Growatt SPH3000, SPH3600, SPH4000, SPH4600, SPH5000 Installation & Operation Manual

Operation Manual
Shenzhen Growatt New Energy Technology CO.,LTD
No.28 Guangming Road, Shiyan Street, Bao’an District, Shenzhen, P.R.China
GR - UM - 139 - A - 00
Installation Manual of SPH series
Brief Introduction
1.1 Prefa ce
1.2 Targ et Group
1.3 Produ ct Descri ptio n
1.4 Safe ty Ins truc tions
2.1 Purp ose Us e
2.2 Safe ty Mea sure
2.3 Symb ols in trod ucti on on th e
SPH inve rter
Product Description
3.1 Growa tt SPH seri es inv erte r
3.2 Labe l Expl anat ion
3.3 Size a nd wei ght
3.4 The ad vant age of t he unit of
Gro watt S PH
5.1 Basi c inst alla tion requi reme nts
5.2 Inst alla tion r equi res to ols an d
RJ 45 term inal s eque nce of the
LAN line
5.3 Inst alla tion I nstruct ions
5.4 SPH Sy stem C onne ction Mod e
6.1 Comm issi onin g of SPH
6.2 Oper atio n mode s
6.3 Coun try se ttin g
6.4 Disp lay an d butt on
6.5 Comm unic atio n
Start-up and shut down SPH system
7.1 Star t-up t he SPH s ystem
7.2 Disc onne ct the S PH system
Attention of the installation environment, maintenance and cleaning
Fault removal
11.1 Dis mant ling t he energy s tora ge
11.2 Pac king t he SPH i nverter
11.3 Sto ring S PH inv erter
11.4 Dis posi ng of th e SPH inver ter
Manufacturer Warranty
Product specification
12.1 Grow att SPH ser ies en ergy
storag e mach ine pr oduc t
specif icat ion
12.2 DC in put te rmin al parame ter
12.3 Torque
12.4 App endi x
1 Brief Introduction
1.1 Preface
This man ual w ill pr ovid e the u sers who us e the G rowa tt SP H Seri es of G ROWATT NEW ENERGY T ECHN OLOGY CO. LTD.S HENZ HEN( Short for Growa tt Ne w Energy as belo w) with the d eta iled p rodu ct in form atio n and t he in stal lati on in stru ctions. P leas e read this man ual c arefully a nd pu t this manu al on s ome place w here i s con veni ent t o instal lati on, opera tion , obt ain. A ny mo difi cati ons o f Grow att n ew energy, we will n ot notify t he us er.
Gro watt SPH inver ter must be inst alle d by pr ofes sional el ectr ical pers onnel who have obtain ed th e cer tifi cati on of the r elev ant d epartme nts. We ha ve tw o kin ds of ener gy storag e ma chin e for d ifferent battery one is f or lith ium batt ery and the othe r is for lead-a cid b atte ry, we sugg est: custome r sho uld d ecide wh ich k ind o f ene rgy stor age machin e y ou want , Grow att can provide onl y lith ium bat tery with energy stor age machin e, customer can ch oose lead-a cid energy stor age mac hine wi th no batt ery pro vide by Growat t while t hey c an bu y the se ba tte ry from ma rket easi ly. Especi ally if custom er ch oose ene rgy stor age syst em with l ithi um b atte ry(whic h mus t be prov ide by Gr owat t) but used for l ead- acid bat tery or use d lead-aci d batt ery for lit hium batter y mo del, it will be dang erou s. Inst alle r c an i nstall ener gy stor age mach ine of Gro watt SPH S erie s r apid ly and troubles hoot ing, bui ld communic atio n s ystem through re ad thi s man ual car eful ly. If you ha ve any qu esti ons in th e proce ss of instal lati on, you can logi n in an d leave som e mes sage . Or yo u can call our 2 4-ho ur ser vice hotl ine +8 6 0755 2 747 1942/ 400- 931- 3122.
Gro watt SPH Seri es is used to st ore e nerg y gen erated b y the phot ovol taic cel l pan els
or energy from grid if it i s al lowe d in the batt ery, also ener gy c an b e se nt to p ower
grid through S PH for s elf consu mpti on or when Gr id pow er is lost, S PH can b e use d as
back up po wer.
SPH seri es has s ix kin ds of type:
•Gro watt S PH3000
•Gro watt
Note: In different c ountry,we pro vide diffe rent po wer.Such as in Germany,we ca n
pro vide S PH3000~ SPH4 600, but we don’t provide SP H500 0 and SP H6000.
SPH360 0
•Gro watt S PH4000
•Gro watt S PH4600
•Gro watt S PH5000
•Gro watt S PH5600 Note: we d escr ibe th is series a s “SPH ” as bel ow.
