Growatt SPF3000, SPF5000, SPF3000 PLUS Installation And Operation Manual

Operation Manual
No.28 Guangming Road, Shiyan Street, Bao'an District, Shenzhen, Shenzhen,P.R.China
+ 86 755 2747 1942
GR - UM - 127 - A - 01
Installation Manual Of PV Off-grid Inverter
Brief Introduction
1.1 Prefa ce
1.2 Targ et Gro up
1.3 Produ ct Descri ptio n
1.4 Basi c Syst em Arc hite ctur e
1.5 Produ ct Overvi ew
Safety Instructions
3.1 Unpa ckin g and In spectio n
3.2 Basi c inst alla tion requi reme nts
3.3 Inve rter c onne ction
Communication Connection
6.1 Powe r on/o ff
6.2 Oper atio n and di splay pan el
Trouble Shooting
Dry contact
Manufacturer Warranty
1 Brief Introduction
1.1 Preface
This man ual d escr ibes the as semb ly, ins tallati on, op era tion a nd troubl esho otin g of Gro watt SPF Se ries of GROWATT NE W ENE RGY TE CHNOLOG Y CO.LTD. SHE NZHE N(Sh ort for Grow att Ne w Ene rgy as belo w). P leas e read this m anual car eful ly and put this manual o n som e plac e whe re is conve nien t to in stal lation, o pera tion, obt ain. Any modifi cati ons of Grow att New Ene rgy, we w ill n ot notify t he us er.
Only qualifie d and tra ined elec tric al tech nic ians are allo wed to ins tall an d ope rate Gro watt SP F300 0/50 00/SPF3 000 PLUS. SPF300 0/50 00 seri es pro duct s are c ompa tible wit h lit hium -ion and le ad ac id ba tter y. If cho osing lit hium-io n batter y, yo u are al lowed to us e lit hium b attery fr om Gro watt only. For lead ac id batter y, yo u are e asy to find i t on th e mar ket. H owever, we s tron gly re comm end y ou to contac t you r instal ler o r Gro watt cus tome r servic e hot line + 86 -075 5-27471 942/ 400­931-31 22 to co nfir m before the p roce dure .
Gro watt /S PF30 00 PLUS
Gro watt SP F300 0/50 00 is sort of off- grid invert er. It use s s urplus PV genera tion to char ge the bat tery in the day time . Afte r t he sun goe s d own, the PV genera tion is unav aila ble, it dischar ge the battery or util ize grid elec tric ity to p ower the load a t nigh t. It en joys foll owin g feat ures :
Pure sine w ave inver ter Built- in MPP T sola r charge co ntroller Config urab le in put v olta ge ra ng fo r hom e app lian ces a nd pe rsonal compu ters via LCD
settin g Config urab le bat tery char ging c urre nt bas ed on ap plicati ons vi a LCD se tting Config urab le AC/ Solar Cha rger p rior ity via LCD s etti ng Auto rest art while A C is rec over ing Overlo ad/O ver te mperatu re/Short c ircu it pro tect ion Smart ba tter y char ger desig n for op timi zed batte ry per form ance Cold sta rt fun ctio n
/SPF30 00 PLUS
1.3 Product Description
1.2 Target Group
1.4 Basic System Architecture
So la r po wer
Ge ne ra tor
As s hown i n abo ve system d iagram, SPF300 0/50 00 is u sed t o power co mmon hous e applian ces in cluding s ome i nduc tive load s uch a s light, ref rige rator. Also, die sel g ener ator and po wer g rid can be co mpensat ion in whic h sol ar energy i s ins ufficien t as we ll as t o char ge th e battery.
Gro watt /S PF30 00 PLUS
1.5 Product Overview
NOTE: Fo r par alle l model ins tall ation and oper atio n, pl ease c heck sepa rate “par alle l & three-p hase inst allatio n guid e” fo r the d etai ls. O nly SP F5000 hav e the f unct ion .
Safety Instructions 2
1. Pleas e be cle ar whi ch kind of ba tter y syst em you want , lith ium ba ttery sys tem or led-ac id bat tery s ystem, if y ou cho ose th e wron g syst em, energ y stor age system c an’t work no rmal ly.
2. Before u sing the un it, re ad all i nstr uctions a nd cau tion ary marki ng on th e unit , the batt erie s and al l appropri ate secti ons of t his ma nual. The c ompa ny has t he right no t to qua lity a ssuranc e, if no t acco rdin g to the i nstruct ions o f this m anual for inst alla tion a nd cause eq uipm ent da mage.
