6. 3 Conn ec ting the second protect iv e
conduc to r
6. 4 Conn ec ting the PV Array(D C in put)
6.5 Conn ec ti ng signal cable
6.6 Grounding th e in verter
6.7 Acti ve p ow er control with smart
meter , CT o r ri pp le control signal
6.8 Inve rt er d emand response modes
6.9 AFCI (O pt ional)
11 Trouble shooting
12 Manufacturer Warranty
11.1 Error Mes sa ge s displayed on
11.2 Sys te m fault
11.3 Inv er ter warni ng
11.4 Inv er ter fault
7 Commissioning
8 Start -Up and shut dow n
the inverter
9 Maintenance and Cleaning
10 EU Declaration of Conformity
7. 1 Star t th e inverter
7. 2 Gene ra l setting
7. 3 Adva nc ed setting
7. 4 Comm un ications
8. 1 Star t- Up the inverter
8. 2 Turn-off the Invert er
9. 1 Chec ki ng Heat Dissipati on
9. 2 Clea ni ng the Inverter
9. 3 Chec ki ng the DC Disconnec t
13 Decommissioning
13.1 Dis ma nt ling the Invert er
13.2 Pac ki ng t he Inverter
13.3 Sto ri ng t he Inverter
13.4 Dis po si ng of the Inverte r
14 Technical Data
14.1 Spe ci fi cation
14.2 DC &A C co nn ector info
14.3 Torque
14.4 Acc es so ries
15 Compliance Certificates
16 Contact
1 Notes on this manual
1.1 Validity
This manual describe s the assembly, i ns tallation, commissio ni ng an d mai nt en ance of th e
follow in g Grow at t Inverter model:
MIN 2500 T L- X
MIN 3000 T L- X
MIN 3600 T L- X
MIN 4200 T L- X
MIN 4600 T L- X
MIN 5000 T L- X
MIN 6000 T L- X
This ma nu al does n ot cover any d et ails concerning equipm en t connected t o the MIN TL X( e. g. PV modul es ). Informati on concern in g the con ne cted equip me nt is avail ab le from
the manu fa ct urer o f the equipment.
Inform at io n
CAUTIO N in di ca tes a ha zard ous situation which, if not avoid ed ,
could result in mi no r or moderate injur y.
NOTICE i s us ed t o address practices not relat ed t o pe rsonal injury.
Inform at io n that you must read and know t o en sure o pt imal
operat io n of t he system.
1.2 Target Group
This manual is for qualifi ed perso nn el. Qualified per so nnel have received trainin g a nd
have demons tr at ed sk il ls an d knowl ed ge in th e constru ct ion a nd op er at ion o f this
device . Q ualified Perso nn el are t rained to deal w it h the dangers an d h azards involved in
instal li ng e lectric devic es .
1.3 Additional information
Find fur th er i nformation on s pe ci al topics in the do wn lo ad are a at www.ginverter.com
The manu al a nd o ther document s mu st b e stored in a convenient pl ac e and be available
at all tim es . We ass um e no liability for an y da mage caused by fail ure to o bs er ve these
instru ct io ns. For possibl e ch an ges in this manua l, G RO WATT NEW ENERGY
TECHNO LO GY C O.,LTD ac ce pt s no res ponsibilities t o in form the users.
1.4 Symbols in this document
1.4.1 Sy mb ol s in this documen t
A warn ing describes a h az ard to e qu ipment or personn el . It c alls attentio n to a p roce du re
or p ractice, wh ich, if not co rrec tl y perfo rm ed or a dhered to, could resul t in da ma ge to or
destru ct io n of part or all of the Growatt equipment and/or other equipment connec te d
to the Growatt equ ip ment or personal in ju ry.
Symboldescri pt io n
DANGER indicates a haza rdous situation which, if not av oided, w il l
result in death or s er ious injury.
1.4.2 Ma rk in gs on this produc t
SymbolExplan at io n
Electr ic al v oltage!
Risk of fi re or expl os ion!
Risk of bu rns
Operat io n af ter 5 minutes
Point of c on ne ction for grounding protect io n
Direct Current (DC)
Alternating Current (AC)
Read the m an ua l
CE mark.
The inv er te r complies with th e req ui re me nt s of the applica bl e CE
guidel in es .
WARNING indic at es a hazardo us situation whic h, if not avoided,
could result in de at h or serious injury.
The inve rt er m ust not be dispos ed o f wi th the househol d wa st e.
