Growatt 2500MTL-S, Growatt 3000MTL - S, Growatt 5000MTL -S, Growatt 4200MTL-S, Growatt 3600MTL-S Operation Manual

Growatt 2500MTL-S
Growatt 3000MTL-
Growatt 4200MTL-
Growatt 5000MTL-
Growatt 5500MTL-
Growatt 3600MTL-S
Operation Manual
Shenzhen Growatt New Energy Technology CO.,LTD
Bui lding B , Jiayu I ndust rial Pa rk, #28 , Guang Hui Roa d,
Shi yan Str eet, Ba oan Dis trict , Shenz hen, P.R.China
T 0755-295 15888
F 075 5-274 72131
E ser vice@ ginve rter.c om
W www. ginve rter.c om
1.1 Validity
1.2 Target Group
1.3 Additional information
1.4 Symbols in this document
1.5 Glossary
Product description
Unpacking and
2.1 Intended Use
2.2 Qualification of skilled person
2.3 Safety instruction
2.4 Assembly Warnings
2.5 Electrical Connection Warnings
2.6 Operation Warnings
3.1 MTL-S Overview
3.2 Type label
3.3 Size and weight
3.4 Storage of Inverter
3.5 The advantage of the unit
Notes on this manual
5.1 Safety instructions
5.2 Selecting the installation location
5.3 Mounting the Inverter
Electrical connection
Start-Up and shut
down the inverter
8.1 Start-Up the inverter
8.2 Turn-off the Inverter
7.1 General LCD display
7.2 Operate by knock
7.3 Communications
Maintenance and
9.1 Checking Heat Dissipation
9.2 Cleaning the Inverter
9.3 Checking the DC Disconnect
10.1 Warnings(W)
10.2 Errors(E)
Trouble shooting
6.1 Safety
6.2 Wiring AC Output
6.3 connecting the second protective
6.4 Connecting the PV Array (DC input)
6.5 Using shinetool to set the
information of the inverter
6.6 Grounding the inverter
6.7 Selecting country by DIP switch
6.8 Inverter demand response modes
(DRMs,only for Australia)
Technical Data
PV system
13.1 Specification
13.2 DC connector info
13.3 Torque
13.4 Accessories
15.1 List
15.2 Download Address
12.1 Dismantling the Inverter
12.2 Packing the Inverter
12.3 Storing the Inverter
12.4 Disposing of the Inverter
1 Notes on this manual
1.1 Validity
1.2 Target Group
1.3 Additional information
This manual describes the assembly, installation, commissioning and
maintenance of the following Growatt Inverter model:
This manual is for qualified personnel. Qualified personnel have received training
and have demonstrated skills and knowledge in the construction and operation of
this device. Qualified Personnel are trained to deal with the dangers and hazards
involved in installing electric devices.
This manual does not cover any details concerning equipment connected to the
Growatt MTL-S( e.g. PV modules). Information concerning the connected
equipment is available from the manufacturer of the equipment.
Fi nd fu rther i nformation o n sp ecial t opics i n the d ownload a rea a t
The manual and other documents must be stored in a convenient place and be
available at all times. We assume no liability for any damage caused by failure to
observe these instructions. For possible changes in this manual, GROWATT NEW
ENERGY TECHNOLOGY CO.,LTD accepts no responsibilities to inform the users.
1.4.1 Warnings in this document
A warning describes a hazard to equipment or personnel. It calls attention to a
procedure or practice, which, if not correctly performed or adhered to, could result
in damage to or destruction of part or all of the Growatt equipment and/or other
equipment connected to the Growatt equipment or personal injury.
DANGER indicates a hazardous situation which, if not
avoided, will result in death or serious injury.
WARNING indicates a hazardous situation which, if
not avoided, could result in death or serious injury.
CAUTION indicates a hazardous situation which, if not
avoided, could result in minor or moderate injury.
NOTICE is used to address practices not related to
personal injury.
Information that you must read and know to ensure
optimal operation of the system.
1.4.2 Markings on this product
Electrical voltage!
Risk of fire or explosion
Risk of burns
1.4 Symbols in this document
Growatt 2500MTL-S
Growatt 3000MTL-
Growatt 3600MTL-
Growatt 4200MTL-
Growatt 5000MTL-
Growatt 5500MTL-
Operation after 5 minutes
Point of connection for grounding protection
Direct Current (DC)
Alternating Current (AC)
The inverter has no transformer.
Read the manual
Bluetooth communication is enabled.
CE mark.
The inverter complies with the requirements of
the applicable EC guidelines.
The inverter must not be disposed of with
the household waste.
