Gryphon Cantata Owner's Manual

Owner´s Manual
Can-ta-ta A musical composition, often using sacret text, comprising recitatives, arisa and choruses.
Table of Contents:
Introduction....................... 3
The Gryphon....................... 3
The Man.............................. 4
Made in Denmark............... 4
Musical Objectives.............. 5
The Gryphon Master Tape
Collection............................ 5
Exterior Design................... 5
The Bass............................. 7
The smaller speaker........... 8
The Gryphon Cantata......... 8
The design......................... 9
Choice of Cables................. 9
A long process..................... 9
The Cantata Q Controller..... 10
Best of both worlds.............. 11
The Cabinet......................... 11
The Drivers.......................... 13
Set-up.................................. 15
Assembling the Speaker...... 15
Connecting the Q Control.... 16
Cantata and the listening room 17
Speaker placement.............. 18
Selecting the Q Factor......... 19
Break-in................................ 19
Room placement.................. 20
Manufacture and Assembly 21
Choice of cables.................. 21
Care and Maintenance........ 22
Tweak Alert.......................... 22
Warranty.............................. 23
Specifications...................... 24
and concert hall dimensions are
necessary components.
Dynamics and an unambiguous
sense of instrument location
even in the loudest passages
are also high priorities. To
achieve these objectives,
Gryphon products offer excep
tional speed and agility along
with seamless coherence in the
Since 1985, Gryphon Audio
Designs has quietly gone about
the business of creating fine
home audio components. We
know that you will appreci
ate and enjoy the benefits
of our accumulated expe
rience and share our abid
In Greek mythology: A fabled
creature, half-lion and half-
eagle, combining the power of
the “King of Beasts” with the
grace of the “King of Birds”. The
guardian of the source of gold
and protector of the Dionysian
In the real world: An acclaimed
Danish audio engineering com
pany employing cutting edge
technology and common sense
in the pursuit of the purest musi
cal experience. We feel that the
gryphon is an appropriate sym
Welcome to the global family of proud owners of fine audio com­ponents from Gryphon Audio Designs of Denmark. Your new Gryphon unit has been painstak­ingly designed to re-create the sound of live music taking place in its original recorded space. Every Gryphon product is designed to cater to the needs of the most discerning music enthusiast with sumptuous styling and superb user-friendli­ness which elevate it above the mundane world of con­ventional audio compo­nents.
time domain.
As audiophiles, the members of the Gryphon design team are con­stantly reminded to keep their priorities straight. We are not involved in “hi-fi” for its own sake, but strictly as a means to an end, in the service of our life­long love of the live music expe­rience in all its sonic and emo­tional glory.
Our higher goal is to bring to the listener a “You-Are-There” sen­sation. In taking up this chal­lenge, the Gryphon designers go back to basics to analyze the essential nature of the live music experience. For us, an aware­ness of soundstaging, ambience
ing passion for music.
The Gryphon
cup of infinite wealth.
bol for our high sonic goals.
Following the immediate suc
cess of the Gryphon brand, all
import business was phased out
in 1993, so that Rasmussen
could dedicate his efforts entire
Every product from Gryphon
Audio Designs is designed and
built in Denmark. This is much
more than just a geographical
fact. It is also a seal of approval,
a stamp of quality. Living in a
region with no natural resources
(no oil, coal, precious metals,
etc.), the Danes have learned to
rely on their quick wits and
skilled hands. Innovative tech
nology, beautiful craftsmanship,
pride in one’s craft and a keen
eye for attractive design are
some of the long-standing
Danish traditions which are dis
tilled to their finest essence in
every unit that bears the
While scientific method and
sophisticated technology play an
important role in our electronics
design work, at Gryphon we
never lose sight of the fact that
the keen ears of an experienced
listener are the most crucial “cal
ibration tools.” Therefore, every
Flemming E. Rasmussen painting 1967
The Gryphon Head Amp 1985
The Man
Gryphon Audio Designs is the brainchild of Flemming E. Rasmussen and the fulfillment of a lifelong dream to allow the purest essence of the live music experience to be recreated in the home environment.
