Order no. 145 172 955-inter Edited by: phar-mrie G:\BA-172955-INTER_145_GENO-SOFTWATCH KOMFORT
Stirring the water sample and
dosing of indicator
Homogenisation and reaction
The solenoid valve on the device is closed and the
indicator is dosed into the water sample. The indicator
is homogeneously dissolved in the water sample by
rotation of the agitator blade.
Measurement of the light
Colour analysis and decision
whether a limit value alarm
will be emitted
In this step, the value is determined from the colour of
the water sample. The agitator blade is stopped for
this purpose. The actuator lights up and the sample is
immediately evaluated. The result of the measurement
is displayed on the front panel LEDs.
In case of faulty values, e.g. missing indicator input, a
fault is reported.
Flushing and cleaning of the
measuring chamber
The solenoid valve opens and the coloured water
sample is rinsed out. The measuring chamber remains
filled with pure process water until the next analysis
4.2 Functions
The GENO-softwatch Komfort has the following characteristics:
1. Automatic detection of hardness breaking through, depending on
the indicator used.
The analysis process is fully automatic, more effective than
manual methods and more sustainable than other measuring
procedures which only work indirectly.
2. There is no need for system calibration.
3. The interval period between two measurements can be adjusted
in 4 steps: 5/10/20/30 minutes. The analysis may also be started
by means of an external switch.
4. Reliable detection of hardness breaking through by means of limit
value indicators.
5. High precision monitoring of the limit value:
After a BAD measurement, a reference measurement can be
carried out after 4 minutes to evaluate the result.
6. The LED indicating the status is independent of the countryspecific languages.
7. Alarm functions:
If the limit value is exceeded, an alarm is released as the voltagefree relay REL 1 switches. This alarm output can be wired to a
switch room for signalling purposes or used to operate a horn,
to close a valve or to trigger a program for the regeneration of a
water softener.