Grundig Platinum PVR Remote Control User Manual

Platinum PVR
Remote Control
User Guide Page 0 Monday, July 9, 2001 1:03 PM
This device complies with Part 15 of Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Rules. Operation is subject to the following conditions:
This device must accept anyinterferencethatmay cause
undesired operation.
Unauthorizedequipment changes may void FCC certification.
You must keep safety in mind while using this device. Keep these and any other instructions.
Heed Warnings: Carefully follow all warnings on the device
and in the operatinginstructions.
Heat: DON’T place the device near heat sources such as radiators,
stoves,heat registers, orotherappliancesthatproduce heat.
Care and Use
Cleaning: DON’ T use liquid, abrasive, solvent, or aerosolcleaners.
Use a damp cloth for cleaning.
When Not in Use: Remove the batteries if you’re going to leave
this device aloneor unused for a long time.
Get service fromqualified personswhen a solid object or liquidhas fallen onto or into the device.
Don’t try to service this device. Get service from qualifiedpersons. If you open any covers except the battery cover you’ll void the warranty. Page 1 Thursday,July 12, 2001 10:02 AM
Remote Control Basics .......................................2
Remote Control Batteries.................................... 2
Remote Control Signals: UHF and IR................. 2
Remote Control Modes ....................................... 3
Remote Control Setup ........................................4
Set Up the Remote Control................................. 4
Scan for Device Codes.........................4
Try the Device Codes........................... 5
Check the Device Codes......................6
Change the Address ........................................... 6
Attach the Remote Control Antenna ................... 7
Install an Attenuator............................................8
Switch Between TV and Device
Volume Control.............................................. 8
Remote Control Buttons...................................10
Control the Receiver ......................................... 10
Control a TV (or a Second TV).......................... 15
Control a VCR (or a Second VCR).................... 17
Control a Cable TV Box .................................... 19
Control a Tuner or Amplifier .............................. 21
Device Codes ....................................................23
TV Codes..........................................................23
VCR Codes.......................................................24
DVD Player Codes ...............................26
Cable TV Box Codes.........................................26
Tuner/Amplifier Codes.......................................26
Trouble-Shoot the Remote Co ntrol..................27
Limited Warranty...............................................29
If You Need Help................................................31
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This remotecontrol givesyou easy accessto allthefeatures
of a DISH Network satelliteTV receiver. Maybe best of all, this remote lets you control DishPVR features. These features let you record audio and videowithfulldigital quality, without a VCR.
Also, you can set up the remote to control as many as three
devices along with the receiver. These can be TVs, VCRs, DVD players, cable TV boxes, tuners, or audio amplifiers.
TheremotecontrolcomeswithAAAbatteries. When you replace old batteries, you should replace all of the batteries. Use batteries of the same kind, for example, alkaline or carbon zinc,and don’tmix batteriesof differentkinds. Alkaline batteries last longer.
1.Press down on the battery cover’s top latch and lift the cover off.
2.Take out all of the old batteries.
3.Put the new batteries in. Make sure you match the plus (“+”) ends with the plus markingson the battery case.
4.Fitthe battery cover’s bottomtab back into the slot at the bottom of the battery case,andsnap the cover back into place.
Theremotecontrolusesboth Ultra-High Frequency (UHF) radio signalsand Infra-Red (IR) light signals to control the receiver but uses only IR signals to control other devices.
IR signals travelonly short distances (40 feet or less), and can’tgothrough walls or other solid objects. You must point the remotecontrol right at the device you want to control, with no objectstoblockthesignal path.
(for info about UHF signals,please go on to the next page)
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Remote Control Modes
UHF signals travel long distances (100 feet or more) and can go through walls andother solid objects. Because UHF signals travel so far, the receiver mayrespond to signals from other nearby remote controls. To handle this problem, please see Change the Address on page 6. If this doesn’t work, please see Install an Attenuator on page 8.
You need to attach the UHF remote antenna to the receiver’s back panel UHF Remote Antenna
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On the next few pages we tell you how to set up the remote to control a TV, a VCR, or other devices.
When you get the remote it’s already setuptocontrolthe receiver. But, you must set up the remote to control the TV beforeyoucanusethe Muteand Volume buttons. To do this, you caneither Scan for Device Codes here or Try the Device Codes on page 5.
1.Use the device’s buttons or its remote controlto turnit on.
2.Press and hold the mode button for the device,for about three seconds. When all the other mode buttons light up, let go of the button. For example, hold the TV button for a TV.
3.Only for the Aux mode, use the number buttons toenter0forasecondTV,1forasecondVCR, or 2 for a tuner or amplifier. For any other mode, skip to step 5.
4.Only for the Aux mode, press the Star (*)button. For any other mode, skip to step 5.
5.Press the blank Power button.
6.Press the up or down arrow button to set the remote to the next code. The up arrowbutton scans ahead andthe down arrow button scansback. Pressthebuttonagaintogoonwiththescan.
7.If the remote reaches the correctcode, the device turns off. When this happens, pressthePound (#) button to store the code in the remote. If the code works, the mode button flashes three times.
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Set Up th e Re mote Control
8.Press the blank Power button to turn the device back on.
9.Try some other buttonsto make surethey work. Sometimes, the blank Power button works when other buttons don’t.
Note: The mode buttonforthe device starts to flashif you’ve scanned
all the codes for that device.
Note: If you just did the Scan for Device Codes,youdon’t
need to do this.
1.Use the device’s buttons or its remote controlto turnit on.
2.Find the brand name of the device in the tables on page 23. If the brand isn’t listed, please see Scan for Device Codes on page 4.