1.3 Product Description
1.2 Target Group
LED of sta tus di spla y
LCD scree n
Functi on but ton
Batter y term inal
NTC:Le ad-a cid te mperatu re sensor te rmin al
RJ45 int erfa ce of DR Ms(used o nly in A ustr alia)
CT/met er inp ut ter minal
RS485 co mmun icat ion inter face o f Lith ium batte ry
DIP swit ch(s et saf ety stand ard)
USB inte rfac e
RS232/ Wi-F i cover boa rd
Gro und po int
AC Grid (o n grid c onne ction)
RSD(do n ot ope n exce pt by Profes sional st aff)
EPS outp ut(o ff gri d conn ecti on)
PV input
Positi on
Descri ptio n
Chart 1. 1
PV switc h
1)Pleas e be c lear whi ch ki nd of bat tery syst em you wa nt, l ithium b atte ry sy stem or lead-a cid ba tter y system, i f you ch oose t he wro ng sys tem, SPH ca n't wo rk nor mal ly.
2Please read this man ual care full y b efor e t he inst allatio n, The comp any has the right n ot to quality assu ranc e, I f not accordin g to the i nstruct ions of this m anua l for instal lati on and c ause equi pmen t dama ge.
3All the ope rati on and con nection pl ease profes sion al elec trical or mec hani cal engine er.
4During i nsta llat ion, Plea se don ’t tou ch the o ther p arts with in the b ox.
5All the e lec tric al ins tall ati on mus t c ompl y w ith th e l ocal elect rica l s afet y standa rds.
6If e quip ment s ne eds to mai ntai n, P leas e co ntac t wi th l ocal sp ecif y sy stem instal lati on and m aintena nce pe rson nel.
7U se the equi pmen t to comb ined to grid needs to obta in t he p ermi ssion o f lo cal power su pply d epar tment.
8When ins tall P V mod ules i n the dayti me, pl ease turn off the PV swi tch, Othe rwis e it will be d ange rous a s high t ermi nal volta ge of mo dule s in the suns hine .
1.4 Safety Instructions
Safety 2
2.1 Purpose Use
As show n ab ove, a c omplete grid-co nnec ted syst em o f SP H co nsis ts o f PV modu les, SPH inve rter, ba ttery, util ity gr id an d othe r comp onen ts.
Chart 2. 1
Attent ion:
As the sy stem ref er to batt ery use , We must make sur e vent ilation of the se rvic e environ ment and te mper atur e cont rol in o rder to preve nt the danger of ba tter y explos ion, Ba tte ry re commend ed insta llat ion en viro nmen t mu st b e strict ly i n accorda nce with the specifi cati on i n I P20 environment , th e pollu tion degr ee of t he unit i s PD2, mean whi le t he temp erat ure should b e c ontr ol i n t he 0 -40 of i ndoo r ventil atio n and t he hu midity sh ould be 5% -85% . If t he ch osen PV mo dule s nee ds to positi ve or nega tive ground connect ion, ple ase cont act with Grow att for tech nica l suppor t befo re ins tall atio n.
The syst em cha rt of SP H:
2.2 Safety Measure
2.3 Symbols introduction on the SPH inverter
·Releva nt ope rati on for profe ssional p erso nnel .
·Please n otic e chil dren , disa bled, lay peop le do no t close
·Superv ise an d make s ure ch ildr en don ’t pla y near the
instal lati on pos ition of en ergy s tora ge machin e
Risk of hi gh vo ltag e
Risk of bu rns o n the p arts shel l of SP H inv erte r
SPH inve rter exis ts radiat ion ma ybe a ffec t health
Don’t st ay a lo ng tim e wit hin 20cm fr om SPH inve rter.
During t he wor k, Cov er, she ll aro und, r adia tor is like ly to be h ot.
SPH inve rter ground con nection
Please ensu re SPH inverte r grou nd co nne ctio n is re liable f or ma ke su re peo ple 's
Descri ptio n
Cautio n: Ris k of ele ctrical s hock !
Cautio n : hot su rfac e
Pro tect ive condu ctor t ermi nal
Direct Cu rren t(DC)
Altern atin g Current(AC)
The inve rter c ompl ies with th e requirements o f the applic able C E guid elines
Cautio n: ris k of dan ger
Danger t o life d ue to hi gh voltag e in SPH There is re sidu al voltag e in SPH , SPH re quir es 5 min utes to disch arge . Please w ait 5 mi nute s before you o pen the upp er lid or the DC li d.
Refer to t he ope rati ng instru ctio ns.