1. 5 Glossary
Abbreviation f or " Alterna ti ng C urre nt"
Abbreviation f or " Dire ct C urre nt"
Energy is m easured in Wh (watt h ou rs), kW h (kilo wa tt hour s) or MWh (m egawatt h ours).
The en ergy is t he power calculated over time . For exa mp le, your inverter op erates at a
consta nt po wer of 4600 W for ha lf an hour and then at a c onstant powe r o f 2 300 W for
anothe r ha lf an hour, it has fed 345 0W h of energy int o th e power distr ib ut ion grid with in
that hou r.
Power i s m easure d in W (wa tt s), kW (k il owatts) or MW (megawatts) . P ower is an
instan ta ne ous value. It displa ys th e power your inverter is cur rent ly fe ed ing into the
power di st ri bution grid.
Power ra te
Power rate is th e radio of c ur re nt power feeding into the po we r dis tr ib ution g rid and the
maximu m po we r of the inverter t ha t ca n feed into the pow er d is tribution gri d.
Power fa ct or
Power factor is the ra tio of true powe r or wa tt s to ap pare nt power or volt amps. Th ey are
identi ca l only wh en curren t and v ol ta ge are in p ha se than t he power fa ctor is 1 .0. The
power in an ac ci rc ui t is very s eldom equ al to the d irec t prod uct of th e volts and a mperes.
In order to f in d th e powe r of a single phase ac circ uit the prod uc t of volts and amperes
must be mu lt ip lied by the power f ac to r.
Abbreviation f or p hotovoltaic.
Wirele ss c om munication
The exte rnal wireless commu ni ca tion technolo gy i s a ra dio technolog y th at a llows the
invert er a nd o ther communic at io n prod ucts to communica te w ith each other. The
external wireless communi ca ti on does not require line of sight b et we en the devices and
it is sele ct iv e purc hasing.
2 Safety
2. 1 Intended Use
Positi on D escription
The inverte r may only be operated with a permanent connection to the public power
grid. The inv er ter is not int ended for mobile use. Any other or additional use i s not
consid ered the inte nd ed use. The manu fa cturer /supplier i s not l iable f or damage c aused
by suc h un intended use. D am age caused by s uc h unintende d us e is at the sol e ri sk of the
operat or.
PV modul es C ap acitive Disch ar ge C urrents
PV modules with large capacities relative to earth, such as thin-fi lm PV modules with
cells on a meta ll ic substrate, may only b e used if their coup li ng capacity d oes not e xc eed
1uF. During fe ed -in operation , a leakage current flo ws f ro m the cells to ea rt h, the size o f
which d epends on t he manner i n which t he PV modul es are installe d (e.g. foi l on metal
roof) and on t he weather (r ai n, snow). T hi s "normal" le ak ag e current may n ot e xceed
50mA due to the fact tha t the i nverter would ot he rwise au to matically disconnect fro m
the elec tr ic ity grid as a protective me as ure.
PV modul es
DC load ci rcuit breake r
Invert er
AC load ci rcuit breake r
Energy m et er
Utilit y gr id
2. 2 Qualification of skilled person
This g ri d-tied invert er sys te m operates on ly whe n prop er ly c onnected to t he A C
distri bu ti on network. Before connecting the MIN TL-X to the power distribution grid,
contac t the l ocal pow er distrib ut ion grid company. This connection must be made o nly
by quali fi ed t echnical person ne l to c onnect, and only afte r receiv in g ap prop ri ate
approvals, as required by the lo ca l authority havin g ju risdiction.
The uni t c on verts the DC curren t g enerated by the photovo lt aic (PV) modules to gridcompli an t alter nating current and perf or ms si ng le-phase feed-in i nto the elec tr ic ity
grid.M IN 2500TL -X ,MIN 3000TL-X, MI N 360 0T L-X,MIN 4200TL-X,MIN 4600TL-X ,M IN
5000 TL-X , MI N 6000T L- X inverte rs are bu il t according to a ll required saf et y rules .
Nevert he le ss, improper use may cause let ha l h az ards fo r t he operator or third parties, or
may result in dama ge t o the units and other p rope rt y.
Princi pl e of a P V plant with this M IN T L- X single-phas e in ve rter
2. 3 Safety instruction
The MIN T L- X Inv er ters is designed and tested a cc ordi ng to internat io na l saf et y
requirements(IEC621 09 -1,CE,VDE0126 -1 -1, A S4 777,etc); however, certain sa fe ty
precautions must be observed when installing and operating this inverter. Read and
follow all instructions , cau ti ons a nd war nings i n t hi s i ns tallation manual. If q uestions
arise, p le as e contact Growatt's tec hn ical services at +8 6 (0 )755 2747 1900.
