Growatt ShineVision Operation Manual

No.12 Building, Xicheng Industrial Zone, Bao’an District, Shenzhen, P. R.China
+ 86 755 2747 1900 + 86 755 2749 1460
Operation Manual
GR - UM - 0 07 - 01
Product Overview
Basic Operations and Display of Functio ns
Table of Contents
2.1 Che ck of softwa re version a nd clear
2.2 Cod e-matchi ng operati on
2.3.1 Cu rre ncy symbo l set ting
2.3.2 In com e coeffic ient sett ing
2.3 Bas ic Setting
2.3.3 CO 2 coe ffic ien t setting
2.3.4 Da te se tting
2.3.5 Time set tin g
2.3.6 Tem peratur e uni t setting
2.3.7 Bu zze r setting
2.5 Def ault inter face switc hing enqui ry
2.6 Def ault inter face displ ay
2.7 Rea ding of Data o f Emitter No .1 to 6
2.4 Dat a storage
1 Product Overview
ShineV isi on, whic h c ons ists of a p owe r m oni tor and a n umb er of tra nsmitte rs, can achiev e 1 to 6 m oni toring modes . The tran smi tters transm it th e pow er da ta co lle cted fro m a pho tovolta ic inv erter to the moni tor and disp lay the dat a o nto the moni tor screen , a s alon g as dat a o f gene rat ed ene rgy, the gross gen erat ed ener gy and the genera tio n i ncome obtaine d f rom the abov e-menti one d d ata thro ugh some simple calcul ati ons. We ca n als o see 3-phas e AC v oltage, two-wa y PV v oltage, indoor temper atu re, da te an d time, as we ll as C O2 emissi ons .
2Basic Operations and Display of Functions
2.1 Che ck of softwa re version a nd clear
Insert p owe r sup ply ( or batter ies ) aft er pre ssi ng “u p” and “down” ke ys co ncu rren tly, LCD will display 3 seconds in full screen as shown in Figu re 2. The red LED light flashe s qui ckly twic e 3 sec onds late r (0. 5 second pe r tim e), then re lease the “ up” a nd “down” keys, LE D li ght will be on f or a long tim e, L CD w ill sho w th e ve rsi on N o. o f the so ftw are as s hown in Fi gur e 3. LED ligh t w ill turn off 3 se cond s l ate r, an d L CD res ets to the defa ult int erfa ce as sho wn in Figu re 4. The rele van t info rma tion h as been cle ared.
Note: Fa cto ry defaul t dat e: 01/01/ 201 1 (dd/ mm/ yy) , defa ult t ime : 00:0 0.
Figure 2 Figure 3 Figure 4
Notes : Po wer up t he mon ito r via th e pow er ada pte r, whic h is del ivered in the packag e box . But for con ven ience, so met imes i t’s ava ila ble to u se ba tte ries .
Figure 1 P ower Moni tor a nd Tran smitter
Overvi ew
2.2 Cod e-matchi ng operati on
Before code -mat chi ng oper ati on plea se connect the transmi tte rs firm ly to i nve rters via the RS 232 p ort (figu re5). Det ail ed inform ati on ref ers t o the ne xt pa rag raph .
Figure 5 C onnect th e tra nsmitte r to in vert er
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