• User-configurable Pipelined and Flow Through mode
• NBT (No Bus Turn Around) functionality allows zero wait
• Read-Write-Read bus utilization
• Fully pin-compatible with both pipelined and flow through
NtRAM™, NoBL™ and ZBT™ SRAMs
• IEEE 1149.1 JTAG-compatible Boundary Scan
• On-chip write parity checking; even or odd selectable
• ZQ mode pin for user selectable high/low output drive
• x16/x32 mode with on-chip parity encoding and error
• Pin-compatible with 2M, 4M and 16M devices
• 3.3 V +10%/–5% core power supply
• 2.5 V or 3.3 V I/O supply
• LBO pin for Linear or Interleave Burst mode
• Byte write operation (9-bit Bytes)
• 3 chip enable signals for easy depth expansion
• Clock Control, registered, address, data, and control
• ZZ Pin for automatic power-down
• JEDEC-standard 119-Bump BGA package
Flow Through
10 ns
4.5 ns
210 mA
11 ns
15 ns
150 mA
10 ns
4.5 ns
210 mA
12 ns
15 ns
150 mA
12.5 ns
4.8 ns
190 mA
14 ns
15 ns
130 mA
15 ns
5 ns
170 mA
18 ns
20 ns
130 mA
100 MHz–66 MHz
3.3 V V
2.5 V and 3.3 V V
Functional Description
The GS882Z818/36B is an 8Mbit Synchronous Static SRAM.
GSI's NBT SRAMs, like ZBT, NtRAM, NoBL or other
pipelined read/double late write or flow through read/single
late write SRAMs, allow utilization of all available bus
bandwidth by eliminating the need to insert deselect cycles
when the device is switched from read to write cycles.
Because it is a synchronous device, address, data inputs, and
read/ write control inputs are captured on the rising edge of the
input clock. Burst order control (LBO) must be tied to a power
rail for proper operation. Asynchronous inputs include the
Sleep mode enable (ZZ) and Output Enable. Output Enable can
be used to override the synchronous control of the output
drivers and turn the RAM's output drivers off at any time.
Write cycles are internally self-timed and initiated by the rising
edge of the clock input. This feature eliminates complex offchip write pulse generation required by asynchronous SRAMs
and simplifies input signal timing.
The GS882Z818/36B may be configured by the user to
operate in Pipeline or Flow Through mode. Operating as a
pipelined synchronous device, in addition to the rising-edgetriggered registers that capture input signals, the device
incorporates a rising-edge-triggered output register. For read
cycles, pipelined SRAM output data is temporarily stored by
the edge-triggered output register during the access cycle and
then released to the output drivers at the next rising edge of
The GS882Z818/36B is implemented with GSI's high
performance CMOS technology and is available in a JEDECStandard 119-bump BGA package.
Flow Through and Pipelined NBT SRAM Back-to-Back Read/Write Cycles
Specifications cited are subject to change without notice. For latest documentation see http://www.gsitechnology.com.
NoBL is a trademark of Cypress Semiconductor Corp.. NtRAM is a trademark of Samsung Electronics Co.. ZBT is a trademark of Integrated Device Technology, Inc.
M4CKEIClock Input Buffer Enable; active low
H4WI Write Enable—Writes all enabled bytes; active low
E4E1IChip Enable; active low
B2E2IChip Enable; active high
B6E3IChip Enable; active low
F4GIOutput Enable; active low
B4ADVIBurst address counter advance enable; active high
T7ZZISleep Mode control; active high
R5FTIFlow Through or Pipeline mode; active low
R3LBOILinear Burst Order mode; active low
R7PEIParity Bit Enable; active low (High = x16/32 Mode, Low = x18/36 Mode)
J3DPIData Parity Mode Input; 1 = Even, 0 = Odd
J5QEOParity Error Out; Open Drain Output
B1, C1, R1, T1, L4, B7, C7, U6NC—No Connect
AnIAddress Inputs
NC—No Connect (x18 Version)
I/OData Input and Output pins (x36 Version)
I/OData Input and Output pins (x18 Version)
FLXDrive Output Impedance Control
(Low = Low Impedance [High Drive], High = High Impedance [Low Drive])
Specifications cited are subject to change without notice. For latest documentation see http://www.gsitechnology.com
GS882Z18/36 BGA Pin Description
Pin LocationSymbolTypeDescription
U2TMSIScan Test Mode Select
U3TDIIScan Test Data In
U5TDOOScan Test Data Out
U4TCKIScan Test Clock
ICore power supply
II/O and Core Ground
IOutput driver power supply
J2, C4, J4, R4, J6
D3, E3, F3, H3, K3, M3, N3, P3, D5,
E5, F5, H5, K5, M5, N5, P5
A1, F1, J1, M1, U1, A7, F7, J7, M7,
Functional Details
Deassertion of the Clock Enable (CKE) input blocks the Clock input from reaching the RAM's internal circuits. It may be used to
suspend RAM operations. Failure to observe Clock Enable set-up or hold requirements will result in erratic operation.
