Growatt 750-S, 1000-S, 1500-S, 2500-S, 3000-S Installation & Operation Manual

Operation Manual
GR - UM - 033 - A - 04
Growatt 750-S
Growatt 1500-S
Growatt 2000-S
Growatt 2500-S
Growatt 3000-S
Growatt 1000-S
Bui lding B , Jiayu I ndust rial Pa rk, #28 , Guang Hui Roa d, Shi yan Str eet, Ba oan Dis trict , Shenz hen, P.R. Chin a
T 075 5-29 51588 8 F 075 5-274 72131 E ser vice@ ginve rter.c om W www. ginve rter.c om
About Manual
1.1 Val idit y
1.2 Targ et Gro up
1.3 Add itio nal infor mati on
2.1 Inte nded U se
Product Description
3.1. Ove rvie w
3.2. Type la bel
3.3. Dim ensi ons an d Weig ht
3.4. Tran spor t and St ore
2.2 Qual ific atio n of skille d pers on
1.4 Symb ols in t his do cument
1.5 Glos sary
2.3 Safe ty ins truc tion
2.4. Asse mbly Wa rnings
2.5. Ele ctri cal Co nnectio n Warni ngs
2.6. Ope rati on Warning s
3.5. The ad van tage o f Inve rter
5.2. Sel ecti ng mou nting loc atio n
5.4. Con nect s witc h
5.3. Mou ntin g Inve rter
5.1. Saf ety in stru ctions
5.5. Gro undi ng
5.6. Con nect g rid ty pe
5.7. Ele ctri cal co nnectio n
6.1. Par amet ers se tting
6.2. Ind epen dent f unction o ptio n
6.3. LCD d ispl ay
6.4. Com muni cati on
6.5. Com miss ioni ng the inve rter
6.6. Mon itor ing to ol instru ctio ns
Startup and Shutdown the Inverter
7.1. Sta rt up th e Inve rter
7.2. Shu tdow n the In verter
Operation Modes
8.1. Wait ing mo de
8.2. Nor mal mo de
8.3. Fau lt mod e
8.4. Shu tdow n mode
9.2. Che ckin g the DC s witch
9.3. Cle anin g the In verter
9.1. Che ckin g heat d issipat ion
Maintenance and Cleaning
10.1 Warn ings (W)
10.2 Err ors( E)
Trouble Shooting
11.1 . Dism ant ling t he Inv erte r
11.2 . Pack ing t he Inv erte r
Technical Data
12.1. Sp ecif icat ion
12.2. DC c onne ctor i nfo
12.3. Torqu e
11.3 . Stor ing t he Inv erte r
11.4 . Disp osi ng of th e Inve rter
PV System Installation
13.2. Mu lti in vert ers
13.1. Si ngle i nver ter
14.1. Li st
14.2. Do wnlo ad add ress
Compliance Certificates
About Manual 1
1.1 Validity.
This ins tall ation and user g uide desc ribe s the a ssembly, i nsta llat ion, commis sion ing, comm unic atio n, ma inte nance, op erat ing a nd failur e sear ch of t he follow ing Gr owa tt inv erte rs:
This m anu al does not cove r a ny deta ils conc erni ng equi pment c onn ecte d t o t he Growat t ( e.g. PV m odul es) . In form ati on c oncerni ng t he conn ecte d e quip ment is availa ble fr om the m anufact urer o f the eq uipment
1.2. Target group
This ma nual is for qua lified p erso nnel wh o hav e receiv ed tr aini ng a nd ha ve demons trat ed sk ills and kno wle dge i n the co nstr ucti on and op erat ion of t his device . Qual ifie d Pers onne l are traine d to deal w ith th e dang ers and haz ards involv ed in in stal ling elec tric d evic es.
1.3. Additional information
Fi nd fu rt he r i nf or ma ti on on s pe ci al to pi cs i n th e dow nl oa d are a a t
The m anua l a nd othe r d ocum ents m ust be stored in a c onve nie nt plac e and be availa ble a t al l ti mes. We assum e no liab ilit y fo r an y dam age caus ed b y fai lur e to observ e thes e inst ruction s. For p ossi ble chang es in th is man ual, SHEN ZHEN GROWATT NE W ENE RGY TE CHN OLOG Y CO.,LTD ac cept s no r espo nsi bili ties to inform t he use rs.
www.gin vert m
Manual Introduce and Copyright
Copyri ght © 2 010 Shen zhe n G rowatt New Ene rgy Tech nology Co., Ltd, All righ ts re served.