3. All the o pera tion a nd connec tion p leas e prof essi onal elec tric al or me chanica l engine er.
4. All the e lect rica l install atio n must c omply wit h the lo cal el ectrica l safe ty standa rds.
5. When in stal l PV mod ules in the d ayti me, in staller s houl d cove r the PV modu les by opaque m ater ials , otherwi se it wi ll be da ngerous as h igh termi nal vo ltag e of module s in the s unsh ine
6. CAUTI ON:To reduce r isk of i njur y, char ge onl y deep-cy cle le ad-a cid type rec harg eable bat teri es and l ithium ba tter ies. O ther type s of bat teri es ma y burs t, causin g pers onal i njury and d amag e.
7. Do not di sass embl e the unit. Tak e it to a qu alif ied servi ce cen ter wh en servic e or rep air is r equi red. I ncorrect r e-as sembly ma y resu lt in a ri sk of el ectric sh ock or fire.
8. To red uce ri sk of elect ric sh ock, d isconne ct all w irin gs before attem ptin g any mainte nanc e or cle aning. Turn ing off the unit wi ll not r educ e this r isk.
9. NEVER c harg e a froz en bat tery.
10. For op timu m oper ation of th is inv erte r, plea se fol low re quir ed spe c to sel ect appropr iate cabl e size . It’s ver y importa nt to co rrec tly op erate thi s inve rter.
11. Be ver y caut ious w hen worki ng wit h meta l tools on or a round batt erie s. A otenti al ris k exis ts to drop a too l to spark or s hort c ircu it bat teries or o ther electr ical p arts a nd could ca use an e xplo sion.
12. Plea se str ictl y follow in stal lati on pro cedu re whe n you want to d isco nnec t AC or DC termi nals . Plea se ref er to IN STALL ATION sect ion of t his ma nual for th e deta ils.
13.GROU NDIN G INST RUCTION S -Thi s inve rter shou ld be co nnec ted to a perm anen t gro unde d wiring sy stem . Be sur e to com ply with lo cal re quir emen ts and reg ulat ion to inst all th is inv erter.
14. NEVE R caus e AC out put and DC in put sh ort ci rcui ted. D o NOT conne ct to th e mains wh en DC in put sh ort circui ts.
15. Make s ure the inve rter i s comp letely as semb led, b efore the opera tion .
LCD disp lay
Status i ndic ator
Functi on but tons
Power on /off switc h
Dry cont act
RS485 co mmun icat ion port
BMS comm unic atio n port
WIFI baff le
Batter y inpu t
Circuit b reak er
AC input
AC outpu t
PVB inpu t
PVA input
Positi on Descri ptio n
Parall el baffle( SPF 5000 /SPF300 0 PLUS h ave)
Parall el com muni cation ca ble( SPF 5000 h ave)
Parall el cur rent s hari ng cab le(SPF5 000 ha ve)
WIFI cab le
WIFI pow er
WAR NING : This c hapter co ntai ns imp ortant sa fety a nd ope rating instru ctio ns. Re ad and keep t his ma nual f or future re fere nce.
3 Installation
3.1 Unpacking and Inspection
3.2 Basic installation requirements
Before i nsta llat ion, plea se in spec t the u nit. Be sur e that noth ing insid e the p acka ge is damage d. You sh ould have r ecei ved t he fol lowing it ems i nsid e of pa ckag e:
The unit ×1 User man ual× 1 Setscre ws×3
1.The ins tall ation loc atio n mus t be su itab le fo r SPF S erie s inverte r’s weight fo r a lon g pe riod t ime .
2.The ins tall ation loc atio n mus t conform w ith d imen sion of SPF Seri es invert er.
3.Do not in sta ll the unit o n str uctu res co nstruct ed of f lamm able or the rmo l abil e ma teri als .
4.The Ing ress P rote ction rat e is IP 20 an d the pollu tion degre e is PD 2, Th e install a rea sh all be gene rall y con diti oned in ter m of te mperatu re, hu midi ty an d air f iltr atio n.
5.Batte ry ins tallati on opt ion i s not f ar below th e pos itio n of in vert er.
6.The hum idit y of th e ins tall atio n loc atio n sho uld be 5 ~ 85% .
7.The amb ient temp erat ure shoul d be 055
8.SPF Ser ies i nver ter can be insta lled i n ver tica l or le an ba ck on p lane , Please re fer to th e belo w Ins tall ation pos itio n sha ll not prev ent acces s to the disc onnecti on mea ns.
~ .
Figure 3. 1
9.In orde r to en sure m achi ne ca n run n orma lly and eas y to op erat e, pl ease pay attent ion to provide ad equate sp ace for SPF Seri es invert er. Please re fer to belo w:
Figure 3. 2
10.Do not i nst all th e mac hine near t elev ision ant enna or any othe r antenna s and an tenn a cab les.
