User Manual Information
Setting t he ZigBe e ID and Cha nnel of th e Data Log ger
Setting t he ZigBe e Module
Install ation of ZigBee Mo dule
Technical Data
1 User Manual Information
1.1 Copyright Statement
Copy rig ht © 2012 S hen zhe n Grow att New Energy Co ,.L td, herei naf ter re fer red to as
‘Growatt’. Al l right reserved. N o part of this do cum ent may be re produ ced , st ored in
a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electro nic ,
mechani cal , phot ogr aph ic, ma gne tic or otherwis e, withou t the prior written
perm iss ion o f Growatt New Energy. All infring eme nt reserved.
Copy rig ht No. is G1.0. Grow att res erv ed the final rig ht of interpre tat ion of this
manu al. The pro duc t p ara met ers , a ppe ara nce s and packages a re su bje ct to change
with out no tic e. Rea der s a re cautioned, however, tha t G rowatt rese rve s t he right to
make cha nge s wi tho ut noti ce and shall not be resp ons ibl e fo r any damages,
incl udi ng indirec t, incidental o r co nse que nti al damages, cause d by relia nce on the
mate ria l presented.
1.2 About Manual
Dist ing uis hed use rs, thank you ver y much for you r trust in our ZigBee Modul e
product, whi ch is developed and m anu fac tured by o ur R& D department. We s inc erely
hope it can sat isf y your nee d, also, w e’re g lad to receive y our sug ges tions on
improving our prod uct . T he target of the manual is to provide the d eta ile d p roduct
info rma tio n, in sta lla tio n, op era tio n and m ain ten anc e.
1.3 Target Group
The user m anu al is app lie d for tec hni cia ns and commo n use rs t o operate and
main tai n th e ZigBee M odu le. The readers sho uld be acq uai nte d with som e computer
netw ork k now led ge an d ope rat ing s kil l.
1.4 Guideline
Befo re u sin g the Zig Bee Module, ple ase rea d th e man ual carefully. In the meantime,
plea se keep it well, lest maintenance staff ma y not fin d it late r. All the content,
pict ures, logos, symbols are reserved. No part of this document may be transmitted in
any f orm wi tho ut t he pri or w rit ten pe rmi ssi on o f o ur internal st aff. The con ten t of
manu al cou ld be chang ed. Every atte mpt has bee n made to make this document
comp let e, ac cur ate and up-to-date. If there are any differen ces b etw een the
cont ent s of the ins tru cti on and the pro duc t, please rega rd th e actu al one as the
trut h. You can d own loa d the n ewe st ve rsi on from our we bsi te ww .
1.5 FCC Warning
This device complies wi th Part 15 of the FCC Rul es. Ope rat ion is subj ect to the
foll owi ng tw o con dit ion s:
(1) This de vic e may n ot ca use h arm ful i nte rfe rence.
(2) Thi s device must acc ept any int erf erence received, inclu din g inte rfe re nce th at
may cause u nde sired operation.
Chan ges or mo dif ica tio ns not express ly appro ved by the party responsible for
comp lia nce c oul d voi d the u ser 's au tho rit y to op era te th e equ ipm ent .
NOTE : Thi s equ ipm ent has be en teste d and found to co mpl y with the lim its for a
Clas s B di git al device, pur sua nt to Part 15 of the FCC Rul es. Th ese li mit s are designed
to provi de reas ona ble pro tec tio n ag ain st ha rmf ul inte rfe rence in a residen tia l
inst all ati on. Thi s equipment g ene rat es, use s and c an radiate ra dio frequ enc y en erg y,
and, if no t i nst all ed and used in ac cordance with the in str uct ion s, may ca use harmful
inte rfe rence to radio comm uni cat ion s. However, there is no guar ant ee that
inte rfe rence wil l n ot occur in a pa rti cul ar installation. If th is equ ipm ent does cause
harm ful int erf erence to radio or television rece pti on, whi ch ca n be d ete rmi ned by
turni ng the eq uip men t off an d on, the u ser is en couraged to try to correct the
inte rfe rence by one or more of th e fol low ing m eas ures:
-- Reo rie nt or relocate the rec eiv ing a nte nna .
-- Inc rease the separation between the equipment and re cei ver.
-- Co nne ct the equ ipm ent into a n outlet o n a circuit d ifferent from tha t to wh ich the
receiver is connected.
-- Con sul t the d eal er or a n exp eri enc ed ra dio /TV t ech nic ian f or he lp.
RF Exp osu re Statement
To mai nta in com pli anc e w ith FCC’s RF Exp osu re guide lin es, th is equ ipm ent should be
inst all ed an d operated w ith minimum dis tan ce 20 cm betw een t he radiator and your
body : Use o nly t he su ppl ied a nte nna .
2 Description
ZigB ee Module is a wirel ess d evi ce us ed to enable the communication b etw een
inve rte r and d ata l ogg er. The Sh ine Webbox and Shine P ano s erv e as th e dat a log ger.
3 Setting the ZigBee ID and Channel of
the Data Logger
In ord er to adopt the ZigB ee wirel ess communication metho d, the ZigB ee ID and
Chan nel of the da ta lo gge r should be con fig ured fi rst . Start the web brow ser and
ente r 19 2.1 68. 1.2 30 i n th e ad dress bar, then you can set the ZigBee ID and Chann el
via th e int egr ate d ser ver o f the d ata l ogg er.
Onl y th e IP address of the data logger and the accessing PC a re in the same
Note :
netw ork segment, then i t is av ail abl e to get access in to th e int egr ate d server of the
data lo gge r. As to more det ail s, ple ase refe r t o t he use r m anu al of data logger e.g.
Shin e Webbox User Manual.