Rasmussen holds a degree in painting and graphic arts from the Aarhus Art Academy, Denmark. During his studies, Rasmussen developed close relationships with the local music community and designed many LP covers and concert posters. After graduation, he taught pho­tography and painting and designed textiles, before found­ing 2R Marketing, which quickly became Denmark’s leading High End audio import company.
Gryphon Audio Designs was founded in 1985 as an offshoot of 2R Marketing, The first prod­uct, the now legendary Gryphon Head Amp, grew from a one-off spare time project developed only for the designers’ own home systems. Although the Gryphon project was initially strictly a hobby, not an actively pursued commercial venture, demand generated by reviews and word­of-mouth led to the formal estab­lishment of Gryphon Audio Designs as a separate corporate entity.
ly to Gryphon.
Made In Denmark
Gryphon name.
Musical Objectives
Gryphon product exists for one
From the very beginning, every
Gryphon product has offered
stunning audio performance,
sumptuous styling and superb
user-friendliness, catering to the
needs of the discerning audio
phile who demands musicality,
convenience and aesthetics, all
In every Gryphon product, form
follows function in a unique syn
thesis of aesthetics and practi
cality. Gryphon stands for
sophisticated technology with a
high standard of industrial finish
that also incorporates the best of
The peerless finish, build quality,
ergonomics and pride of owner
ship that contribute to the totality
of the Gryphon concept can only
be fully understood and appreci
Rasmussen’s background in fine
arts and industrial design gives
every Gryphon product a distinc
tive, luxuriant finish which arises
organically out of the audio cir
cuit design and the user inter
face for a truly unique integration
simple purpose: to bring the user closer in the never-ending quest for a more natural and convinc­ing musical illusion.
Every Gryphon design has been built to cruise effortlessly through even the most demanding musi­cal passages, regardless of vol­ume level, with a musical pres­entation defined by supreme articulation and immediacy, sub­tle dynamic shading and razor­sharp focus. Refinement and delicacy are combined with power and authority for a natu­ral, involving listening experi­ence.
The Gryphon Master Tape Collection
In the Gryphon listening rooms, we are fortunate to possess a unique library of more than 1,000 original master tapes of recordings made during the Golden Age of studio engineer­ing from 1956-1976.
Exterior Design
without compromise.
ated up close and in person.
Gryphon is located in beautiful tranquil sur­roundings.
Unlike conventional commercial releases, our master tapes cap­ture the dynamic contrasts and subtle inner harmonic structure of the musical event, forcing us to work to a higher standard in our efforts to maintain the integri­ty of the original musical per­formance.
of form and function.
dedicated, purpose-built listen
ing room. Most of us listen to
music in a room that also serves
as the living room. There are
several ways to address this
challenge. Here are the most
Cantata prototype
Cantata design story
As with all things known to man, loudspeakers are subject to the laws of physics and to the limita-
tions of human perception. We may bend, manipulate or mask or exploit these laws and limita­tions, but we cannot ignore them.
In the quest for the finest speak­er, music lovers audition numer­ous models and finally settle on what they believe to be the “best” speaker. What else can you do? But is the “best speaker” truly the best speaker? If you are lucky, you will end up with a speaker that is the best match for a particular room, a speaker that might be a complete disas­ter when set up in a different room. This explains the differ­ences in opinion about speaker performance. The perform­ance/quality of any given speak­er changes radically, depending on its environment.
In general, a loudspeaker can be no better than the listening room allows it to be.
Therefore, the listening room is the most important element in a high performance sound system and for this reason is often referred to as the final frontier. Few people have the luxury of a
common “solutions”… A.
The room can be treated in sev­eral ways by using passive and/or active absorbents, bass traps, diffusers and other devices. Unfortunately, these methods are usually expensive, an eyesore in the living room and of limited success. In most cases, they simply change the flavor of the problem.
