Euro-System Separator
DK 2-Mini
Order no. 085 133 944-inter Edited by: fger/mrie G:\BA-133944-INTER_085_SYSTEMTR-DK_2-MINI.DOCX
B Basic information (system separators)
1 | Laws, regulations, standards
In the interest of good health, rules cannot be ignored when it comes to the processing of drinking water. This operation manual takes into consideration the current regulations and stipulates information that you will need for the safe operation of your system separator.
Among other things, the regulations stipulate that
only approved companies are permitted to make major modifications to water
supply facilities
and that tests, inspections and maintenance on installed devices are to be per-
formed at regular intervals.
2 | Classification of liquid categories
Liquid category 1
Water for human consumption that is withdrawn directly from a drinking water installation.
Temporary turbidity due to air bubbles.
Liquid category 2
Liquids that do not represent a health risk to human beings.
Liquids that are suitable for human consumption - including water originating from
a drinking water installation - that may exhibit modifications with regard to taste,
smell, colour or temperature (heating up or cooling down).
Coffee, heated drinking water.
Liquid category 3
Liquids that represent a health risk to human beings due to the presence of one
or several poisonous or highly poisonous substances.
Ethylene glycol, copper sulphate solution, heating water without additives or with
additives as per liquid category 3.
Liquid category 4
Liquids that represent a health risk to human beings due to the presence of one
or several poisonous or highly poisonous substances or one or several radioactive, mutagenic or carcinogenic substances.
Lindane, phosalone, parathion (insecticides), hydrazine, heating water with additives as per liquid category 4.
Liquid category 5
Liquids that represent a health risk to human beings due to the presence of microbial or viral pathogens of communicable diseases.
Hepatitis viruses, salmonellae
(excerpt of DIN EN 1717, part 5.2)
Attention! System separators are safety devices. They protect the drinking water
from modified drinking water. They can only work reliably provided inspections
and maintenance are carried out at regular intervals.