Pipeline Mode Read and Write Operations
All inputs (with the exception of Output Enable, Linear Burst Order and Sleep) are synchronized to rising clock edges. Single cycle
read and write operations must be initiated with the Advance/Load pin (ADV) held low, in order to load the new address. Device
activation is accomplished by asserting all three of the Chip Enable inputs (E1, E2, and E3). Deassertion of any one of the Enable
inputs will deactivate the device.
Write Byte “a”LLHHH
Write Byte “b”LHLHH
Write Byte “c”LHHLH
Write Byte “d”LHHHL
Write all BytesLLLLL
Write Abort/NOPLHHHH
Read operation is initiated when the following conditions are satisfied at the rising edge of clock: CKE is asserted Low, all three
chip enables (E1, E2, and E3) are active, the write enable input signals W is deasserted high, and ADV is asserted low. The address
presented to the address inputs is latched in to address register and presented to the memory core and control logic. The control
logic determines that a read access is in progress and allows the requested data to propagate to the input of the output register. At
the next rising edge of clock the read data is allowed to propagate through the output register and onto the Output pins.
Write operation occurs when the RAM is selected, CKE is active and the Write input is sampled low at the rising edge of clock.
Specifications cited are subject to change without notice. For latest documentation see http://www.gsitechnology.com
The Byte Write Enable inputs (BA, BB, BC, and BD) determine which bytes will be written. All or none may be activated. A Write
Cycle with no Byte Write inputs active is a no-op cycle. The pipelined NBT SRAM provides double late write functionality,
matching the write command versus data pipeline length (2 cycles) to the read command versus data pipeline length (2 cycles). At
the first rising edge of clock, Enable, Write, Byte Write(s), and Address are registered. The Data In associated with that address is
required at the third rising edge of clock.
Flow Through Mode Read and Write Operations
Operation of the RAM in Flow Through mode is very similar to operations in Pipeline mode. Activation of a Read Cycle and the
use of the Burst Address Counter is identical. In Flow Through mode the device may begin driving out new data immediately after
new address are clocked into the RAM, rather than holding new data until the following (second) clock edge. Therefore, in Flow
Through mode the read pipeline is one cycle shorter than in Pipeline mode.
Write operations are initiated in the same way as well, but differ in that the write pipeline is one cycle shorter, preserving the ability
to turn the bus from reads to writes without inserting any dead cycles. While the pipelined NBT RAMs implement a double late
write protocol, in Flow Through mode a single late write protocol mode is observed. Therefore, in Flow Through mode, address
and control are registered on the first rising edge of clock and data in is required at the data input pins at the second rising edge of
Specifications cited are subject to change without notice. For latest documentation see http://www.gsitechnology.com
Synchronous Truth Table
OperationType AddressE1E2E3ZZADV WBx G CKE CKDQNotes
Deselect Cycle, Power DownDNoneHXXLLXXXLL-HHigh-Z
Deselect Cycle, Power DownDNoneXXHLLXXXLL-HHigh-Z
Deselect Cycle, Power DownDNoneXLXLLXXXLL-HHigh-Z
Deselect Cycle, ContinueDNoneXXXLHXXXLL-HHigh-Z1
Read Cycle, Begin BurstRExternalLHLLLHXLLL-HQ
Read Cycle, Continue BurstBNextXXXLHXXLLL-HQ1,10
NOP/Read, Begin BurstRExternalLHLLLHXHLL-HHigh-Z2
Dummy Read, Continue BurstBNextXXXLHXXHLL-HHigh-Z1,2,10
Write Cycle, Begin BurstWExternalLHLLLLLXLL-HD3
Write Cycle, Continue BurstBNextXXXLHXLXLL-HD1,3,10
NOP/Write Abort, Begin BurstWNoneLHLLLLHXLL-HHigh-Z2,3
Write Abort, Continue BurstBNextXXXLHXHXLL-HHigh-Z 1,2,3,10
Clock Edge Ignore, StallCurrentXXXLXXXXHL-H-4
Sleep ModeNoneXXXHXXXXXXHigh-Z
1.Continue Burst cycles, whether read or write, use the same control inputs; a Deselect continue cycle can only be entered into if a Deselect
cycle is executed first
2.Dummy read and write abort can be considered NOPs because the SRAM performs no operation. A Write abort occurs when the W pin is
sampled low but no Byte Write pins are active, so no Write operation is performed.