B. In recent years, sophisticated “room correction systems” have been introduced. The term Room Correction is quite mis­leading insofar as none of these systems actually correct the room in any real sense. They electronically manipulate the sound of the audio system in order to obtain a better meas­ured match to the room, much like previous generations of equalizers that merely changed the tonal balance of the sound. Unfortunately, they typically introduced a whole new set of problems and are not usually used in high end sound systems. Lastly, a number of correction
systems are basically computers
The most severe problems usu
ally occur in the bass region, typ
ically due to designers’ over-
imaginative attempts to circum
vent the laws of physics. Most
people prefer a speaker with full
frequency response from the
delicate high-frequency shimmer
of a triangle to the lowest notes
of a church organ. All speakers
should ideally provide superior
high frequency performance, but
speakers with full output at low
frequencies require large drivers
and consequently large cabinets
with huge internal volume. Low
frequencies also require move
ment of large amounts of air in
the room. There is little to be
done about these physical facts,
as long as we look at the loud
Another often overlooked fact is
that, although a speaker may be
capable of extended deep bass
performance, its performance
can be easily compromised by
This is a fact that cannot be
changed, and when a large
speaker is used in a room that is
too small, room overload occurs
and the compressed air expands
like waves in water. This is
caused/supported by an
acoustic phenomenon called
“room gain”, the room’s automat
ic amplification of lower frequen
that digitally manipulate the sound for the same reasons. These systems are more sophis­ticated and can address the task with great precision. However, many critical listeners agree that the digital conversions and extensive signal manipulation involved have a high price, and not just the one on the price tag.
C. The most popular solution is to experiment and mix products with different flavors and espe­cially to seek out a speaker that has a complementary sonic sig­nature to that of the listening room. At best, “neutral” perform­ance is obtained by forces react­ing in different directions, hoping for tonal equilibrium. This is an art approaching alchemy and the proud owner’s fragile house of cards collapses if any of the components, especially the lis­tening room, is changed. For many audiophiles, this ongoing quest to find the sonic Holy Grail through constant experimenta­tion is what it is all about.
Most music lovers simply want to listen to great music with great sound without needless hassle.
The Bass
speakers in isolation.
adverse room conditions.
Gryphon Audio Designs in the outskirts of the small town of Ry
cies by 12 dB per octave.
and details without the delay and
“overhang” often found in larger
Again, there are no free lunches
and the trade-offs with the small
speaker are reduced bass and
lower maximum output than larg
Critical listeners with vast experi
ence in listening to different
speakers often comment that
they wish that they could com
bine the soundstage, disappear
ing act and speed of the small
speaker with the bass response
The Gryphon Cantata
At Gryphon we have over the
years made similar observations
and faced the challenge of small
rooms at shows and elsewhere.
We are often asked what speak
ers we use and which speakers
we recommend. Our answer has
always been that we recom
mend the speaker that sounds
best in the room in which it will
be used. When we use the term
“best” we mean correct and real
istic in musical terms, essentially
neutral, but with all the dynamics
and excitement of listening to
live music. We find headroom,
ambience and tonal coherency
to be key elements in the live
The result is what is generally termed “standing waves”. This acoustic amplification of bass is heard as an overwhelming emphasis on the lower frequen­cies. In audio lingo it is referred to as a “boomy” bass. This type of bass may impress some friends and annoy neigh­bors but it can hardly be described as high end sound and is certainly not acceptable to the educated listener.
er speakers.
Smaller Speakers
Many people prefer compact speakers because they usually do not suffer from these prob­lems, but only because their small enclosure and drivers can­not generate enough energy to provide deep bass and conse­quently excite the room. The smaller speaker often has supe-
rior midrange and high frequen-
cy response simply because
the smaller enclosure provides
ideal working conditions.
Smaller speakers also
often offer a superior
soundstage, allowing
the speaker to disap-
pear as the sound­stage extends well beyond the physical positions of the speak­ers. The generally smaller drivers are faster and reproduce transients
of the larger speaker.
music experience.
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