Grunbeck GENO-OSMO RO 125K Operation Manual

Reverse Osmosis System
Operation Manual
Reverse Osmosis System
Edition March 2014 Order no. 195 752 940 - inter
GrünbeckWasseraufbereitung GmbH
Josef-Grünbeck-Strasse 1 89420 Hoechstaedt/Danube · GERMANY Phone +49 9074 41-0 · Fax +49 9074 41-100 ·
A company certified by TÜV SÜD
in accordance with DIN EN ISO 9001, DIN EN ISO 14001, DIN EN ISO 13485 and SCC
Reverse Osmosis System
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Table of contents
This operation manual consists of several parts as shown in the table below.
A General
1 Preface
2 Warranty 3 How to use this manual 4 General safety information 5 Shipping and storage 6 Disposal of used parts and materials
B Basic information 9
1 Laws, guidelines, standards
2 Water 3 Functional principle of reverse osmosis
C Product description 11
1 Type designation plate
2 Functional description 3 Designated application 4 Application limits 5 Scope of supply
D Installation 22
1 General installation instructions
2 Preliminary works 3 System connection on water side
E Start-up 28
1 System rinsing
F Operation 32
1 Preface
2 How to operate the control unit
3 Programming levels
4 How to operate the reverse osmosis
G Troubleshooting
H Maintenance and care
1 Basic information
2 Inspection (functional check) 3 Maintenance 4 Operation log (checklist for maintenance work)
Reverse Osmosis System
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Publisher’s information
All rights reserved. Copyright by Grünbeck Wasseraufbereitung GmbH
Printed in Germany Effective with the date shown on the cover sheet. – We reserve the right to modification, especially with regard to technical progress -
Reprints, translations into foreign languages, electronic storage or copying only with written approval of Grünbeck Wasseraufbereitung GmbH.
Any type of duplication not authorised by Grünbeck Wasseraufberei­tung is a copyright violation and subject to legal action.
Responsible for contents: Grünbeck Wasseraufbereitung GmbH
Josef-Grünbeck-Strasse 1  89420 Hoechstaedt/Germany Phone +49 9074 41-0 Fax +49 9074 41-100
Printed by: Grünbeck Wasseraufbereitung GmbH Josef-Grünbeck-Strasse 1, 89420 Hoechstaedt/Germany
Reverse Osmosis System
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EC Declaration of Conformity
This is to certify that the system designated below meets the safety and health requirements of the applicable European guidelines in terms of its design, construction and execution.
If the system is modified in a way not approved by us, this certificate is void.
Manufacturer: Grünbeck Wasseraufbereitung GmbH
Josef-Grünbeck-Strasse 1
89420 Hoechstaedt/Germany Responsible for documentation: Markus Pöpperl System designation: Reverse osmosis system GENO®-OSMO RO 125K System type: TL; TS System number: Refer to type designation plate Applicable EC guidelines: EC Machine Guideline (2006/42/EC)
EC Guideline EMV (89/336/ECC version 92/31/ECC) Applied harmonized standards, in
DIN EN ISO 12100 - 1, DIN EN ISO 12100 - 2
DIN EN 61000-6-2, DIN EN 61000-6-3,
Guideline on Device and Product Safety (Machine Guideline – 9. GPSGV) 1st Guideline on Device and Product Safety (Ordinance on the Marketing of Electrical Operating Materials to be used within specific voltage limits – 1. GPSGV)
Applied national standards and technical specifications, in particular:
DIN 1988
DIN 31000/VDE 1000 (03.79)
Date/Signature of manufacturer:
12.08.11 i. V. M. Pöpperl
Dipl. Ing. (FH)
Function of signatory: Head of Engineering Department for Serial Products
Reverse Osmosis System
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A General
1 Preface
Thank you for opting for a Grünbeck product. Backed by decades of experience in the area of water treatment, we provide solutions for all kind of processes.
Drinking water is classified as food and requires particular care. Therefore, always ensure the required hygiene in operating and maintaining systems for drinking water treatment. This also applies to the treatment of water for industrial or domestic use if repercussions for the drinking water cannot completely be excluded.
All Grünbeck systems and devices are made of high-quality materials. This ensures reliable operation over many years, provided you treat the systems with the required care. This operation manual assists you with important information. Therefore, read the complete manual before installing, operating or maintaining your system.