11.Don’t inst all the mac hine in the livi ng are a.
12.Be sur e that the ma chine is out of the chi ldre n’s reac h.
13.Inst all th e uni t by sc rewi ng thr ee cre ws as b elow. It’s rec ommende d to use M6 sc rews .
Figure 3. 3
SPF500 0/SP F300 0 PLUS
SPF300 0
3.3 Inverter connection
3.3.1 Lithium battery connection
If c hoos ing l ithi um batter y for SPF 3000 /5000/S PF30 00 PL US, yo u are a llow ed to u se Gro watt lith ium batte ry onl y. Ther e’re t wo co nnec tors on the lith ium batte ry, RJ45 por t of BM S and p ower cabl e
Please f ollo w bel ow steps to impl emen t lithium b atte ry co nnec tion:
1.Assem ble ba ttery rin g ter mina l based on re commend ed bat tery cabl e and t ermi nal si ze (sa me as L ead a cid, see s ecti on 3. 3.2 fo r det ails ) .
2.Inser t the r ing te rminal of batt ery ca ble f latl y int o batt ery c onne ctor of inv ert er and ma ke sur e the b olts are ti ghte ned w ith to rque of 2-3 Nm.Make s ure po larity at both th e batt ery a nd the inve rter/ch arge i s cor rect ly connec ted an d rin g termina ls are ti ghtl y scre wed t o the b atte ry te rmin als.
3.Conne ct the end of RJ45 o f bat tery t o BMS c ommunic atio n por t of in vert er
Gro watt
4.The oth er en d of RJ45 ins ert t o batt ery c omm port.
Figure 3. 4
Note: if c hoo sing l ithium ba tter y, make sure t o connect t he BM S comm unicati on cable be twee n the b attery an d the i nver ter. Al so, y ou need to ch oos e batt ery t ype as “lithi um bat tery”
Figure 3. 5
3.3.2 Lead acid battery connection
User can c hoo se pro per capac ity le ad ac id batter y with a nomi nal v olta ge at 4 8V. Also, you need t o cho ose batte ry type as “l ead a cid batte ry”.
WAR NING ! For s afety ope ration an d regu lation co mpli anc e, it’s re quested t o ins tall a separa te DC o ver-c urre nt pro tect or or d isconne ct dev ice b etwe en ba tter y and invert er. It ma y not b e requ ested to ha ve a di sconnec t device in some a ppli cations , howeve r, it ’s st ill re quested t o hav e over- current p rote ctio n ins tall ed.
WAR NING ! All w iring mus t be pe rfor med b y a qua lifi ed pe rson nel. WAR NING ! It' s very impo rtant for s ystem saf ety a nd eff icie nt op erat ion t o use
appropr iate cabl e for b attery co nnec tion. To redu ce ri sk of i njur y, plea se use the pro per re com mend ed cable an d ter mina l size as below.
Ring ter mina l:
Figure 3. 6
Recomm ende d battery c able and te rminal si ze:
Mod el
SPF 3000
SPF 5000
Table 3.1
Note: fo r lea d acid batt ery, th e reco mmen ded c harg e cur rent i s 0.2 C© bat tery capaci ty)
Please f ollo w bel ow steps to impl emen t lead-ac id bat ter y conn ection:
1.Assem ble ba ttery rin g ter mina l based on re commend ed bat tery cabl e and t ermi nal size.
2.Conne ct all batt ery packs a s uni ts req uire s. It’s sugges ted to conn ect at leas t 100Ah ca paci ty ba tter y for 3 KVAmo del a nd at l east 200A h capa city batt ery f or 5KVA model.
3.Inser t the r ing te rminal of batt ery ca ble f latl y int o batt ery c onne ctor of invert er and make s ure t he bol ts are tigh tene d wit h torq ue of 2 -3Nm.Ma ke sur e polarit y at both the b att ery an d the i nverter /cha rge is corr ectl y con nect ed and ring term inal s are tigh tly sc rewe d to th e bat tery t erm inal s.
Dim ensio n(mm)
Cro ss
-se ction
Inn er dia meter
Len gth
200 AH
130 A
29. 2 2-3 Nm
2*8 A WG
100 AH
1*8 A WG
SPF 3000 PL US
Rec ommen ded c harge cur rent
Torqu e
2-3 Nm
23. 86.4
Max .
cha rging
Cur rent
Cap a cit y
Dia me ter
100 A
100 AH
100 A
29. 2 2-3 Nm
1*6 A WG
+ 12 hidden pages