2. 4 Assembly Warnings
ØPrior to i ns ta llation, insp ec t th e unit to ensure absence of a ny
transp or t or h andling damag e, w hi ch could affect insulat io n
integr it y or s afety clearan ce s; f ailure to do so could result in
safety h az ards .
ØAssemb le t he i nverter per the i ns tr uctions in this m an ua l. Use care
when cho os in g installatio n lo ca tion and adhere to specif ie d
coolin g requiremen ts .
ØUnauth or iz ed rem oval of necessary p rote ct io ns, improper use,
incorrect inst al lation and operat io n may lead to serious s af ety
and shoc k ha za rd s an d/or equipment da ma ge.
ØIn order to minimi ze t he potential of a sho ck h azard du e to
hazardous volt ag es, cover the entire sola r ar ra y with dark
materi al p ri or to connectin g th e ar ray to any equipm en t.
ØGrounding the PV mo dules:The MIN TL-X is a transformerles s
invert er. Tha t is wh y it ha s no ga lv anic se pa ra tion. D o not g roun d
the D C circuits o f the PV m od ules con ne cted to the MIN TL-X.
Only g roun d th e mounting fr ame of the PV mod ul es .If you
connec t groun de d PV modules to the MIN TL-X, t he error
messag e "P V IS O Low".
ØComply with the local req uire ments for grou nd in g t he PV
mod u l e s and t h e PV ge n e rato r. G R OWAT T recom m e n ds
connec ti ng the gene ra tor frame a nd other el ec tr ically co nd uc tive
surfac es in a manner w hich ens ures continuous conduction with
ground in order to have optimal prot ec tion of t he s ystem and
person ne l.
2.5 Electrical Connection Warnings
ØThe comp on en ts in the inverte r are live . Touc hing live compone nt s
can result in seri ou s injury or death.
Do not ope n th e in verter except t he w ire bo x by q ualified person s.
Electr ic al i nstallation , repair s an d conversions may o nl y be carried
out by ele ct ri cally qualifi ed p er sons.
Do not tou ch d am aged inverter s.
ØDanger t o li fe d ue to high voltag es i n th e inverter
There is residual volt ag e in t he inverter. Th e inverter takes 20
minute s to i sc harge.
ØPerson s wi th l imited physic al o r me ntal abilitie s ma y on ly work
with the G rowatt i nv erter following p rope r in st ruction and und er
consta nt s up ervision. Chi ld ren are forb id de n to play with the
Growatt invert er. Must keep the G rowatt i nv erter away from
ØMake all e le ct rical connect io ns ( e.g. conducto r te rm ination,
fuses, P E co nn ection, etc.) i n ac co rd an ce with prevailing
regulations. W he n working with the in ve rter powered on, adhere
to all prevailin g sa fety reg ulations to min im iz e risk of acciden ts .
ØSystem s with inverters t ypically re qu ire additiona l control ( e. g.,
switch es , dis co nn ects) or p rotect iv e dev ic es (e .g ., fu si ng ci rcui t
breakers) depe nd ing upon the prevailing s af et y rules.
2.6 Operation Warnings
ØEnsure all conne ct ors are se aled and secure during op er ation.
ØAlthou gh designed to meet al l safety requ irem en ts , some parts
and surfaces of I nv erter are still hot d ur ing op er ation. To reduce
the risk o f injury, do no t touch the heat si nk a t the back of t he P VInvert er o r ne arby surfaces w hi le I nverter is oper at in g.
ØIncorrect si zi ng of the PV pl ant may result in v ol tages being
present which c ou ld dest roy the inv er ter. The inv er te r displ ay will
read the error message “ PV v ol tage High!”
ØTurn the rotary swi tc h of the DC Disco nn ect to the Off positi on
immedi at el y.
ØContac t in st aller.
Turn the rot ar y s witch of the DC Disconnect to the Off p os ition
immedi at el y.
Contac t in st aller.
ØAll oper at io ns reg ardi ng t ransport, ins ta ll ation and start -u p,
includ in g ma intenance mus t be o pe rated by qualif ie d, t rained
person ne l an d in compliance w it h al l prev ailing codes and
ØAnytim e th e in verter has been d is co nnected from the power
networ k, u se e xtre me caution as some co mp onents can retain
charge s uffici en t to cre at e a shock hazard; to minimi ze
occurrence of su ch c onditions, comp ly w ith all corresponding
safety s ym bo ls and markings p resent o n th e unit and in this
manual .