No part of this d ocu ment may be r epr oduced, s tor ed in a r etrieva l sys tem, or trans mitted, in an y form or by any mean s, electr oni c, mec han ical, photog rap hic, magneti c or ot herwise , wit hout the prior w rit ten permi ssi on of Shenz hen G rowatt Ne w Ene rgy Tech nol ogy Co., Lt d.
Sh en zhe n G rowat t N ew En er gy Techno lo gy Co ., Ltd m ak es no repres ent ations, express or implied , w ith resp ect to this documen tat ion or any of the equipment and/ or soft war e it may de scribe, inc lud ing (wi th no lim itation ) an y impli ed w arr anties of u tility, merc han tabilit y, or fit ness for any par tic ular pur pos e. All suc h wa rra nties ar e ex pressly dis claimed . Neithe r Shenz hen Gr owa tt N ew E ner gy Technology Co., Lt d no r it s distri but ors or de ale rs s hall be liable for any in dir ect, incide nta l, or conseq uen tial dama ges u nder any ci rcu mstance s.
(Th e exclusi on of impl ied war ranties may not app ly in all cases unde r some sta tut es, and thu s the a bove excl usi on may not ap ply.)
Specif ica tions are subject to chan ge wit hou t noti ce. Every att empt h as been mad e to mak e this d ocu ment comp lete, acc ura te and up- to- date. Reader s are caution ed, h owe ver, t hat G row att r ese rves the r ight to ma ke change s wit hout n oti ce and s hal l not be respon sib le for any d ama ges, includ ing in dir ect, i nci dental o r co nse quentia l da mages, caused by relian ce o n th e m ate rial p res ented, i ncl uding, but n ot l imited t o, omissi ons , typographi cal e rrors, ar ith metical e rro rs or l isting er ror s in th e conten t mat erial.
All trade mar ks are rec ogn ized even if the se are not marked sep arately. Missin g de signati ons do not me an t hat a p roduct o r br and is no t a regist ere d tradema rk.
SHENZH EN GR OWATT NE W ENE RGY TE CHNOLOG Y CO.,LTD Buildi ng B, Jia yu Indu str ial Par k, #28, Gua ngH ui Roa d, Shiy an Stre et, Baoan Di str ict, Shen zhe n, P.R.C hin a
Growatt 750-S
Growatt 1500-S
Growatt 2000-S
Growatt 2500-S
Growatt 3000-S
Growatt 1000-S
1.4. Symbols in this document
A warn ing desc rib es a haza rd to equi pmen t or pers onnel. It calls atte ntion to a proced ure or prac tice, whi ch, i f not c orrectl y perform ed or a dher ed to , cou ld result in dama ge to or dest ruct ion of p art or all of t he Grow att equi pmen t a nd/o r o ther equipm ent co nnec ted to the Gr owat t equi pment or pe rson al inj ury.
1.4.1. Warnings in this document
Symbol description
DA NGER in dic ate s a h azardou s s itu atio n wh ich , i f not avoide d, wil l resu lt in death o r seri ous in jury.
WAR NING i ndic ates a ha zar dous si tua tion which , if no t avoide d, cou ld res ult in deat h or ser ious i njury.
CAUTIO N in dic ates a hazard ous si tua tion w hic h, i f n ot avoide d, cou ld res ult in mino r or mod erat e injury.
NOTICE is used to addr ess practice s not r elat ed to pers onal injury.
Inform atio n
Inform atio n that yo u must read an d know to en sure op tima l operat ion of t he sys tem.
1.4.2. Markings on this product
Symbol Explanation
Electrical voltage!
Risk of fire or explosion
Risk of burns
Operation after 5 minutes
Point of connection for grounding protection.
Direct Current (DC)
Alternating Current (AC)
The inverter has no transformer.
Read the manual.
Bluetooth communication is enabled.
CE mark. The inverter complies with the requirements of the applicable EC guidelines.