3.G can be wired low to minimize the number of control signals provided to the SRAM. Output drivers will automatically turn off during Write
4.If CKE High occurs during a pipelined read cycle, the DQ bus will remain active (Low Z). If CKE High occurs during a write cycle, the bus
will remain in High Z.
5. X = Don’t Care; H = Logic High; L = Logic Low; Bx = High = All Byte Write signals are high; Bx = Low = One or more Byte/Write signals
are Low
6.All inputs, except G and ZZ must meet setup and hold times of rising clock edge.
7.Wait states can be inserted by setting CKE high.
8.This device contains circuitry that ensures all outputs are in High Z during power-up.
9.A 2-bit burst counter is incorporated.
10. The address counter is incriminated for all Burst continue cycles.
Specifications cited are subject to change without notice. For latest documentation see http://www.gsitechnology.com
Burst Cycles
Although NBT RAMs are designed to sustain 100% bus bandwidth by eliminating turnaround cycle when there is transition from
read to write, multiple back-to-back reads or writes may also be performed. NBT SRAMs provide an on-chip burst address
generator that can be utilized, if desired, to further simplify burst read or write implementations. The ADV control pin, when
driven high, commands the SRAM to advance the internal address counter and use the counter generated address to read or write
the SRAM. The starting address for the first cycle in a burst cycle series is loaded into the SRAM by driving the ADV pin low, into
Load mode.
Burst Order
The burst address counter wraps around to its initial state after four addresses (the loaded address and three more) have been
accessed. The burst sequence is determined by the state of the Linear Burst Order pin (LBO). When this pin is Low, a linear burst
sequence is selected. When the RAM is installed with the LBO pin tied high, Interleaved burst sequence is selected. See the tables
below for details.
The ZQ pin allows selection between NBT RAM nominal drive strength (ZQ low) for multi-drop bus applications and low drive
strength (ZQ floating or high) point-to-point applications. See the Output Driver Characteristics chart for details.
Mode Pin Functions
Mode NamePin NameStateFunction
Burst Order ControlLBO
Output Register ControlFT
Power Down ControlZZ
ByteSafe Data Parity ControlDP
Parity EnablePE
FLXDrive Output Impedance ControlZQ
There are pull-up devices on the LBO, ZQ, DP and FT pins and a pull down device on the PE and ZZ pins, so those input pins can be
unconnected and the chip will operate in the default states as specified in the above table.
LLinear Burst
H or NCInterleaved Burst
LFlow Through
H or NCPipeline
L or NCActive
LCheck for Odd Parity
H or NCCheck for Even Parity
L or NCActivate 9th I/Os (x18/36 Mode)
HDeactivate 9th I/Os (x16/32 Mode)
LHigh Drive (Low Impedance)
H Low Drive (High Impedance)
Standby, IDD = I
Enable / Disable Parity I/O Pins
This SRAM allows the user to configure the device to operate in Parity I/O active (x18 or x36) or in Parity I/O inactive (x16 or
x32) mode. Holding the PE bump low or letting it float will activate the 9th I/O on each byte of the RAM. Tying PE high
deactivates the 9th I/O of each byte, although the bit in each byte of the memory array remains active to store and recall parity bits
generated and read into the ByteSafe parity circuits.