Safety Instructions 2
1. Pleas e be cle ar whi ch kind of ba tter y syst em you want , lith ium ba ttery sys tem or
led-ac id bat tery s ystem, if y ou cho ose th e wron g syst em, energ y stor age
system c an’t work no rmal ly.
2. Before u sing the un it, re ad all i nstr uctions a nd cau tion ary marki ng on th e unit ,
the batt erie s and al l appropri ate secti ons of t his ma nual. The c ompa ny has t he
right no t to qua lity a ssuranc e, if no t acco rdin g to the i nstruct ions o f this m anual
for inst alla tion a nd cause eq uipm ent da mage.
3. All the o pera tion a nd connec tion p leas e prof essi onal elec tric al or me chanica l
engine er.
4. All the e lect rica l install atio n must c omply wit h the lo cal el ectrica l safe ty
standa rds.
5. When in stal l PV mod ules in the d ayti me, in staller s houl d cove r the PV modu les by
opaque m ater ials , otherwi se it wi ll be da ngerous as h igh termi nal vo ltag e of
module s in the s unsh ine
6. CAUTI ON:To reduce r isk of i njur y, char ge onl y deep-cy cle le ad-a cid type
rec harg eable bat teri es and l ithium ba tter ies. O ther type s of bat teri es ma y burs t,
causin g pers onal i njury and d amag e.
7. Do not di sass embl e the unit. Tak e it to a qu alif ied servi ce cen ter wh en servic e or
rep air is r equi red. I ncorrect r e-as sembly ma y resu lt in a ri sk of el ectric sh ock or
8. To red uce ri sk of elect ric sh ock, d isconne ct all w irin gs before attem ptin g any
mainte nanc e or cle aning. Turn ing off the unit wi ll not r educ e this r isk.
9. NEVER c harg e a froz en bat tery.
10. For op timu m oper ation of th is inv erte r, plea se fol low re quir ed spe c to sel ect
appropr iate cabl e size . It’s ver y importa nt to co rrec tly op erate thi s inve rter.
11. Be ver y caut ious w hen worki ng wit h meta l tools on or a round batt erie s. A
otenti al ris k exis ts to drop a too l to spark or s hort c ircu it bat teries or o ther
electr ical p arts a nd could ca use an e xplo sion.
12. Plea se str ictl y follow in stal lati on pro cedu re whe n you want to d isco nnec t AC or
DC termi nals . Plea se ref er to IN STALL ATION sect ion of t his ma nual for th e deta ils.
13.GROU NDIN G INST RUCTION S -Thi s inve rter shou ld be co nnec ted to a perm anen t
gro unde d wiring sy stem . Be sur e to com ply with lo cal re quir emen ts and
reg ulat ion to inst all th is inv erter.
14. NEVE R caus e AC out put and DC in put sh ort ci rcui ted. D o NOT conne ct to th e
mains wh en DC in put sh ort circui ts.
15. Make s ure the inve rter i s comp letely as semb led, b efore the opera tion .
LCD disp lay
Status i ndic ator
Functi on but tons
Power on /off switc h
Dry cont act
RS485 co mmun icat ion port
BMS comm unic atio n port
WIFI baff le
Batter y inpu t
Circuit b reak er
AC input
AC outpu t
PVB inpu t
PVA input
Positi on Descri ptio n
Parall el baffle( SPF 5000 /SPF300 0 PLUS h ave)
Parall el com muni cation ca ble( SPF 5000 h ave)
Parall el cur rent s hari ng cab le(SPF5 000 ha ve)
WIFI cab le
WIFI pow er
WAR NING : This c hapter co ntai ns imp ortant sa fety a nd ope rating
instru ctio ns. Re ad and keep t his ma nual f or future re fere nce.