BACKSPACE (08 HEX), CARRIAGE RETURN (0D HEX), RUBOUT (or DEL) (FF HEX) and @ (40 HEX). The new prefix will take effect immediately upon entering the command; the default prefix ESC % will immediately cease to function.
Host = ESC % S b1 (b2) (b3) CR
Menu = [SET COMD CHAR] [b1] ([b2]) ([b3]) [CR]
b1 b2 b3
First command prefix character Second, optional, command prefix character Third, optional, command prefix character
To change the command prefix to the characters * $ X, enter:
Host = ESC % S * $ X CR
Menu = [SET COMD CHAR] [*] [$] [X] [CR]
2500 Series 7
NOTE: It’s not recommended to use a command prefix that can be accidentally entered if
you bump the keyboard. Use keys that are on opposite ends of the keyboard or a prefix with an ESC or SHIFT.
Tablet Reset
This command has the same effect as powering the digitizer off and on. The digitizer reverts to the default operating settings determined by the soft switches. Any commands stored for power-up use are invoked.
The tablet may also be reset by pressing the reset button located between the transducer and output ports.
Host = ESC % V R CR
Menu = [SYSTEM FUNC 2] [R] [CR]
Enable/Disable Bank and Select
This command disables or enables the BANK and SELECT blocks. The soft switches will not be accessible if the blocks are disabled, to prevent them from being altered by the operator. Power-on or reset cancels this command, enabling the BANK and SELECT blocks of the user menu.
Host = ESC % V m (b) CR
Menu = [SYSTEM FUNC 2] [m] [b] [CR]
2500 Series 8
If b = 0 If b = 1 If no b is entered
BANK and SELECT blocks are enabled. BANK and SELECT blocks are disabled. The condition toggles.
Where b can equal 0 or 1 or no entry:
Menu – Locate, Erase or Restore
The optional menu is never enabled at power-up. You must enable it, specifying its location. Once the menu has been enabled, you may use the erase and restore commands to make it appear and disappear from the tablet surface. The menu will reappear where it was when you erased it; the Mylar overlay may be left in this position, used for the menu when needed and ignored when not required.
The default menu position is at the lower left corner of the active area. If you enable the menu without specifying a location, it will appear here.
Host = ESC % V b CR (dpoint)
Menu = [SYSTEM FUNC 2] [b] [CR] [dpoint]
Where b can equal L, M or N.
If b = L, the Menu will be enabled. Its lower left corner will be located under the first point digitized after the CR has been entered. The bottom edge of the overlay must be aligned with the X-axis of the tablet and the menu must be right side up with respect to the tablet logo. Although you cannot enter this command from the menu to enable it, the command may be used to move the menu to a new location once it has been enabled.
If b = M, the Large Menu will be temporarily erased. The menu region stops sending commands and begins to output position data. You may digitize past the overlay.
If b = N, the Large Menu will be restored at its previous position.
NOTE: The menu may erase itself, but the command to restore the menu must come from the host or soft switches.
2500 Series 9
Locates the lower left corner of the menu at the next point picked on the active area. Erases the menu from its current location. Restores the menu at the location from which it was last erased.
If b = 0 If b = 1 If no b is entered
Cursor function commands are disabled. Cursor function commands are enabled. The condition toggles.
Using the Soft Switches to Control the Menu
Three of the switches in bank seven are dedicated to a three-choice menu that may be used to enable, disable or move the larger command menu. Pick BANK and block number seven and then SETUP to gain access to these switches.
Pick the switch you want. The change will take effect as soon as you select BANK once more to go back to operating mode.
Enable/Disable Cursor Commands
The 16-button cursor may be used to send commands to the tablet or messages to the host. This command enables or disables that function without interfering with the use of the cursor for digitizing. The cursor may disable itself, with the command FF0E, but once disabled, it must be enabled by a command from the host or menu.
The soft switch settings control whether the cursor commands will be enabled or disabled at power-up.