Customer satisfaction is our prime objective and providing customers with qualified advice is crucial. If you have any questions concerning this system, possible extensions or general water and waste water treat­ment, our customer service staffs, as well as the experts at our head­quarters in Hoechstaedt, are available to help you.
Advice and assistance
For advice and assistance please contact your local representative (refer to ) or get in touch with our service centre which can be reached during office hours:
Tel.: +49 9074 41-333 Fax: +49 9074 41-120 Email:
We can connect you with the appropriate expert more quickly if you provide the required system data. In order to have this data handy at all times, please copy it from the type designation plate to the overview on page C-11.
Reverse Osmosis System
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2 Warranty
All devices and systems supplied by Grünbeck Wasseraufbereitung GmbH are manufactured according to the most recent technical stand­ards and subjected to a comprehensive quality assurance system. All warranty claims are subject to our General Terms and Conditions:
Terms and Conditions of Sale and Delivery (excerpt)
. . . . . . . .
11. Warranty a) If goods and services are supplied which are obviously
defective, the Customer must report such defects within 8 (eight) days after receipt of such goods and services in order to maintain the liability claims.
b) If the defect is of such a nature that only a spare part
needs to be replaced, Grünbeck shall have the right to request the Purchaser to replace the new part deliv­ered by us if the costs for sending a technician to the Purchaser's site are unreasonably high.
c) The warranty periods are:
- two years: for devices for private use (natural per­sons)
- one year: for devices for industrial or commercial use (companies)
- two years: for all DVGW-certified devices, also for industrial or commercial use within the framework of the liability agreement with the ZVSHK.
after delivery/acceptance. This excludes electrical parts
and parts which are subject to wear and tear. The warranty period shall only apply if the operating in­structions are observed meticulously, if the device is mounted, commissioned, operated and maintained properly, and/or if a maintenance contract is made within six months. If these requirements are not met, the warranty shall be void. The warranty shall be void if the purchaser uses dosing agents or chemicals sup­plied by other manufacturers and if the quality and composition of such dosing agents or chemicals is be­yond Grünbeck's control.
Grünbeck shall not be liable for defects or damage
resulting from inept handling or operation.
d) Grünbeck shall only be liable if the Customer performs
the maintenance work as stated in the operating in­structions or has the maintenance work performed in such a way and if the Customer uses spare parts sup­plied or recommended by Grünbeck.
e) Grünbeck shall not be liable for damage resulting from
frost, water or electrical over-voltage or from parts which are subject to wear and tear. This applies in par­ticular to electrical parts.
f) The claims of the Purchaser are limited to repair or
replacement, as the case may be, at the discretion of Grünbeck. Grünbeck shall have the right to several at­tempts to repair. If Grünbeck fails to repair or re-place the defective delivery within a reasonable time, the customer shall have the right to either cancel the con­tract or demand an appropriate reduction of the pur­chase price.
g) In case of complaints with regard to systems that are
not installed in Germany, the warranty claim will be settled by the local technical customer service author­ised by Grünbeck. If no technical customer service is designated in the specific country, the assignment of Grünbeck’s technical customer service shall end at the German border. All additional cost, apart from the ma­terial required, shall be borne by the customer.
. . . . . . . .
Reverse Osmosis System
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3 How to use this operation manual
This operation manual is intended for the operators of our systems. It is divided into several chapters (a letter is assigned to each of them) which are listed in the Table of Contents on page 2 in alphabetical order. In order to find the specific information you are looking for, check for the corresponding chapter on page 2.
The headers and page numbers with chapter information make it easier to find your way around in the manual.
4 General safety information
4.1 Symbols and notes
Important notes in this operation manual are characterised by symbols. Please pay particular attention to these notes in order to ensure a dan­ger-free, safe and productive system operation.
Danger! Failure to adhere to these notes will cause serious or life­threatening injury, extreme damage to property or inadmissible con­tamination of drinking water.
Warning! Failure to adhere to these notes may cause injury, damage to property or contamination of the drinking water.
Attention! Failure to adhere to these notes may result in damage to the system or other objects.
Note: This symbol characterises notes and tips to make your work easi­er.
Tasks with this symbol may only be performed by Grünbeck's technical service or by persons expressly authorised by Grünbeck.
Tasks with this symbol may only be performed by qualified electrical experts according to the VDE guidelines or according to the guidelines of a similar local institution.