The inverter must not be disposed of with the household waste.
Abbrev iati on for " Alterna ting C urre nt"
Abbrev iati on for " Direct Cu rren t"
Energy is me asu red in W h (w att hour s), kWh (ki lowa tt h ours ) or MWh (meg awa tt hours) . The en ergy is the powe r cal cula ted over ti me. I f, for exam ple, y our i nver ter operat es at a cons tant pow er of 150 0W for half an hour and the n a t a c onst ant power of 1000 W fo r a noth er half an hour, it h as fed 125 0 Wh of ener gy into the power di stri buti on grid wit hin th at hou r.
Power i s me asu red in W (watts) , kW (ki lowa tts) or MW (megaw atts ). P ower is a n instan tane ous valu e. I t d ispl ays the powe r y our inverter is curr entl y f eedi ng into the powe r dist ribu tion grid .
Power rat e i s t he radi o o f c urre nt pow er feed ing into the powe r dist ribu tion gri d and th e m axim um powe r of th e i nver ter that can fee d in to the power di stribut ion
Power rate
Power fac tor is t he rati o o f t rue powe r o r w atts to apparent power o r v olt amps . They are iden tic al only wh en curr ent and vo ltag e are in pha se than th e powe r factor i s 1.0. T he pow er in a n ac cir cuit i s ver y seld om equ al to t he dir ect pr odu ct of the vo lts and ampe res. In orde r to find the powe r of a si ngle phas e ac circ uit the produc t of vol ts and a mperes mu st be mu ltip lied by the p ower f acto r.
Power Factor
Abbrev iati on for p hotovol taic
The exte rna l wir eles s com muni cati on te chnolog y is a r adio tech nol ogy that allow s the in vert er and othe r co mmunica tion product s to com muni cate wit h ea ch othe r. The ex ter nal wireless comm uni cati on does not requ ire line of sig ht betw een the device s and it i s sele ctive pur chas ing.
wireless communication
Safety 2
2.1. Intended Use
The un it c onverts the DC curr ent generat ed b y the p hoto voltaic (PV) modu les to grid-c ompl iant al tern atin g curren t and pe rfor ms si ngle-ph ase f eed- in i nto t he
electr icit y grid . Gro watt 7 50-3 000-S ser ies in verters a re bui lt accord ing to a ll requir ed safe ty rules. Neve rthe less , i mpr oper use may cause leth al haza rds for the oper ator o r thi rd par ties , or ma y resu lt in d amag e to the unit s and ot her proper ty.
Princi ple of a P V plan t with this G rowa tt XXX X single- phas e inve rter
The inve rte r may on ly be ope rate d with a pe rman ent co nnec tion t o the pu blic power gr id.
The inve rter is no t inte nded fo r mob ile use . A ny oth er or addi tion al use is no t consid ered the inte nded use. The manu fact urer/su ppli er i s no t liabl e fo r da mage caused b y suc h uni nten ded u se. D amag e cau sed by such unin tend ed us e is at the sole ris k of the o pera tor.
PV modul es Cap acit ive Disch arge C urre nts
PV mod ules with larg e ca pacitie s re lati ve to e arth , su ch as t hin- film PV m odules with cel ls on a met alli c sub stra te, m ay on ly be used i f the ir co upling ca pac ity does not exce ed 47 0nF. During f eed- in op erat ion, a lea kage c urrent fl ows f rom the cel ls to eart h, the size of whic h d epen ds on the manner in whic h t he P V m odul es are instal led (e.g. fo il on meta l r oof) and on the weat her (rai n, snow ). T his "nor mal" leakag e cur rent ma y not exceed 50 mA due to th e fact th at the in vert er wou ld otherw ise au tomatic ally d isco nne ct fro m t he el ectr icit y g rid a s a p rotecti ve measur e.
This g rid -tie d i nver ter syst em oper ate s o nly when prop erl y conne cted to the A C –distr ibut ion n etwo rk. B efor e con nect ing t he in vert er in vert er to t he po wer di stri but ion g rid, contac t t he lo cal p ower di stri but ion grid co mpan y. Th is connec tion mus t b e m ade only by qual ifie d tech nica l p ersonne l t o c onne ct, and only aft er re cei ving app ropr iate app rov als, as r equi red b y the loc al au thor ity having j uris dict ion.
