Gryphon BelCanto Owner's Manual

he Gryphon team would like to take this opportunity to congratulate and thank you for purchasing the Gryphon Bel Canto. To ensure
optimum performance and maximum satisfaction, please read the owner's manual before proceeding to listen to your latest acquisition. As designers, audiophiles and music enthusiasts, we ore well aware that most manuals are read in the first healed moments of actually listening to (he equipment, but we do advise you to read (his manual carefully before installing the Gryphon Bel Canto.
The Gryphon Bel Canto is a prestige product in the on y meaningful sense of the term: a handmade product in very limited numbers based on the ex­tensive research and development efforts of professional audio engineers, a component expert, a mechanical engineer and a designer. The Gry­phon Bel Canto is the end result of six years of constant experimentation and investigation into the behavior of audio circuits under real world conditions. It is our intention to offer to the serious music lover a true state of the art system control amplifier which will extract the full measure of mu­sical satisfaction from whatever source is used.
Working for our own pleasure as much as for anything else, we have challenged ourselves to push back the borders of audio component per­formance in a series of no-compromise, cost-no-object designs. The Gry­phon Bel Canto is the latest realization of these goals and stands proudly alongside the other Gryphon products.
Myth: Creature which combines the power of lion King of Beasts, with the grace of the King of Birds. Known in Greek mythology as the guardian of the source of gold and protector of the Dionysian cup of infinite wealth. Reality: Danish audio engineering company employing cutting edge technology and common sense in the pursuit of musical excellence.
• Dual mono configuration
• 24-position passive resistor volume control
• Fully discrete construction
• Select premium-grade components
• Short signal-path with limited internal wiring
• 40,000 micro Farad capacitor bank
• Flat megabandwidth frequency response
• Zero negative feedback
• Pure Class A mode x 100
• Custom-built C-core transformer
• low output impedance for long cable runs
• DC coupling with servo-control
• Independent, regulated power supplies with noise filters
• 24 K gold plated phono sockets
• Eleven-stage voltage regulation per channel
• Five year warranty
Let us make one thing perfectly clear: The sound of live music must be the ultimate reference in the design of any audio playback system. Of course, there is on endangered species of " techno-freaks" who se-
riously maintain that the concert hall experience is irrelevant to the hi-fi ex­perience. The techno-freak finds live music in real space duller than the thrill of hi-fi, lacking the ultra sharp focus on instruments. The pre­dominance of reflected sound in the concert hall also lakes the edge of live music for the techno-freak. The sole purpose of every Gryphon product is to recreate as accurate an illusion of the live music experience as is humanly possible. We are suc­cessful only if our endeavours move you not to say What a wonderful am­plifier, but to say instead, "What marvellous music".
he exterior design, ergonomics and basic philosophy behind every
Gryphon project are the brainchild of Gryphon founder Flemming
E. Rasmussen. More often than not, a full line of audio products is conceived and de­signed by a single person whose lack of overall expertise is revealed by the fact that a fine power amplifier is followed by a mediocre preamplifier or that the phonostage in an otherwise excellent preamplifier is not up to the some standard. The Gryphon design team consists of two permanent m embers to ensure a consistent standard of performance, ergonomics and styling. They are as­sisted by a strong line-up of specialists who provide additional know-how and creativity for each individual project.
One immediately obvious aspect of Gryphon products is the dual mono concept which is carried to its ultimate extreme in the topology of every Gryphon design in order to achieve minimal crosstalk and maximal channel separation. The use of large, separate power supplies and multistage AC regulation and filtering are also Gryphon trademarks. Simplicity is the watchword in Gryphon circuit design, with painstaking attention to the layout of grounding paths. Even the earliest version of the Gryphon Head Amp in 1984 featured true star grounding. The presence of the MUTE function the program selector switch is just one example of our de­ceptively simple approach to maintaining the shortest possible signal path. What is left out in audio engineering is every bit as important as what is put in.
OO many audio engineers use large numbers of mediocre components in
T a vain effort to compensate for fundamental shortcomings in circuit design, resulting in overly-complex products with textbook specifications, yet me­diocre sound quality. Equally irrelevant to the quest for realistic home music reproduction is the school of thought which subscribes to the indiscriminate use of only the "best and most fashionable" components, "dream caps", "superresistors", etc. That approach guarantees nothing but a very high price. The Gryphon design team employs premium grade components, some of which one very expensive, others of which are less well known in con­sumer audio but held in high regard in the computer industry and other professional applications. Rather than view these components in isolation, the interface and synergy of every part of the whole is carefully scru­tinized. Because Gryphon products are designed with careful attention to the true relationship of measured performance to subjective sonic performance, the Gryphon Bel Canto is and ideal tool for the evaluation of other com­ponents.
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