Tasks with this symbol may only be performed by water companies or approved installation companies. In Germany, the installation company must be registered in a water company installation directory as per
§12(2) AVBWasserV (German Ordinance on General Conditions for the Supply of Water).
4.2 Operating personnel
Only persons who have read and understood this operation manual are permitted to work with the system. The safety guidelines are to be strictly adhered to.
Reverse Osmosis System
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4.3 Designated application
The system may only be used for the purpose outlined in the product description (chapter C). The guidelines in this operation manual as well as the applicable local guidelines concerning the drinking water protec­tion, accident prevention and occupational safety must be adhered to. In addition, appropriate application also implies that the system may only be operated when it is in proper working order. Any malfunctions must be repaired at once.
4.4 Protection from water damage
In order to properly protect the installation site from water damage:
a) a sufficient floor drain system must be available or b) a safety device (see chapter C Optional equipment) must be in-
4.5 Indication of specific dangers
Danger due to electricity! Do not touch electrical parts with wet hands! Disconnect the system from mains before starting work on elec­trical parts of the system. Have qualified experts replace damaged cables immediately.
Danger due to mechanical energy! System parts may be subject to overpressure. Danger of injury and damage to property due to escaping
water and unexpected movement of system parts. Check pressure pipes regularly. Depressurise the system before starting repair or maintenance work on the system.
Hazardous to health due to contaminated drinking water! The sys­tem may only be installed by a qualified company. The operation manu­al must be strictly adhered to! Ensure that there is sufficient flow. The pertinent guidelines must be followed for starting-up after long periods of standstill. Inspections and maintenance must be performed at the intervals specified!
Note: By concluding a maintenance contract, you ensure that all of the required tasks are performed on time. You may perform the interim in­spections yourself.
5 Shipping and storage
Attention! The system may be damaged by frost or high temperatures.
In order to avoid damage of this kind: Protect from frost during transportation and storage! Do not install or store system next to objects which radiate a lot of heat.
6 Disposal of used parts and materials
Used parts and materials are to be disposed of, or made available for recycling purposes, according to the applicable local guidelines. If a material is subject to specific regulations, adhere to the notes indi­cated on the packing. If in doubt, contact your local waste disposal authority or the manufac­turer for more information.
Reverse Osmosis System
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B Basic information (reverse osmosis system)
1 Laws, guidelines, standards
In the interest of good health, rules cannot be ignored when it comes to the processing of drinking water. This operation manual takes the appli­cable German guidelines into account and provides all the information you need to safely operate your water treatment system.
Among other things, the regulations stipulate
that only approved companies are permitted to make major modifica-
tions to water supply systems.
and that tests, inspections and maintenance on installed devices are
to be performed at regular intervals.
2 Water
In nature, chemically pure water does not exist. Rain water already takes up various substances from the air which change the properties of the water to a larger or lesser extent. This process continues while the water flows through the ground layers and takes up increasing amounts of substances. In this context, carbon dioxide (CO2) is of major importance as this substance further increases the dissolving power of the water. Consequently, the concentrations of dissolved sodium, potassium, calci­um, magnesium, iron, manganese, copper, zinc, chlorides, fluorides, sul­phates but also nitrates, nitrites, phosphates and silicates contained in the drinking water differ regionally.
For many decades, the ground water has been polluted with substances originating from agricultural, industrial and other sources. As these pollu­tants can only be degraded over long periods of time, increasingly sophisti­cated technologies are required to remove high salt concentrations, hydro­carbons, nitrates, pesticides, heavy metals, etc.
The water works supply clean drinking water that is suitable for con­sumption. However, if the water is to be used for technical purposes, further treatment is frequently required.
Reverse Osmosis System
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3 Functional principle of reverse osmosis
Pre-treated feed water
Fig. B-1: Functional principle
High concen-
tration solution
Low concentration
High concen-
tration solution
Low concentration
High concen-
tration solution
Low concentration
Fig. B-2: Principle of reverse osmosis
In the osmosis process, watery solutions of different concentrations are separated by means of a semi-permeable membrane. In keeping with the law of nature, the concentrations try to equalize. On the side of the higher original concentration, the so-called “osmotic” pressure is generated. In the case of reverse osmosis, this osmotic pressure is countered by a higher pressure. The consequence: The process proceeds in the reverse direction. A particular advantage of the reverse osmosis technology compared to other water treatment procedures is the fact that in addition to the remov­al of dissolved salts, also bacteria, germs, particles and other dissolved or­ganic matter are reduced.
