User manual for Q880 R1.0 5
4、Definition of keybord function:
1. MENU/OK key:In standby state, press this button to enter the main menu interface. In the
menu operation mode, press this button execute the function on lower right corner of the screen
function on the left lower screen.
2.CALLS ky:In standby state, press this button directly to enter the calls log.
3.BACK/DEL key: In standby state, press this button directly to phone book, press this button
in the menu operation to return to previous menu. In the input condition, press this button to
delete the cursor before a character.
3.ON/OFF key:when ON/OFF is open, long press ON/OFF key for start/close.
4.SMS key: In standby state, press this button directly to message menu.
5.↑key: In the operating menu, turn up, in standby state, press this button to missed calls menu.
6.↓key:In the operating menu, turn down, in standby state, press this button to received calls
7.←key:During talking, turn down the voice, in the standby state, press this button to inbox
menu, in the message input state, turn the cursor left forward.
8.→key:During talking state, turn up the voice, in the standby state, press this button to message
edit menu, in the message input state, turn the cursor right forward.
9. Number key
10. Hands-free key:turn on/off the hands-free mode.
11.SEND/CALL key:once finish inputing number, press this button to call directly. In the
stand-by state, press this button to show the all call log menu.
12.REDIAL key:In the stand-by state, press this button to dial the number that has been dialed
last time.
13. C.LIST key: In the stand-by state, press this button to show the call history menu.