G-Shock DW-8800MM-3T User Manual

If the contents of the upper part of the display seem to be continually
changing, see “AUTO DISPLAY FUNCTION” for information on how to stop it.
Press M to change from mode to mode.
Press L to illuminate the display for about two seconds. While Morse code
Timekeeping Mode
Text area
Contact Code Mode
Stopwatch Mode
Text area
PM indicator
Day of week
Hour : Minutes
Month – Date
To set the time and date
1. Hold down A while in the Timekeeping Mode until the seconds digits start to flash on the display. The seconds flash because they are
While the seconds digits are selected (flashing), press C to reset the
seconds to
2. Press M to change the selection in the following sequence.
3. While any other digits (besides seconds) are selected (flashing), press C to increase the number or B to decrease it. Holding down either button changes the current selection at high speed.
While any digits are selected, press L to switch between the 12-hour and
24-hour formats.
When the 12-hour format is selected, the
of the day of the week in the text area of the display. With the 12-hour format, the P indicator appears on the display to indicate “p.m.” times. There is no indicator for “a.m.” times. Selecting the 24-hour format causes the of the day of the week in the text area, and the 24 indicator to appear on the display.
4. After you set the time and date, press A to return to the Timekeeping Mode.
The day of the week is automatically set in accordance with the date.
The date can be set within the range of January 1, 1995 to December 31,
If you do not operate any button for a few minutes while a selection is
flashing, the flashing stops and the watch goes back to the Timekeeping Mode automatically.
Seconds Hour Minutes
About the backlight
Press L to illuminate the display for about two seconds. While Morse code data is on the display in the Morse Code Mode, pressing L does not illuminate the display.
The backlight of the watch employs an electro-luminescent (EL) light, which
loses illuminating power after very long use.
The backlight remains lit for about two seconds from the point you press
L , even if it already lit when you press L . If you keep L depressed for one or two minutes, the backlight will automatically turn off.
The illumination provided by the backlight may be hard to see when viewed
under direct sunlight.
In addition to normal timekeeping, the Timekeeping Mode is also used to set the current time and date. You can also adjust the seconds count to “00” at any time by pressing two buttons.
To adjust the seconds count to “00”
In the Timekeeping Mode, press B and C simultaneously to adjust the seconds count to
If you press B and C at the same time while the seconds count is in the range of 30 to 59, the
seconds are reset to minutes. If the seconds count is in the range of 00 to 29, the minutes count is unchanged.
Year Month Date
00 and 1 is added to the
12H indicator appears in place
24H indicator to appear in place
When the text in the text area of the display contains more than five characters, it automatically scrolls. Text scrolling in the text area stops moving whenever an alarm is sounding.
In any mode other than Stopwatch Mode, the watch automatically returns to the Timekeeping Mode if you do not perform any button operation for two or three minutes.
Mission Code Mode Morse Code Mode
Alarm Mode
Vital Statistics/ID Mode
The backlight automatically stops illuminating whenever an alarm sounds.
The watch will emit an audible sound whenever the display is illuminated.
This is caused by a transistor that vibrates when the EL panel lights up. It does not indicate malfunction of the watch.
Text area
Remaining memory
See the “CHARACTER LIST” at the back of this manual for details on how
The data item that appears on the display when you enter the Contact Code
Mode indicator
the watch sorts data. Mode is the same one that was displayed the last time you exited the
Contact Code Mode.
To input new contact code data
[New Data Display]
2. Hold down A until the flashing cursor appears in the text area of the
3. Input a name in the text area and a contact number in the number area.
You can input up to eight characters in the text area, and 12 digits in the
You can input only hyphens, numbers and spaces in the number area (you
4. After inputting your data, press A to store it and return to the Contact
When you press A to store data, the message
Text area
number area. cannot input text). Use B and C to input characters, and M to move the cursor around the
display. For details, see “INPUTTING TEXT”.
Code Mode.
display for a few seconds. After the sort operation is complete, the normal Contact Code Mode display (without the cursor) appears.
Number area
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The Contact Code Mode lets you store up to 100* sets of contact data (such as telephone numbers). Stored data is sorted automatically into alphabetic sequence based on the text area text.
The Contact Code Mode shares memory with the Mission Code Mode. This means that the maximum number of Contact Code Mode entries you can store is reduced by one each
time you store a Mission Code Mode data item.
Whenever you enter the Contact Code Mode, the text
CONTACT CODE scrolls across
the text area of the display once. Next, contact
code data appears on the display. You can interrupt scrolling of the initial text and immediately display contact code data at any time by pressing A , B , or C .
1. In the Contact Code Mode, press B and C at the same time to display the new data display.
If there is no contact code data stored in memory
yet, the new data display appears as soon as you enter the Contact Code Mode.
If the message
of the display, it means that memory is full. To store more data, you will first have to delete some of the data stored in memory.
FULL appears in the text area
SORT appears on the
To recall contact code data
In the Contact Code Mode, press C to scroll forward through stored data items or B to scroll in reverse.
Holding down either button scrolls through the data at high speed.
The new data display appears whenever scrolling reaches the beginning or
the end of data currently stored in memory.
