Rev: 1.15 5/2001 4/39 © 2000, Giga Semiconductor, Inc.
Specifications cited are subject to change without notice. For latest documentation see
GS88218/36 BGA Pin Description
Pin Location Symbol Type Description
P4, N4 A0, A1 I Address field LSBs and Address Counter Preset Inputs
A2, A3, A5, A6, B3, B5, B6, C2, C3,
C5, C6, R2, R6, T3, T5
An I Address Inputs
T4 An I Address Inputs (x36 Version)
T2, T6 NC — No Connect (x36 Version)
T2, T6 An I Address Inputs (x18 Version)
K7, K6, L7, L6, M6, N7, N6, P7, P6
H7, H6, G7, G6, F6, E7, E6, D7, D6
H1, H2, G1, G2, F2, E1, E2, D1, D2
K1, K2, L1, L2, M2, N1, N2, P1, P2
I/O Data Input and Output pins (x36 Version)
L5, G5, G3, L3 BA, BB, BC, BD I Byte Write Enable for DQA, DQB, DQC, DQD I/Os; active low ( x36 Version)
P7, N6, L6, K7, H6, G7, F6, E7, D6
D1, E2, G2, H1, K2, L1, M2, N1, P2
I/O Data Input and Output pins (x18 Version)
L5, G3 BA, BB I Byte Write Enable for DQA, DQB Data I/Os; active low ( x18 Version)
P6, N7, M6, L7, K6, H7, G6, E6, D7,
D2, E1, F2, G1, H2, K1, L2, N2, P1,
G5, L3, T4
NC — No Connect (x18 Version)
K4 CK I Clock Input Signal; active high
M4 BW I Byte Write—Writes all enabled bytes; active low
H4 GW I Global Write Enable—Writes all bytes; active low
E4 E1 I Chip Enable; active low
B2 E2 I Chip Enable; active high
F4 G I Output Enable; active low
G4 ADV I Burst address counter advance enable; active low
A4, B4 ADSP, ADSC I Address Strobe (Processor, Cache Controller); active low
T7 ZZ I Sleep Mode control; active high
R5 FT I Flow Through or Pipeline mode; active low
R3 LBO I Linear Burst Order mode; active low
L4 SCD I Single Cycle Deselect/Dual Cycle Deselect Mode Control
R7 PE I Parity Bit Enable; active low (High = x16/32 Mode, Low = x18/36 Mode)
J3 DP I Data Parity Mode Input; 1 = Even, 0 = Odd
J5 QE O Parity Error Out; Open Drain Output
FLXDrive Output Impedance Control
(Low = Low Impedance [High Drive], High = High Impedance [Low Drive])
B1, C1, R1, T1, B7, C7, U6 NC — No Connect