2.2. Qualification of skilled person
The GRO WATT In vert ers are de sign ed and te sted ac cord ing to i nternat iona l safety req uire ment s; h owev er, c erta ins afet y pr ecau tion s mu st b e ob serv ed w hen instal ling and o per atin g this in vert er. Read and fo llow al l inst ruct ions , caution s and wa rnin gs in th is ins tall ation m anual. If qu esti ons ar ise , pl ease co ntac t Growat t's te chni cal servi ces at + 86 (0) 755 2951 58 88.
2.3. Safety instruction
2.4. Assembly Warnings
Symbol description
Prior to inst all atio n, in spec t the unit to ensure a bse nce o f any transp ort or hand ling dam age, wh ich coul d affe ct insulat ion integr ity or s afety c lear ance s; f ail ure to d o so coul d r esul t in safety h azar ds.
Assemb le the inve rter per the ins truc tio ns in t his manua l. Use care wh en c hoos ing in stal lati on l ocat ion an d adhere to specif ied co olin g require ment s.
Unauth oriz ed r emoval of nec ess ary pro tect ion s, i mpro per use, i ncor rect in stal lati on and ope rati on m ay lead to seri ous safety a nd sho ck haz ards and/ or equ ipme nt damage .
In ord er to mini mize th e p otentia l o f a shoc k h aza rd due to hazard ous v olta ge, cov er th e ent ire sol ar ar ray w ith dar k materi al pri or to co nnectin g the ar ray to a ny equipm ent.
Ground ing t he PV mo dul esTh e G row att i nver ter is a transf orme rles s i nver ter. Th at i s w hy i t h as n o g alva nic separa tion . D o not grou nd the DC circ uits of the PV modu les connec ted to t he inv erte r. O nly grou nd the moun ting fra me of the P V modu les. If you con nect gro unded PV modules to the Growat t inve rter s, the erro r mess age "P V ISO Low".
Comply w ith th e l oca l r equi reme nts f or gro undi ng th e P V mo dule s a nd th e P V gener ato r. GROWATT r eco mmends co nne cti ng t he g ene rat or f ram e a nd o ther e lectr ica lly conduc tive sur face s in a m anne r whi ch en sure s con tinu ous co ndu ctio n wi th gr ound th ese i n o rde r to have o ptim al protec tion o f the sy stem and pe rson nel.
2.5. Electrical Connection Warnings
Symbol description
Th e c omp one nts in the in ver ter ar e l ive . Tou ching li ve compon ents c an res ult in seri ous in jury o r death.
Do not open the inv erte r exce pt the wire box by qual ifie d person s.
E lectric al ins tallati on, re pairs and c onversi ons ma y onl y be carrie d out by e lect rically q uali fied p ersons.
Do not tou ch dam aged i nverter s. Danger t o life d ue to hi gh voltag es in th e inve rter Ther e is r esi dual volt age i n the inv erte r. The inve rter takes
20 minut es to di scha rge. Wai t 20 min utes b efore you o pen th e wire b ox. Person s wi th l imit ed p hysi cal or m enta l ab ili ties may o nly work
with th e Gro watt inve rter fol lowi ng pr oper instruc tion and u nder consta nt supe rvis ion . Chil dre n are forbid den to pla y with th e Growat t inve rter. Must k eep t he Growat t inve rte r away fro m childr en.
Make al l el ectr ica l connec tion s (e .g. con duct or t ermi nation, fuses, PE co nnec tion, et c.) in ac cord ance wi th p reva ilin g regula tion s. Whe n wor king w ith th e inverte r powe red on , adh ere to all pre vail ing sa fety regu lati ons to m inimize r isk of a ccid ents.
System s wit h inv erte rs typic ally requ ire a ddi tion al co ntro l (e.g., switch es,d isco nnects) or pr otec tiv e dev ices (e.g., f usin g circui t breake rs) de pend ing upon th e prev aili ng safety r ules .
The G rowa tt Inve rter co nver ts DC Curr ent fro m PV gen erat or into AC curr ent. Th e i nverter is sui tabl e f or moun ting ind oors and outd oors .