Reverse Osmosis System
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C Product description (GENO®-OSMO RO 125K)
1 Type designation plate
The type designation plate is located at the housing of the reverse os-
mosis system GENO®-OSMO RO 125K. Please specify the data shown on the type designation plate in order to be able to faster proceed your inquiries or orders. Simply copy the information from the type designa­tion plate to the form below so that all the required information is avail­able when needed.
Reverse osmosis system GENO®-OSMO RO 125K 125K-   Serial no.:      /  Order no.:      
Fig. C-1: Type designation plate
2 Functional description
Downstream of the fine filter 5 μm, the pre-treated feed water is guided to the valve control unit. A high-pressure pump then brings the feed water to the pressure required for the osmotic membrane to begin func­tioning. The RO membrane separates the water into the partial streams of permeate and concentrate. The permeate water is directed to a UV­insensitive reservoir made of PE. The concentrate partial stream is re-fed to the membrane by means of a circulation line via the high-pressure pump and thus increases the recovery and the economic efficiency of the reverse osmosis system GENO
-OSMO RO 125K and ensures an even flow off on the membrane. A small part of the concentrate, con­taining the water soilage retained by the membrane, is run into the sewage system.
Reverse Osmosis System
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2.1 System components
Fig. C-2: Components of reverse osmosis system GENO
Reverse Osmosis System
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5 μm fine filter incl. pressure reducer
Pressure reducer is preset to 2.5 bar, incl. pressure gauge.
Inlet solenoid valve
During the production of permeate, this valve is always open. When the system stops (tank full), the valve remains open for the set membrane
rinsing time. Visual indication in control electronics
Pressure switch High pressure pump
To prevent the high pressure pump from running dry. It switches time-delayed after the solenoid valve
has opened. Visual indication in control electronics10.
Rinsing solenoid valve
This valve opens for a set period of time after the level control
in the tank signals "FULL" to the control electronics. The valve also opens in case of malfunctions and always in connection with the inlet solenoid
Needle valve Concentrate
To set the feed water dependent volume flow of “concentrate” to the drain. During permeate production, this amount of water is always dis­charged to the drain.
High pressure pump Pump aggregate that generates the operating pressure required for the mem-
brane. Pump starts operation upon permeate demand by the level control
switches) in the permeate tank. A control valve to set the operating pressure is integrated in the pump head. Visual indication in control electronics
Membrane Reverse osmosis membrane for the production of permeate.
Level control Float level control for regulating the water level in the permeate supply tank
(only TS version).
Pressure booster pump Pressure booster pump with integrated pressure switch. Delivers permeate
to the consumer network (only TS version).
Control electronics The microprocessor controller and the corresponding aggregates regulate
the permeate production and the supply of the downstream consumers.
Flow sensor Concentrate
Measures the concentrate volume and supplies the control electronics with pulses. Visual indication of the concentrate volume in the control electron-
Flow sensor Permeate
Measures the permeate volume and supplies the control electronics with pulses. Visual indication of the permeate volume in the control electron-
Membrane expansion vessel
Permeate buffer to reduce the switching cycles of the pressure booster pump
Pressure switch Pressure booster pump
Switches the pressure booster on when water is withdrawn and off after water withdrawal has been completed.
Connection ½“ (DN 15) MT Concentrate to drain
Connection ½“ (DN 15) MT Feed water
Connection ½“ (DN 15) MT Permeate/consumer
Option: Solenoid valve for forced withdrawal
Option: Conductivity measurement
Option: Blending device
Reverse Osmosis System
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2.2 Flow chart of reverse osmosis system GENO®-OSMO-RO 125k
Fig. C-2.1: Flow chart of reverse osmosis GENO
-OSMO RO 125K-TS (for corresponding legend, please refer to previous page)
Reverse Osmosis System
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Table C-1: Technical specifications Reverse osmosis system GENO®-OSMO RO
125K-TS 125K-TL
Connection data
Nominal connection diameter for feed water inlet
½“ (DN 15) male thread
Nominal connection diameter for permeate outlet
½“ (DN 15) male thread
Nominal connection diameter for concentrate outlet
½“ (DN 15) male thread
Required drain connection min.
[DN] 50
Connected electrical load approx.
[kW] 0.85 0.50
Power supply, approx.
