1 Brief Introduction
1.1 Preface
This man ual w ill pr ovid e the u sers who us e the G rowa tt SP H Seri es of G ROWATT NEW
ENERGY T ECHN OLOGY CO. LTD.S HENZ HEN( Short for Growa tt Ne w Energy as belo w)
with the d eta iled p rodu ct in form atio n and t he in stal lati on in stru ctions. P leas e read
this man ual c arefully a nd pu t this manu al on s ome place w here i s con veni ent t o
instal lati on, opera tion , obt ain. A ny mo difi cati ons o f Grow att n ew energy, we will n ot
notify t he us er.
Gro watt SPH inver ter must be inst alle d by pr ofes sional el ectr ical pers onnel who have
obtain ed th e cer tifi cati on of the r elev ant d epartme nts. We ha ve tw o kin ds of ener gy
storag e ma chin e for d ifferent battery one is f or lith ium batt ery and the othe r is for
lead-a cid b atte ry, we sugg est: custome r sho uld d ecide wh ich k ind o f ene rgy stor age
machin e y ou want , Grow att can provide onl y lith ium bat tery with energy stor age
machin e, customer can ch oose lead-a cid energy stor age mac hine wi th no batt ery
pro vide by Growat t while t hey c an bu y the se ba tte ry from ma rket easi ly. Especi ally if
custom er ch oose ene rgy stor age syst em with l ithi um b atte ry(whic h mus t be prov ide
by Gr owat t) but used for l ead- acid bat tery or use d lead-aci d batt ery for lit hium
batter y mo del, it will be dang erou s. Inst alle r c an i nstall ener gy stor age mach ine of
Gro watt SPH S erie s r apid ly and troubles hoot ing, bui ld communic atio n s ystem
through re ad thi s man ual car eful ly. If you ha ve any qu esti ons in th e proce ss of
instal lati on, you can logi n in an d leave som e mes sage . Or yo u can
call our 2 4-ho ur ser vice hotl ine +8 6 0755 2 747 1942/ 400- 931- 3122.
www.grow att.com
Gro watt SPH Seri es is used to st ore e nerg y gen erated b y the phot ovol taic cel l pan els
or energy from grid if it i s al lowe d in the batt ery, also ener gy c an b e se nt to p ower
grid through S PH for s elf consu mpti on or when Gr id pow er is lost, S PH can b e use d as
back up po wer.
SPH seri es has s ix kin ds of type:
•Gro watt S PH3000
•Gro watt
Note: In different c ountry,we pro vide diffe rent po wer.Such as in Germany,we ca n
pro vide S PH3000~ SPH4 600, but we don’t provide SP H500 0 and SP H6000.
SPH360 0
•Gro watt S PH4000
•Gro watt S PH4600
•Gro watt S PH5000
•Gro watt S PH5600
Note: we d escr ibe th is series a s “SPH ” as bel ow.
1.3 Product Description
1.2 Target Group
LED of sta tus di spla y
LCD scree n
Functi on but ton
Batter y term inal
NTC:Le ad-a cid te mperatu re sensor te rmin al
RJ45 int erfa ce of DR Ms(used o nly in A ustr alia)
CT/met er inp ut ter minal
RS485 co mmun icat ion inter face o f Lith ium batte ry
DIP swit ch(s et saf ety stand ard)
USB inte rfac e
RS232/ Wi-F i cover boa rd
Gro und po int
AC Grid (o n grid c onne ction)
RSD(do n ot ope n exce pt by Profes sional st aff)
EPS outp ut(o ff gri d conn ecti on)
PV input
Positi on
Descri ptio n
Chart 1. 1
PV switc h