ØIn speci al c as es, there may still be inte rf eren ce f or the specifie d
applic at io n area d espite maintain in g standardized emissi on l im it
values ( e. g. w hen sensitive e qu ip ment is located a t th e se tup
locati on o r wh en the setup loca ti on i s near radio or tel ev is ion
receivers).I n th is case, the operat or i s obliged to take proper
action t o rectif y th e situation.
ØDo not stay close r than 20 cm to the inv er te r for any length o f
3 Product description
3.1 TL-X Overview
Symbol o n th e in verter
Positi onDescri pt io n
Descri pt io nExplan at io n
Touch symb ol
Invert er s ta tus
Touch butt on .We ca n sw itch the OLED
displa y an d se t parameter by to uc hi ng.
Indica te s in verter operat io n st atus:
Red:Fa ul t.
Red leaf f la sh :War ning or DSP Programming.
Green leaf flash :M 3 Prog ra mming.
3.2 Type label
The type l ab el s prov ide a unique identi fi cation of the inver te r (The type of product,
Device -s pe cific charact er is tics, Certifi ca te s and approvals). The typ e la bels are o n the
left-h an d si de of the enclosu re.
DRM PORT ( Au stralia or EU)
More detail abou t th e type label as the cha rt b elow:
3.3 Size and weight
Model Na me
Max inpu t DC v ol tage
Max inpu t DC c ur re nt
Start vo lt ag e
MPP volt ag e ra nge
AC nomin al v ol tage
AC grid frequenc y
Max. app arent po we r
AC norma l ou tp ut current
Power fa ct or
Environmenta l
Operat io n Am bient
temper at ure
Model Na me
Max inpu t DC v ol tage
Max inpu t DC c ur re nt
Start vo lt ag e
MPP volt ag e ra nge
AC nomin al v ol tage
AC grid frequenc y
MIN 2500 T L- XMIN 3000 T L- XMIN 3600 T L- X
12.5A/ 12 .5 A
80V~50 0V
50/60 Hz
2500VA3000VA36 00 VA
0.8lea di ng …0.8lagging
IP 65
- 25...+60℃ ( -1 3...+ 140°F)
with der at in g above 45°C( 113°F )
MIN 6000MIN 5000MIN 4600MIN 4200
12.5A/ 12 .5 A
80V~55 0V
50/60 Hz
MIN 2500 -6 00 0 TL-X
Height ( H)Wi dth (W)Depth ( D)
350mm 13 .8 in ch 375mm 14 .8 in ch 160mm 6. 3i nc h 10 .8 kg
3.4 Storage of Inverter
If you want to stor ag e t he inve rt er in your warehouse, you should choose an ap prop ri ate
locati on t o st ore th e inverter.
ØThe unit m us t be s tore d in original packa ge a nd desiccant must b e le ft in the
packag e.
ØThe stor ag e te mperature should be alw ay s between -25℃and +60℃. A nd t he
storag e relati ve h umidity can achie ve t o 100%.
ØIf there are a batch of inve rt er s need to be stored, the maxi mu m layers for origin al
carton i s fo ur.
ØAfter lo ng t er m storage, loca l in st aller or servic e de pa rtment of GROWATT s ho ul d
perfor m a co mp re he nsive test before insta ll at ion.
Max. app arent po we r
AC norma l ou tp ut current
Power fa ct or
Environmenta l
Operat io n Am bient
temper at ure
with der at in g above 45°C( 113°F )
0.8lea di ng …0.8lagging
IP 65
- 25...+60℃ ( -1 3...+ 140°F)
3.5 The advantage of the unit
ØMaximu m effici en cy of 98.4%
ØWi de input voltage ra ng e from 8 0- -550Vdc
ØReacti ve p ow er reg ulate
ØIntegr at ed D C switch
ØMulti MP P co nt ro ll er
ØDSP cont roller
ØTouch cont rol
ØMulti ac ti ve p ower control mode
ØEasy ins ta ll ation
4 Unpacking and inspection
The inver te r is thoro ug hly tested and inspe ct ed strictly before delivery. Our inverters
leave o ur factory in proper e lectrical and mech an ical condi ti on. Spec ia l packag in g
ensures safe a nd ca re fu l transportati on . H owever, tr an sport damage ma y s ti ll occur. T he
shippi ng co mp an y is respons ib le in such case s. Th orough ly in sp ec t the in ve rter upon
delive ry. Immediately not if y th e respon si ble shipping company if you disco ve r an y
damage to t he pa ck aging w hi ch in di cates t ha t the inverter may have be en da ma ged o r if
you discover any visible damage to th e inver te r. We will be g la d to assist you, if required.