[V/Hz] 230 V / 50 Hz
IP 54
Performance data
Permeate volume at feed water temperature of 10° C / 15 °C
[l/h] 105/125
Electrical pump capacity at operating pressure
[kW] 0.37
Daily permeate volume (max. 24 h) approx. min./max.
[m³/d] 2.5/3.0
Inlet flow pressure of feed water, min.
[bar] 2.5
Permeate supply, approx.
[l] 38 -
Hydraulic capacity pressure booster max.
[l/h/bar] 900/3.8 -
Pump capacity curve – pressure booster [l/h/bar] 170/4.0 – 250/3.7 ­Nominal pressure
PN 16
Salt retention
Total salt concentration in feed water, as NaCl max.
[ppm] 500
Concentrate volume flow, min./max. (at 15 °C)
[l/h] 40/125
Feed water volume flow (fresh water at 15 °C) at a recovery of 75 %, max.
[l/h] 160
Recovery min./max.
[%] 50-75 (adjustable)
Dimensions and weights
Dimensions w x d x h [mm] 450 x 430 x 1120 Empty weight, approx. [kg] 37 30 Operating weight, approx. [kg] 75 30
Ambient data
Feed water temperature min./max. [°C] 10/30 Ambient temperature, min./max. [°C] 5/35
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3 Designated application
The reverse osmosis system GENO®-OSMO RO 125 K is designed to de-
mineralise feed water. The water is primarily used for industrial applica­tions.
The system may only be used after a prior water analysis and an appro­priate pre-treatment of the water have been performed.
The continuous permeate capacity of the system depends on the tem­perature. It was defined at a temperature of 15°C. In case of an increas­ing resp. decreasing feed water temperature, the permeate output may decrease (decreasing temperature) or increase (increasing temperature) by up to 3 % per °C.
The system is adapted to the permeate requirements to be expected at the installation site. It is not suitable for strongly deviating output.
The system may only be operated if all components are installed proper­ly. You MUST NOT remove bridge or in any other way tamper with safe­ty devices.
The designated application of the system also implies that the infor­mation contained in this manual and all safety guidelines applying at the installation site be observed. Finally, the system must be maintained and inspected at the specified intervals.
4 Application limits
The upper limit values concerning substances in the water as stipulated
by the German Drinking Water Ordinance constitute the application lim­its for the reverse osmosis system GENO®-OSMO RO 125 K.
< 22°dH (39,2° f; 3,96 mmol/l) without water analysis Free chlorine, unverifiable) Iron < 0.2 mg/l Manganese < 0.05 mg/l Silicic acid < 15 mg/l Chlorine dioxide, unverifiable Turbidity < 1 TE/F Silt density index < 3 pH range 3 - 9
Note: The permeate produced by the reverse osmosis system is no drinking water. If it is to be used as drinking water, additional treatment is required (blending, hardening).
Reverse Osmosis System
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5 Scope of delivery
5.1 Standard equipment
Free-standing casing made of photo-resistant PE for the integration of
all aggregates and control elements. The casing also serves as supply tank (only in case of GENO®-OSMO RO 125 K-TS).
Microprocessor controller with LC display, volt.-free collective fault
signal and volt.-free signal contact (maintenance intervals, various pre-alarms), integrated in the free-standing casing.
Sliding vane rotary pump made of corrosion-resistant brass with mo-
tor as high pressure pump to supply the membrane, incl. control valve for operating pressure and pressure gauge.
External pressure booster pump with integrated pressure switch and membrane connection tank for permeate supply of consumers down­stream
Hydro distribution block for the water supply within the membrane
system. Integrated valves and measuring instruments for an easier sys­tem adjustment. The hydro module features a 5 μm fine filter with integrated pressure reducer that is preset to 2.5 bar
Ultra-low pressure reverse osmosis membrane, installed in a pressure
pipe made of high-duty PE
Flow sensor for measuring the volumes of the permeate and concen-
trate flows
Operation manual
only in case of GENO®-OSMO RO 125 K-TS
5.2 Optional equipment
Note: It is possible to retrofit existing systems with optional compo­nents. Please contact your local Grünbeck representative or Grünbeck’s headquarters for details.
Connection block for GENO
Connection block (installation length 190 mm). Permeate-resistant, incl. two shut-off valves - suitable for connection set
752 840
Connection set for GENO
-OSMO 125K
2 flexible connection hoses DN 15
(l = 600 mm) for feed water and permeate
1 drain hose for concentrate
752 830
+ 39 hidden pages