You ca n use th e AC c urre nt gen erat ed as f ollo ws:
Energy flows i nto th e ho use gr id. Th e co nsum ers connec ted, for exa mple , hous ehol d devi ces or lightin g, consum e the ener gy. Th e ene rgy l eft over is fe d into th e public gri d. W hen the Growat t is not genera ted a ny en erg y, e.g. , a t n igh t, th e c ons ume rs w hic h a re connec ted are supplie d by the publ ic g rid . The Gr owat t does not have its o wn en ergy mete r. Whe n ene rgy i s fed into the p ubli c grid , the energ y mete r spin s backwar ds.
House gr id:
Energy i s fed d irec tly i nto the pub lic g rid. T he Growat t is connec ted to a sepa rate ener gy me ter. Th e ene rgy produc ed is c ompe nsat ed at a rate d epen din g on the electr ic pow er co mpan y .
Public g rid:
2.6. Operation Warnings
Symbol description
Ensure a ll cov ers an d doors are c lose d and se cure duri ng ope rati on. Althou gh desig ned to meet a ll s afet y re quireme nts, some part s an d
surfac es of Inv erte r are stil l hot dur ing o pera tio n. To re duce the risk of inju ry, do not t ouch the heat sin k at t he back o f the PV-Inver ter o r nearby s urfa ces wh ile Inver ter is o pera ting.
Incorr ect s izin g of the P V pla nt ma y re sult in vo ltag es b eing pres ent which cou ld dest roy the inve rter. The inve rter dis play wil l r ead the error me ssag e“PV Vo ltage Hig h!”
Turn the ro tary s witc h of the D C Dis conn ect to t he Off p osit ion immedi atel y. Contac t inst alle r.
All ope rati ons reg ard ing t ranspor t, insta llat ion and st art- up, includ ing mainten ance must be oper ated by qua lifi ed, tra ined person nel and in co mpli ance with all pr evailin g co des and regula tion s.
Anytim e the in vert er has b een di sco nnec ted fr om the p ower networ k, u se extr eme caut ion as some comp one nts can reta in ch arge s ufficie nt to c reate a shock ha zar d; to m inim ize occurr ence of suc h cond iti ons, comply with all cor respond ing safety sy mbol s and mar kings pres ent on th e unit an d in this manual .
In speci al cas es, th ere may sti ll be in terf erence fo r the sp ecif ied applic atio n area des pit e ma inta ini ng s tandard ized e miss ion
limit val ues (e .g. whe n sens itiv e equi pmen t is loca ted at th e setup l oca tion or wh en t he s etup lo cati on i s ne ar r adio or televi sion rece iver s).I n thi s cas e, the oper ator is ob lige d to ta ke proper a ctio n to rec tify the si tuat ion.
Do not stay cl oser th an 20 cm t o t he inve rter for any length of time.
3 Product Description
The Grow att i nver ters are gr id-t ied i nver ters whic h con vert D C cur rent gene rate d by P V modu les i nto AC c urre nt an d feed it int o the p ubl ic gri d.
3.1. Overview
Symbol on the inverter
3.2. Type label
The type labe ls pro vid e a uni que id entific atio n of th e inv erte r (The type of pro duct, Device -spe cifi c c haracte rist ics, Cer tifi cates and appr oval s). The typ e l abel s a re on the lef t-ha nd sid e of the encl osur e.
Inform atio n
As the grid standa rds of m any coun trie s ar e in the proc ess of impr ovin g o r upgra ding , p leas e r efer to the label on the machin e for re fere nce of the ne west c erti ficate.
Symbol Description Explanation
Tap sy mbol Settin g the di spla y operati on
by tappi ng the L CD
Invert er sta tus sy mbol Indica tes in vert er operat ion
Model Name
DC max
DC max
DC range
AC norm
AC norm
AC norm
AC norm
Protection Degree
Operation Ambient Temperature
xxx ~ xxx°C °C
Wat erpr oof br eathabl e valv e
Positi on
AC Outpu t
PV input t ermi nals
DC switc h
State LE D
The fron t encl osur e lid
Descri ptio n
RJ 45 Port
+ 19 hidden pages