When t ra ns porting the i nv erter, th e original or e qu ivalent packa gi ng should be us ed , and
the maxi mu m la yers for origin al c ar ton is four, as t hi s ensures safe transpor t.
After openin g th e pack ag e, p lease check the contents of the box. It should contain the
follow in g, Pl ease check all of the access or ies c aref ully in the carton. If anythin g m is sing,
contac t yo ur d ealer at once.
Descrip ti on
Invert er
Mounti ng b ra cket
Quick Gu id e
Monito r( Op tional)
Signal c on ne ctor
DRM PORT(A us tralia or EU)
Self-t ap pi ng screws
Safety- lo ck s crew
Plasti c ex pa nsion pipe
PV+/PV- t er minal
PV+/PV- m et al terminal
AC conne ct or
Uninst al l si gnal and AC conne ct or t ool
Quanti ty
Installation 5
5.1 Safety instructions
Danger t o li fe d ue to fire or explo si on
Despit e ca refu l co nstruction, ele ct rical devices can c au se fires .
Do not i nstall the inverter on ea sily flammable materials and w here
flamma bl e ma terials are stored.
Risk of bu rn s du e to hot enclosur e pa rt s
Mount the inve rt er i n su ch a w ay t ha t it c an no t be t ou ched
inadve rt en tly.
Possib le d am age to health as a result of th e effe ct s of r adiation!
In speci al c as es, there may still be inte rf eren ce f or the specifie d
applic at io n area d espite maintain in g standardized emission l im it
values ( e. g. w hen sensitive e qu ip ment is located a t th e se tup location
or when th e se tu p location is nea r ra di o or television receive rs ).In this
case, th e op er ator is obliged t o ta ke p ro pe r action to rectify the
situat io n.
Never in st al l the inverter ne ar t he s ensitive equi pm en t(e.g. Radios,
teleph on e, t elevision, et c)
Do not sta y cl os er than 20 cm to the in ve rt er for any length o f ti me
unless i t is a bs olutely neces sa ry.
Growatt assu me s no responsibility f or compliance t o EMC regulations
for the co mp le te system
ØAll elec tr ic al installati on s sh all be done in acco rdance w it h the local and natio na l
electr ic al c odes. Do not remove the cas in g. Inverter conta in s no user serviceab le
parts. R ef er s ervicing to qua li fi ed service pers on ne l. all wiring and e le ct rical
instal la ti on should be cond uc te d by a qualified se rv ic e personnel .
ØCarefully remove the u ni t from i ts p ackaging and insp ec t for exter na l da mage. If you
find any i mp er fections, ple as e co ntact your loca l de al er.
ØBe sure that the inv er ters connect to the g roun d in o rder t o protec t prop er ty a nd
person al s af ety.
ØThe inve rt er m ust only be opera te d wi th PV generator. Do not connect any ot he r
source of energy t o it .
ØBoth AC an d DC v ol tage sources are terminated i ns id e the PV Inverter. Please
discon ne ct t hese circuits before servic in g.
ØThis uni t is d es igned to feed pow er t o th e public power gr id ( ut ility) only. Do n ot
connec t th is u nit to an AC source or genera to r. Connecti ng I nv erter to external
device s co ul d re su lt in serious damag e to y our equipment.
ØWhen a pho to vo ltaic panel is ex po se d to light, it gene ra te s a DC voltage. Whe n
connec te d to t his equipment , a ph ot ovoltaic pane l wi ll c harge the DC link
capaci to rs .
ØEnergy s to red in t hi s equipment's DC li nk c apacitors presents a ri sk o f el ectric shock.
Even aft er t he u nit is disconne ct ed f ro m th e grid and photovol ta ic panels, high
voltag es m ay s till exist insi de t he P V-Inverter. Do n ot rem ove the casing unti l at l east
5 minute s af te r disconnecti ng a ll p ower sources.
ØAlthou gh d es igned to meet all s af et y re qu irem en ts, some parts an d su rf aces of
Invert er a re sti ll h ot during operati on . To red uc e th e risk of injury, do not touch the
heat sin k at t he b ack of the PV-Inve rt er or nearby surfac es w hi le Inverter is
operat in g.
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