Owner´s Manual
Encore: A demand by an audience for an additional per-
formance, usually expressed by applause.
Table of Contents:
Introduction....................... 3
The Gryphon....................... 3
The Man.............................. 4
Made in Denmark............... 4
Musical Objectives.............. 5
The Gryphon Master Tape
Collection............................ 5
Design Principles................ 5
Exterior Design................... 7
Manufacture and Assembly. 8
Using Your Gryphon......... 8
AC Voltage.......................... 8
Burn-In and Warm-Up.......... 8
Placement............................ 9
Input Connections........ 9
Choice of Cables................. 9
Care and Maintenance........ 9
Encore............................ 10
Sonic Excellence................. 10
Circuit Topology.................... 11
Protection............................. 11
Exterior................................. 11
Installation............................ 12
AC Power, Placement.......... 12
Power Cords, AC Polarity..... 13
Front Panel Functions............ 13
Rear Panel Functions............ 14
Balanced and RCA Inputs..... 14
Protection system.................. 14
Fuses, .................................. 15
Troubleshooting ................... 16
Tweak alert............................ 17
Warranty................................ 18
Specifications........................ 19
and concert hall dimensions are
Dynamics and an unambiguous
sense of instrument location
even in the loudest passages
are also high priorities. To
achieve these objectives,
Gryphon products offer excep
tional speed and agility along
with seamless coherence in the
Since 1985, Gryphon Audio
Designs has quietly gone about
the business of creating fine
home audio components. We
know that you will appreci
ate and enjoy the benefits
rience and share our abid
In Greek mythology: A fabled
creature, half-lion and half-
eagle, combining the power of
the “King of Beasts” with the
grace of the “King of Birds”. The
guardian of the source of gold
and protector of the Dionysian
In the real world: An acclaimed
Danish audio engineering com
pany employing cutting edge
technology and common sense
in the pursuit of the purest musi
cal experience. We feel that the
gryphon is an appropriate sym
Welcome to the global family of
proud owners of fine audio components from Gryphon Audio
Designs of Denmark. Your new
Gryphon unit has been painstakingly designed to re-create the
sound of live music taking place
in its original recorded space.
Every Gryphon product is
designed to cater to the needs of
the most discerning music
enthusiast with sumptuous
styling and superb user-friendliness which elevate it above the
mundane world of conventional audio components.
time domain.
As audiophiles, the
members of the
Gryphon design team are constantly reminded to keep their
priorities straight. We are not
involved in “hi-fi” for its own
sake, but strictly as a means to
an end, in the service of our lifelong love of the live music experience in all its sonic and emotional glory.
Our higher goal is to bring to the
listener a “You-Are-There” sensation. In taking up this challenge, the Gryphon designers go
back to basics to analyze the
essential nature of the live music
experience. For us, an awareness of soundstaging, ambience
ing passion for music.
The Gryphon
cup of infinite wealth.
bol for our high sonic goals.
Following the immediate suc
cess of the Gryphon brand, all
import business was phased out
in 1993, so that Rasmussen
could dedicate his efforts entire
Every product from Gryphon
Audio Designs is designed and
built in Denmark. This is much
more than just a geographical
fact. It is also a seal of approval,
a stamp of quality. Living in a
region with no natural resources
(no oil, coal, precious metals,
etc.), the Danes have learned to
rely on their quick wits and
skilled hands. Innovative tech
nology, beautiful craftsmanship,
pride in one’s craft and a keen
eye for attractive design are
some of the long-standing
Danish traditions which are dis
tilled to their finest essence in
every unit that bears the
While scientific method and
sophisticated technology play an
important role in our electronics
design work, at Gryphon we
never lose sight of the fact that
the keen ears of an experienced
listener are the most crucial “cal
ibration tools.” Therefore, every
Flemming E. Rasmussen painting 1967
The Gryphon Head Amp 1985
The Man
Gryphon Audio Designs is the
brainchild of Flemming E.
Rasmussen and the fulfillment of
a lifelong dream to allow the
purest essence of the live music
experience to be recreated in the
home environment.
Rasmussen holds a degree in
painting and graphic arts from
the Aarhus Art Academy,
Denmark. During his studies,
Rasmussen developed close
relationships with the local music
community and designed many
LP covers and concert posters.