7 8
3 Product Description
3.1 Growatt SPH series inverter
Marks of S PH
3.2 Label Explanation
Label co ntai ns the f ollowin g info rmat ion: for ex ampl e SPH6 000 shows a s belo w:
Descri ptio n
Explan atio n
Push-b utto n
Status s ymbo l of SPH
Operat ion of d ispl ay screen an d set syste m
Gre en lig ht on
SPH run no rmal ly
Red ligh t on
fault st ate
Red ligh t blinki ng
1.Alar m stat e
2.Soft ware updat ing
42-59V dc
the type o f product
PV input d ata
Max inpu t powe r
PV input r ange
Number o f inpu t stri ngs
Max inpu t current pe r stri ng
AC outpu t data
Max AC app arent powe r
Max AC out put cu rren t
AC nomin al vol tage
Power fa ctor
Stand al one
Rated AC o utpu t powe r
Rated ou tput v olta ge
Batter y data
Batter y volt age ra nge
Max char ge and d isch arge curre nt of batter y
Environ ment
Operat ing te mper ature rang e
Degree of p rote ction
Certif icat es and a ppro vals
Gro watt S PH6000
4000W/ 4000 W
120-55 0Vdc
230V,50 /60Hz
0.8 lead ing~ 0.8 la gging
230V,50 /60Hz
Lead bat tery a nd lit hium batt ery
IP 65
G83,G5 9,AS 4777 ,CEI 0-21,C E,IE C621 09,AS/N ZS 3100,V DE 0126-1 -1,V DE-A R-N4105
type of ba tter y
Descri ptio n of lab el:
3.3 Size and weight
3.4 The advantage of the unit of Growatt SPH
Feature s below:
·All in one d esig n. Can i mpro ve sel f consump tion , back u p and also pi nch th e vall ey.
·Smart ma nage ment ,work mod e can be s et.
·Safe bat tery u sed.
·Easy ins tall atio n.
·Max effic iency 97. 5%.
·Two mp p trac ker in put.
Gro watt S PH
weightk g
450 565 1 80
Chart 3. 1
11 12
Gro watt S PH series a nd acc esso ries as fol lows :
SPH inve rter
User Man ual
Paper bo ard(inst alla tion g uide)
Wat erpr oof co ver
AC Grid co nnec tor
EPS outp ut con nect or
Commun icat ion ca ble
Current s ensor
Lead-a cid ba tter y tempera ture senso r
RJ45 con nect or
M6 setsc rew
Batter y powe r term inal
MC4 conn ecto r
Number Descri ptio n
Chart 4. 1
Installation 5
5.1 Basic installation requirements
Chart 5. 2
E. Batte ry ins tall ation opt ion is n ot far a way from the p osition o f SPH, t he len gth betwee n SPH an d batt ery shoul d not be m ore th an 1.5 m. F. The am bien t tempera ture s houl d be -25℃ ~ 60 G. SPH can b e inst alle d in vertic al or le an bac k on plane, P leas e refe r to the b elow
A. The ins tall atio n locatio n must b e suit able for SP H's we ight f or a long per iod ti me B. The ins tall atio n locatio n must c onfo rms with di mens ion of S PH C. Do not in stal l the un it on struc tures cons truc ted of f lammabl e or the rmo la bile materi als D. The Ing ress Protectio n rate i s IP65 a nd the poll utio n degr ee is PD 2. Please re fer t o the belo w:
Chart 5. 1
Chart 5. 4
Chart 5. 3
5.2 Installation requires tools and RJ 45 terminal sequence of the LAN line
H. Insta llat ion po sition sh all no t prev ent ac cess t o the disco nnec tion m eans. I. In order t o ensure machin e can ru n norm ally and ea sy to op erat e, please p ay attent ion to p rovi de ade quat e space for S PH, Pl ease r efer t o below:
J. Do not in stal l the ma chine nea r tele visi on antenn a or any o ther a ntennas a nd antenn a cabl es K. Don't i nsta ll the m achine in t he liv ing ar ea L. Be sure th at the mach ine is o ut of th e children's reach M. Taking th e batt ery fi xing spac e into a ccou nt, about t he dim ensi ons pleas e ref eren ce use r manual N. The Inf lamm able a nd explos ive da nger ous go ods mu st not be pla ced ar ound batter y in cas e of cau se seriou s dang er.
When ins tall ingwe n eed to use to ols as f ollo wprep are th e foll ow tools be fore instal ling
Descri ptio n
Pre ss the R J45 termi nal
Pre ss bat tery term inal c onne ctor
Discon nect P V term inal
Unscrew n ut
Unscrew s crew
Knock ex plos ion bo lt
Drill ho les on t he wal l
LAN line R J45 se quen ce as follo w
Chart 5. 5
Chart 5. 6
PIN 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
White orange
White gre en
White blue
gre en
White bro wn
bro wn
LAN line 1 -8 col ors as b elow:
+ 23 hidden pages