the correct subdirectories based on target board, architecture, and CPU. When configuring U-Boot for one of its supported platforms, issue this command:
$ make <platform>_config
Here, platform is one of the many platforms supported by U-Boot. These
platform-configuration targets are listed in the top level U-Boot makefile. For
example, to configure for the Spectrum Digital OSK, which contains a TI OMAP
5912 processor, issue this command:
$ make omap5912osk_config
This configures the U-Boot source tree with the appropriate soft links to select
ARM as the target architecture, the ARM926 core, and the 5912 OSK as the target
The next step in configuring U-Boot for this platform is to edit the configuration
file specific to this board. This file is found in the U-Boot
subdirectory and is called omap5912osk.h. The README file that comes with the
U-Boot distribution describes the details of configuration and is the best source for
this information.
Configuration of U-Boot is done using configuration variables defined in a
board-specific header file. Configuration variables have two forms. Configuration
options are selected using macros in the form of
CONFIG_XXXX. Configuration
settings are selected using macros in the form of
CFG_XXXX. In general, configura-
tion options (
CONFIG_XXX) are user configurable and enable specific U-Boot oper-
ational features. Configuration settings (
CFG_XXX) are usually hardware specific and
require detailed knowledge of the underlying processor and/or hardware platform.
Board-specific U-Boot configuration is driven by a header file dedicated to that
specific platform that contains configuration options and settings appropriate
for the underlying platform. The U-Boot source tree includes a directory where
these board-specific configuration header files reside. They can be found in
.../include/configs from the top-level U-Boot source directory.
Numerous features and modes of operation can be selected by adding definitions
to the board-configuration file. Listing 7-4 contains a partial configuration header
file for a fictitious board based on the PPC 405GP processor.
7.3 A Universal Bootloader: Das U-Boot 165