3.Press and hold the mode button for the deviceyou want the remote to control,for about three seconds.Whenall the other mode buttons lightup,letgo of the mode button. For example, hold the TV mode button for a TV.
4.Only for the Aux mode, use a number button to enter 0 for a second TV, or 1 for a second VCR, or 2 for a tuner or amplifier. For any other mode, skip to step 5.
5.Use the numberbuttons to enter a device code from the table.
6.Press the Pound (#) button. If the code works, the mode button flashes three times.
7.Press the blank Power button to test if the code works for the device. If it does, the device should turn off.
8.Turn the device back onand try someother buttons to make sure they work. Sometimes, the blankPowerbutton works when other buttons don’t. If the code works for other buttons,stophere.
9.Ifthecodeyouentereddoesn’t work, do steps 3 through 8 again with another code from the tables.
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You can find out what device code you’ve set for each remote control mode. Here’s whatto do:
1.Press and hold the mode button for the device,for about three seconds. When all the other mode buttons light up, let go of the mode button.
2.Press the Pound (#)buttontwice. The mode button flashes the number for eachdigit of the device code, with a pause between the groups of flashes. A quick flash is for zero. For example, the mode button flashes fivetimes, pauses, flashes seven times, pauses, and flashes oncequickly for the 570 code.
Because UHF signals travel long distances and go through walls, a neighbor’s remote may controlyourreceiver by mistake. To handle this problem,youcanchange the remote address.
Note: Here we show you examples of the receiver’s front panel
buttons. Your receiver’s buttons may look a bit different.
1.OpentheImportant System Information menu. To do this, first make sure you turn the TV on.
Next, press thereceiver’s front panelPowerbutton to turn the receiver off. Then, press the receiver’s frontpanelInfo button. (Please don’t usethe remote control’s buttons because they might control your neighbor’s receiver.)
2.The Important System Informationmenu shows a Remote Address.
Write down this number: _______.
3.Press and hold the Sat mode button about three seconds, untilallthemode buttons light up, andthenletgooftheSat button.
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Attach the Remote Control Antenn a
4.Use the numberbuttons to enter any number from 1 to 16, but not the one you found in step 2. The Sat mode button goes out after you enter each digit,and then lightsup again.
Write down the numberyou enter_______.
5.Press the Pound (#) button. If the address you enter works, the Sat mode button flashes three times.
6.Press the Record button.
7.This is important: Make sure the Remote Address on the Important System Information menu now is the same as the one you entered in step 4. If it isn’t, the remote can’t control the receiver.
8.To check the address, press and hold the Sat mode button for threeseconds. Then, let go of the Sat button, and press the Pound(#) button twice.TheSat mode button flashesthesame number of times as the address youenteredinstep4.
9.Press the Select button to close the Important System Information menu.
To use the remote’s UHF signals to control the receiver, you must attach the UHF antenna tothe receiver’sback panel UHF Remote Antenna input. Set the antenna straight up so you can use the remote asfaraway as possible.
Note: If you don’t attach the antenna, you can still use the remote
to control the receiver at short distances. This is because theremotesendsboth IR and UHF signals to the receiver.
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Stray UHF signals can block signals from the remote control to the receiver. To preventblocks, you can installa 10 dB attenuator (you can buy one from a consumer electronics parts store).
Note: This will help keep out stray UHF signals, but also cut down
how far away you can use the remote control.
1.Take the UHF antenna off of the receiver’sback panel UHF Remote Antenna input.
2.Put a 10 dB attenuator onto the UHF Remote Antenna input.
3.Put the UHF antennaontothe attenuator.
If you set up the remote to control a television, the Mute and Volume buttonscontrol the TV volume, inmostmodes. But, ifyouuse the Aux mode to control a tuner or amplifier and the device has a volume setting,you cansetup the remote to controlthedevic e’s volume
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Switch Between TV and Device Volume Control
To set the remote to controlthedevice’s volume:
1.Press and hold the Auxmode button for three seconds, and then let go of it.
2.Press the Pound (#) button.
3.Press the plus (+) side of the Volume button.
4.Press the 0 number button.
5.Press the Pound (#) button. The AUX mode button flashes three times.
To set the remote back to controltheTV volume:
1.Press and hold the TV mode button for three seconds, and then let go of it.
2.Press the Pound (#) button.
3.Press the plus (+) side of the Volume button.
4.Press the 0 number button.
5.Press the Pound (#) button. The Aux mode button flashes three times.
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When you get the remote it’s already setuptocontrol the receiver. But, you must set up the remote to control the TV before you can use the Mute and Volume buttons.
Only the buttons we tell you about here control the receiver. Some of the buttons we tell you about here may not control your receiver. Please see the receiver User Guide for info about the receiver’sfeat ures.
Please remember, the outside front cover of this Guide shows you the whole remote control.
PressthisbuttontosettheremotetoSat (“satellite”)mode to control the receiver. The Sat mode button’s back light flashesonceto show you’vesett he remote to Sat mode.
Make sure you keep the remote in Sat mode to use the buttons we tell you about here.
If you connect the receiver with its back panel TV Antenna/Cable In and TV Set Out ports,use this button to switch the receiver between the satellit e signal (connectit to the Satellite In port)and another videosignal like a cable or broadcast TV antenna input (connect it to the receiver’s TV Antenna/Cable In input).
Note: If you connect the receiver to other devices
with the phono (RCA) jacks or the S-Video output, you must use the menus each device displays to change the input from local broadcast TV to satellite TV.
Press the blank Power button to turn the receiver on or off. The green Power light on the receiver’s front panel turns on to show the receiverison,and turns off to show it’s off.
Note: To use the TV Power button, you must set up
theremotetocontroltheTV. PleaseseeSet Up the Remote Control on page 4 for what to do.
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