About Manual 1
1.1 Validity.
This ins tall ation and user g uide desc ribe s the a ssembly, i nsta llat ion,
commis sion ing, comm unic atio n, ma inte nance, op erat ing a nd failur e sear ch of t he
follow ing Gr owa tt inv erte rs:
This m anu al does not cove r a ny deta ils conc erni ng equi pment c onn ecte d t o t he
Growat t ( e.g. PV m odul es) . In form ati on c oncerni ng t he conn ecte d e quip ment is
availa ble fr om the m anufact urer o f the eq uipment
1.2. Target group
This ma nual is for qua lified p erso nnel wh o hav e receiv ed tr aini ng a nd ha ve
demons trat ed sk ills and kno wle dge i n the co nstr ucti on and op erat ion of t his
device . Qual ifie d Pers onne l are traine d to deal w ith th e dang ers and haz ards
involv ed in in stal ling elec tric d evic es.
1.3. Additional information
Fi nd fu rt he r i nf or ma ti on on s pe ci al to pi cs i n th e dow nl oa d are a a t
The m anua l a nd othe r d ocum ents m ust be stored in a c onve nie nt plac e and be
availa ble a t al l ti mes. We assum e no liab ilit y fo r an y dam age caus ed b y fai lur e to
observ e thes e inst ruction s. For p ossi ble chang es in th is man ual, SHEN ZHEN
GROWATT NE W ENE RGY TE CHN OLOG Y CO.,LTD ac cept s no r espo nsi bili ties to
inform t he use rs.
www.gin vert er.co m
Manual Introduce and Copyright
Copyri ght © 2 010 Shen zhe n G rowatt New Ene rgy Tech nology Co., Ltd,
All righ ts re served.
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of Shenz hen G rowatt Ne w Ene rgy Tech nol ogy Co., Lt d.
Sh en zhe n G rowat t N ew En er gy Techno lo gy Co ., Ltd m ak es no
repres ent ations, express or implied , w ith resp ect to this documen tat ion
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Neithe r Shenz hen Gr owa tt N ew E ner gy Technology Co., Lt d no r it s
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Buildi ng B, Jia yu Indu str ial Par k, #28, Gua ngH ui Roa d, Shiy an Stre et,
Baoan Di str ict, Shen zhe n, P.R.C hin a
Growatt 750-S
Growatt 1500-S
Growatt 2000-S
Growatt 2500-S
Growatt 3000-S
Growatt 1000-S