After graduation, he taught photography and painting and
designed textiles, before founding 2R Marketing, which quickly
became Denmark’s leading High
End audio import company.
Gryphon Audio Designs was
founded in 1985 as an offshoot
of 2R Marketing, The first product, the now legendary Gryphon
Head Amp, grew from a one-off
spare time project developed
only for the designers’ own home
systems. Although the Gryphon
project was initially strictly a
hobby, not an actively pursued
commercial venture, demand
generated by reviews and wordof-mouth led to the formal establishment of Gryphon Audio
Designs as a separate corporate
ly to Gryphon.
Made In Denmark
Gryphon name.
Musical Objectives
With state of the art technical
equipment and some of the
finest minds in the audio engi
neering field at our disposal, the
Gryphon brand name continues
to define the highest audiophile
standards of subjective and
The dual mono configuration
radically eliminates any possibil
ity of crosstalk or other interfer
ence between channels and pro
vides infinite channel separation
which contributes to the ability to
create space, focus, depth and
Because the electrical power
coming out of your wall fluctu
ates wildly in terms of voltage
and distortion, Gryphon incorpo
rates heavily regulated multi-
stage power supplies that act as
effective mains conditioning fil
ters. Displays and control circuits
are fed by a separate power sup
ply to isolate any digital noise
artifacts and effectively prevent
them from contaminating the sig
While the printed circuit boards
in more conventional audio prod
ucts utilize conductor tracks a
mere 35 micron thick, Gryphon
employs at least 70 micron
Gryphon is located in beautiful tranquil surroundings.
Gryphon product exists for one
simple purpose: to bring the user
closer in the never-ending quest
for a more natural and convincing musical illusion.
Every Gryphon design has been
built to cruise effortlessly through
even the most demanding musical passages, regardless of volume level, with a musical presentation defined by supreme
articulation and immediacy, subtle dynamic shading and razorsharp focus. Refinement and
delicacy are combined with
power and authority for a natural, involving listening experience.
The Gryphon Master
Tape Collection
In the Gryphon listening rooms,
we are fortunate to possess a
unique library of more than
1,000 original master tapes of
recordings made during the
Golden Age of studio engineering from 1956-1976.
Unlike conventional commercial
releases, our master tapes capture the dynamic contrasts and
subtle inner harmonic structure
of the musical event, forcing us
to work to a higher standard in
our efforts to maintain the integrity of the original musical performance.
Design Principles
technical performance.
nal path.
traces of the highest purity.
Beginning with our very first
amplifier apply no global nega
Gryphon research into the detri
mental effects of magnetically
induced distortion (MID) has led
to the elimination of magnetiz
able materials wherever possi
ble. To eliminate the effects of
stray magnetic fields, non-mag
netic materials are employed
whre possible without sacrificing
The mechanical design of the
cabinet and assembly methods
are all carefully calculated to
ensure minimal resonance,
either through the use of
mechanically grounded high
mass or decoupling. Vibration-
sensitive components, capaci
tors in particular, are thus guar
anteed a non-resonant environ
The heavy, thick chassis offers a
vibration-proof environment for
the sensitive electronics inside
and provides crucial shielding
from a polluted world of low and
high-frequency radio waves,
power-line radiation and other
Meticulous attention to such
issues makes a significant con
tribution to the relaxing, open
and transparent Gryphon sound.
Unique, non-invasive protection
circuitry offers reliable, fuss-free
protection without compromising
product, “The Head Amp” all
Gryphon products have featured
extremely wide frequency bandwidth, because the ability to
reproduce ultra-sonic frequencies with no difficulty ensures linear phase across the audible frequency range.
The implementation of circuits
with wideband frequency
response is a painstaking
endeavor in which the actual layout and ground pattern of the PC
boards are crucial to the
achievement of superior sonic
performance with no loss of
inherent stability.
Wideband frequency response
ensures the high slew rate
essential to the realistic handling
of the ultra-fast transients which
routinely occur in live music and
is crucial in recreating the natural decay of musical instruments.
Wide bandwidth also improves
phase characteristics, for more
correct soundstaging and imaging.
tive feedback.
structual stability and safety.
Encore detail
All Gryphon designs are realized
with an absolute minimum of
negative feedback, which when
present in large amounts can
actually increase TIM distortion.
All Gryphon preamplifiers are
designed with zero negative
feedback. The Encore power