To edit contact code data items
1. In the Contact Code Mode, scroll through the data items and display the one you want to edit.
2. Hold down A until the flashing cursor appears in the text area of the display.
3. Use M to move the cursor to the character you want to change.
4. Change the character.
See “INPUTTING TEXT” for details.
5. After making the changes that you want, press A to store them and return to the Contact Code Mode.
To delete contact code data
1. In the Contact Code Mode, scroll through the data items and display the one you want to delete.
2. Hold down A until the flashing cursor appears in the text area of the display.
3. Press B and C at the same time to delete the contact code data item.
At this time the cursor appears in the text area, ready for input.
4. Press A and then L to return to the Contact Code Mode.
Remaining memory
Mission Code Mode lets you store up to 100* mission code data items (mission time, date, and text). Whenever a mission time is reached, an alarm sounds and the text you input for the mission scrolls across the text area of the display.
The Mission Code Mode shares memory with the Contact Code Mode. This means that the maximum number of Mission Code Mode entries you can store is reduced by one each time you store a Contact Code Mode data item.
Whenever you enter the Mission Code Mode, the text
MISSION CODE scrolls across
the text area of the display once. Next, mission code data appears on the display. You can interrupt scrolling of the initial text and immediately display mission code data at any time by pressing A , B , or C .
A Mission Code Alarm sounds whenever a mission time you set is reached. It continues for about 20 seconds or until you interrupt it by pressing any button.
The mission code text scrolls across the text area of the display only if the watch is in the Timekeeping Mode when the mission code time is reached. The text continues to scroll for about 25 seconds, or until you stop it by pressing any button after you press a button to interrupt the alarm.
Mission Code Mode data items are automatically sorted into chronological order.
Entering the Mission Code Mode causes data for the next scheduled mission to appear on the display.
To input new mission code data
1. In the Mission Code Mode, press B or C until the new data display appears.
If there is no mission code data stored in memory
yet, the new data display appears as soon as you enter the Mission Code Mode.
If the message
FULL appears in the text area
of the display, it means that memory is full. To store more data, you will first have to delete some of the data stored in memory.
2. Hold down A until the month setting starts to flash in the number area of the display. The month setting flashes because it is
The initial mission time setting is always midnight, which is indicated as
12:00 with the 12-hour timekeeping format and 0:00 in the 24-hour format. You can select the timekeeping format in the Timekeeping Mode.
3. Press M to change the flashing selection in the following sequence.
11 spaces are provided for the text. This means that if you input only five characters for the text, so you have to press
6 times to reach the month
Text area
Mode indicator
Month – Date
Text area
Number area
[New Data Display]
Month Date
Hour Text *
Hour : Minutes
4. While the month, date, hour or minutes is flashing, press C to increase the selected setting or B to decrease it. Holding down either button changes the current selection at high speed.
Correct storage of mission code data is impossible if you do not input a
month and date.
The date you can specify must be within one year from the current date.
This means that if the current date (in the Timekeeping Mode) is June 30, 1996, you will be able to specify any date up to June 29, 1997 for a mission date.
When setting the time using the 12-hour format, take care to set the time
correctly as morning (no indicator) or afternoon (P).
5. Input text in the text area of the display.
You can input up to 11 characters for the text.
Use B and C to input characters, and M to move the cursor around the display. For details, see “INPUTTING TEXT”.
6. After inputting your data, press A to store it and return to the Mission Code Mode.
Mission code data remains in memory until you delete it. Be sure to delete
old mission code data whenever you no longer need it. See “To delete mission code data”.
To recall mission code data
In the Mission Code Mode, press C to scroll forward through stored data items or B to scroll in reverse.
Holding down either button scrolls through the data at high speed.
The new data display appears whenever scrolling reaches the beginning or
the end of data currently stored in memory.
To edit mission code data items
1. In the Mission Code Mode, scroll through the data items and display the one you want to edit.
2. Hold down A until the month setting starts to flash in the number area.
3. Use M to move the flashing to the part of the mission code data item you want to change.
4. Use B and C to change the data.
See “To input new mission code data” for details on inputting data.
5. After making the changes that you want, press A to store them and return to the Mission Code Mode.
To delete mission code data
1. In the Mission Code Mode, scroll through the data items and display the one you want to delete.
2. Hold down A until the month setting starts to flash in the number area.
3. Press B and C at the same time to delete the mission code data item.
The message
CLEAR appears for a short while. Next, the month setting
starts to flash on the display, ready for input of new data.
4. Press A and then L to return to the Mission Code Mode.
Text area
Mode indicator
Morse code data
The Morse Code Mode lets you store up to 16 characters as text or Morse code data. Stored data can be converted between plain text and its Morse code equivalent with the touch of a button.
Whenever you enter the Morse Code Mode, the text
MORSE CODE scrolls across the
text area of the display once. Next, Morse code data appears on the display. You can interrupt scrolling of the initial text and immediately display Morse code data at any time by pressing A , B , or C .
When displaying Morse code data in the text area of the display, the watch first displays the
indicator for about two or three seconds,
followed by the Morse code data.
Using Morse Code
Morse code is a system of representing letters of the alphabet and numbers using short and long elements called “dots” (
) and “dashes” ( ). This
watch shows Morse code in the text area of the display using “
” and “ ”
symbols, with the codes for each letter separated by spaces.
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