ating the natural decay of musical
instruments. Wide bandwidth also
improves phase characteristics, for
more correct soundstaging and
All Gryphon designs are realized
with an absolute minimum of negative feedback, which when present
in large amounts can actually
increase TIM distortion. All Gryphon
preamplifiers are designed with
zero negative feedback. Gryphon
power amplifiers apply negative
feedback judiciously for improved
linearity and bandwidth.
Gryphon research into the detrimental effects of magnetically
induced distortion (MID) has led to
the elimination of magnetizable
materials wherever possible. To
eliminate the effects of stray magnetic fields, non-magnetic materials
are employed throughout, with the
unavoidable exception of the transformer shield box.
The mechanical design of the cabinet and assembly methods are all
carefully calculated to ensure minimal resonance, either through the
use of mechanically grounded high
mass or decoupling. Vibration-sensitive components, capacitors in
particular, are thus guaranteed a
non-resonant environment.
The heavy, thick chassis offers a
vibration-proof environment for the
sensitive electronics inside and provides crucial shielding
from a polluted world of low and
high-frequency radio waves, powerline radiation and other electrical
interference. Meticulous attention to
such issues makes a significant
contribution to the relaxing, open
and transparent Gryphon sound.
Unique, non-invasive protection circuitry offers reliable, fuss-free protection without compromising signal
purity and signal path simplicity,
with no conventional relays in the
signal path to degrade or compress
The ground path has been carefully
laid out in order to achieve superior
sonic performance with no loss of
stability. Component layout has
been designed to ensure the shortest conceivable signal path.
Exhaustive investigation underlies
the selection of every component
part and many original, proprietary
components are custom-built exclusively for Gryphon. Because what is
left out is just as important as what
goes in, an absolute minimum of
internal wiring is included.
By lavishing attention on each
aspect of the circuit and fully understanding the purpose and behavior
of every single part of the whole,
our designers can optimize performance in each section, before