• Byte Write (BW) and/or Global Write (GW) operation
• Common data inputs and data outputs
• Clock Control, registered, address, data, and control
• Internal self-timed write cycle
• Automatic power-down for portable applications
• 100-lead TQFP package
10 ns
4.0 ns
225 mA
11 ns
15 ns
180 mA
10 ns
4.0 ns
225 mA
11.5 ns
15 ns
180 mA
8Mb Sync Burst SRAMs
10 ns
4.0 ns
225 mA
12 ns
15 ns
180 mA
12.5 ns
4.5 ns
200 mA
14 ns
15 ns
175 mA
15 ns
5.0 ns
185 mA
18 ns
20 ns
165 mA
Functional Description
The GS881E18//36T is a 9,437,184-bit high performance
synchronous SRAM with a 2-bit burst address counter.
Although of a type originally developed for Level 2 Cache
applications supporting high performance CPUs, the device
now finds application in synchronous SRAM applications,
ranging from DSP main store to networking chip set support.
Addresses, data I/Os, chip enables (E1, E2), address burst
control inputs (ADSP, ADSC, ADV) and write control inputs
(Bx, BW, GW) are synchronous and are controlled by a
positive-edge-triggered clock input (CK). Output enable (G)
and power down control (ZZ) are asynchronous inputs. Burst
cycles can be initiated with either ADSP or ADSC inputs. In
Burst mode, subsequent burst addresses are generated
internally and are controlled by ADV. The burst address
100 MHz–66 MHz
3.3 V V
3.3 V and 2.5 V I/O
counter may be configured to count in either linear or
interleave order with the Linear Burst Order (LBO) input. The
Burst function need not be used. New addresses can be loaded
on every cycle with no degradation of chip performance.
Flow Through/Pipeline Reads
The function of the Data Output register can be controlled by
the user via the FT mode pin (Pin 14). Holding the FT mode
pin low places the RAM in Flow Through mode, causing
output data to bypass the Data Output Register. Holding FT
high places the RAM in Pipeline mode, activating the risingedge-triggered Data Output Register.
DCD Pipelined Reads
The GS881E18//36T is a DCD (Dual Cycle Deselect)
pipelined synchronous SRAM. SCD (Single Cycle Deselect)
versions are also available. DCD SRAMs pipeline disable
commands to the same degree as read commands. DCD RAMs
hold the deselect command for one full cycle and then begin
turning off their outputs just after the second rising edge of
Byte Write and Global Write
Byte write operation is performed by using Byte Write enable
(BW) input combined with one or more individual byte write
signals (Bx). In addition, Global Write (GW) is available for
writing all bytes at one time, regardless of the byte write
control inputs.
ByteSafe™ Parity Functions
The GS881E18/36T features ByteSafe data security functions.
See detailed discussion following.
Sleep Mode
Low power (Sleep mode) is attained through the assertion
(high) of the ZZ signal, or by stopping the clock (CK).
Memory data is retained during Sleep mode.
Core and Interface Voltages
The GS881E18//36T operates on a 3.3 V power supply, and all
inputs/outputs are 3.3 V- and 2.5 V-compatible. Separate
output power (V
87BWIByte Write—Writes all enabled bytes; active low
93, 94BA, BBIByte Write Enable for DQA, DQB Data I/Os; active low
95, 96BC, BDIByte Write Enable for DQC, DQD Data I/Os; active low ( x36 Version)
95, 96NC—No Connect (x18 Version)
89CKIClock Input Signal; active high
88GWIGlobal Write Enable—Writes all bytes; active low
98E1IChip Enable; active low
97E2IChip Enable; active high
86GIOutput Enable; active low
83ADVIBurst address counter advance enable; active low
84, 85ADSP, ADSCIAddress Strobe (Processor, Cache Controller); active low
Specifications cited are subject to change without notice. For latest documentation see http://www.gsitechnology.com.
ByteSafe™ Parity Functions
This SRAM includes a write data parity check that checks the validity of data coming into the RAM on write cycles. In Flow
Through mode, write data errors are reported in the cycle following the data input cycle. In Pipeline mode, write data errors are
reported one clock cycle later. (See Write Parity Error Output Timing Diagram.) The Data Parity Mode (DP) pin must be tied
high to set the RAM to check for even parity or low to check for odd parity. Read data parity is not checked by the RAM as data.
Validity is best established at the data’s destination. The Parity Error Output is an open drain output and drives low to indicate a
parity error. Multiple Parity Error Output pins may share a common pull-up resistor.
Specifications cited are subject to change without notice. For latest documentation see http://www.gsitechnology.com.
Linear Burst Sequence
Mode Pin Functions
Mode NamePin NameStateFunction
Burst Order ControlLBO
Output Register ControlFT
Power Down ControlZZ
ByteSafe Data Parity ControlDP
There are pull-up devices on the LBO, DP and FT pins and a pull down device on the ZZ pin, so those input pins can be unconnected and the
chip will operate in the default states as specified in the above table.
Burst Counter Sequences
LLinear Burst
H or NCInterleaved Burst
LFlow Through
H or NCPipeline
L or NCActive
LCheck for Odd Parity
H or NCCheck for Even Parity
Standby, IDD = I
nterleaved Burst Sequence
A[1:0] A[1:0] A[1:0] A[1:0]
1st address00011011
2nd address01101100
3rd address10110001
4th address11000110
Note: The burst counter wraps to initial state on the 5th clock.
A[1:0] A[1:0] A[1:0] A[1:0]
1st address00011011
2nd address01001110
3rd address10110001
4th address11100100
Note: The burst counter wraps to initial state on the 5th clock.
2.For x36 Version, E = T (True) if E2 = 1; E = F (False) if E2 = 0.
3.W = T (True) and F (False) is defined in the Byte Write Truth Table preceding.
4.G is an asynchronous input. G can be driven high at any time to disable active output drivers. G low can only enable active drivers (shown
as “Q” in the Truth Table above).
5.All input combinations shown above are tested and supported. Input combinations shown in gray boxes need not be used to accomplish
basic synchronous or synchronous burst operations and may be avoided for simplicity.
6.Tying ADSP high and ADSC low allows simple non-burst synchronous operations. See BOLD items above.
7.Tying ADSP high and ADV low while using ADSC to load new addresses allows simple burst operations. See ITALIC items above.
1.The diagram shows only supported (tested) synchronous state transitions. The diagram presumes G is tied low.
2.The upper portion of the diagram assumes active use of only the Enable (E1 and E2) and Write (BA, BB, BC, BD, BW, and GW) control
inputs, and that ADSP is tied high and ADSC is tied low.
3.The upper and lower portions of the diagram together assume active use of only the Enable, Write, and ADSC control inputs, and
assumes ADSP is tied high and ADV is tied low.