Host = ESC % K (b) CR
Menu = [CURSOR FUNC ON/OFF] ([b]) [CR]
Cursor = FF 0 E (disable only)
Where b can equal 0 or 1 or no entry:
2500 Series 10
Position In String
Default Value
Function Indicated by Character
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13-22 23 thru 28
A A I P U R T M X U D U 0-9 A thru F
Tablet status (remains constant) (unused – for 9100 compatibility only) Mode status – Increment mode Mode Status – Point mode Mode Status – Line mode Mode Status – Run mode Mode Status – Track mode Transducer over menu Transducer out of proximity Pen Status – stylus up Pen Status – stylus down Cursor Status – all cursor buttons up Cursor Status – cursor button 0-9 down Cursor Status – cursor button A thru F
Changing the Character Constants 9100 Formats Only
The tablet transmits ASCII characters to represent Tablet Status, Mode Status, Pen Status and Cursor Status as well as position data. One or all of these characters may be changed with this command. The command affects the data output from the digitizer.
After the change is entered, the new character will be transmitted whenever applicable.
For example, if you insert the character “*” in position four, the digitizer will transmit a “*
as the mode status character when it is in POINT mode.
You do not have to enter all 44 characters; only characters up to the highest position to be changed need entered. The characters must be posted in the following order:
Host = ESC % G b1 b2 bn CR
Menu = [SET CHAR CONST] [b1] [b2] [bn] [CR]
Where b1: bn = string of ASCII character constants.
2500 Series 11
To change the Run mode character to the new character “&” and leave all others at their
default values, enter the following command:
Host = ESC % G A A I P U & CR
Menu = [SET CHAR CONST] [A] [A] [I] [P] [U] [&] [CR]
The characters that came before (those in lower positions than) the Run mode character were reassigned their same values; the new Run mode character is the last character entered. All characters coming later (those in higher positions) remain unchanged.
Send Tablet Size
The tablet sends a coordinate pair representing the distance between the upper right corner of the tablet and origin. The data represents the distance, in inches or millimeters, multiplied by the current resolution in lines per inch or millimeter.
Host = ESC % V S CR
Menu = [SYSTEM FUNC 1] [S] [CR]
Communication Commands
The commands that follow are used to control communication between the tablet, host
and operator. They control the host display screen, tablet LED display, cursor LED’s, data
output from the tablet and messages from the large menu to the host.
Enable/Disable Output Port
This command allows you to control output from the RS-232C port. The command affects only digitizer data output. Incoming commands from the host are not affected.
Host = ESC % a (b) CR
Cursor = FF a (b) E
2500 Series 12
If a = A If a = B
Command applies to Port A Command applies to Port B
If b = 0 If b = 1 If no b is entered
Output port is disabled. Output port is enabled. The function will toggle.
Where a for the host or cursor can equal A or B.
Where b can equal 0, 1 or no entry.
NOTE: The 2500 tablet has only one output port. It is enabled or disabled by either command. This command includes two ports for compatibility with 9100 applications programs.
Set Data Rate
This command sets the maximum data output rate, which usually becomes significant in
Run or Track mode. The other modes are affected more by the user’s manual digitizing
The 2000 compatible commands set data rate and operating mode simultaneously.
This command determines the maximum rate at which the tablet will attempt to transmit coordinate pairs to the host. The maximum usable data rate is also limited by the selected baud rate. The digitizer may produce more coordinate pairs than can be physically transmitted over the communications interface. When the digitizer runs faster than the interface, some data points will be lost. Each time the output port becomes free, the digitizer outputs the latest pair made available for transmission; previous points waiting to be transmitted are lost.
Host = ESC % W n CR
Menu = [DATA RATE] [n] [CR]
Cursor = FF 7 n E
Where n can be 0-125.
The maximum usable data rate depends not only on the speed of the interface, but also on the number of characters in the coordinate pair output format and the number of bits in
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