1.5 Glossary
Abbreviation for "Alternating Current”
Abbreviation for "Direct Current”
Energy is measured in Wh (watt hours), kWh (kilowatt hours) or MWh (megawatt
hours). The energy is the power calculated over time. If, for example, your inverter
operates at a constant power of 4600 W for half an hour and then at a constant
power of 2300 W for another half an hour, it has fed 3450Wh of energy into the
power distribution grid within that hour.
Power is measured in W (watts), kW (kilowatts) or MW (megawatts). Power is an
instantaneous value. It displays the power your inverter is currently feeding into
the power distribution grid.
Power rate is the radio of current power feeding into the power distribution grid
and the maximum power of the inverter that can feed into the power distribution
Power Factor
Power factor is the ratio of true power or watts to apparent power or volt amps.
They are identical only when current and voltage are in phase than the power
factor is 1.0. The power in an ac circuit is very seldom equal to the direct product of
the volts and amperes. In order to find the power of a single phase ac circuit the
product of volts and amperes must be multiplied by the power factor.
Abbreviation for photovoltaic
The external wireless communication technology is a radio technology that allows
the inverter and other communication products to communicate with each other.
The external wireless communication does not require line of sight between the
devices and it is selective purchasing.
Power rate
wireless communication
2.1 Intended Use
The unit converts the DC current generated by the photovoltaic (PV) modules to
grid-compliant alternating current and performs single-phase feed-in into the
electricity grid. Growatt 2500MTL-S,Growatt 3000MTL-,Growatt 3600MTL-
,Growatt 4200MTL-,Growatt 5000MTL-,Growatt 5500MTL-, inverters are
built according to all required safety rules. Nevertheless, improper use may cause
lethal hazards for the operator or third parties, or may result in damage to the units
and other property.
Principle of a PV plant with this GROWATT XXXXMTL- single-phase inverterS
PV modules
DC load circuit breaker
Growatt Inverter
AC load circuit breaker
Energy meter
Utility grid
The inverter may only be operated with a permanent connection to the public
power grid. The inverter is not intended for mobile use. Any other or additional use
is not considered the intended use. The manufacturer/supplier is not liable for
damage caused by such unintended use. Damage caused by such unintended use
is at the sole risk of the operator.
2 Safety
PV modules Capacitive Discharge Currents
PV modules with large capacities relative to earth, such as thin-film PV modules
with cells on a metallic substrate, may only be used if their coupling capacity does
not exceed 470nF. During feed-in operation, a leakage current flows from the cells
to earth, the size of which depends on the manner in which the PV modules are
installed (e.g. foil on metal roof) and on the weather (rain, snow). This "normal"
leakage current may not exceed 50mA due to the fact that the inverter would
otherwise automatically disconnect from the electricity grid as a protective
2.2 Qualification of skilled person
This grid-tied inverter system operates only when properly connected to the AC -
distribution network. Before connecting the Growatt MTL- to the power
distribution grid, contact t he local power distribution grid company. This
connection must be made only by qualified technical personnel to connect, and
only after receiving appropriate approvals, as required by the local authority
having jurisdiction.
2.3 Safety instruction
The GROWATT MTL- Inverters is designed and tested according to international
safet y r equir ements (IEC6 2109-1 ,VDE-AR-N 4105,CE,V DE0126 -1-1, CE10-2 1
AS4777,NBT32004-2013,EN50438);however, certain safety precautions must be
observed when installing and operating this inverter. Read and follow all
instructions, cautions and warnings in this installation manual. If questions arise,
please contact Growatt's technical services at +86 (0)755 2747 1900.
2.4 Assembly Warnings
Prior to installation, inspect the unit to ensure absence of
any transport or handling damage, which could affect
insulation integrity or safety clearances; failure to do so
could result in safety hazards.
Assemble the inverter per the instructions in this manual.
Use care when choosing installation location and adhere
to specified cooling requirements.
Unauthorized removal of necessary protections, improper
use, incorrect installation and operation may lead to
serious safety and shock hazards and/or equipment
In order to minimize the potential of a shock hazard due to
hazardous voltages, cover the entire solar array with dark
material prior to connecting the array to any equipment.
2.5 Electrical Connection Warnings
Grounding the PV modulesThe Growatt MTL- is a
transformerless inverter. That is why it has no galvanic
separation. Do not ground the DC circuits of the PV
modules connected to the Growatt MTL-. Only ground the
mounting fr ame of the PV mo dules .If you con nect
grounded PV modules to the Growatt MTL-, the error
message "PV ISO Low".
Comply with the local requirements for grounding the PV
modules and the PV generator. GROWATT recommends
connecting the generator frame and other electrically
conductive s urfac es i n a mann er w hich e nsur es
continuous conduction with ground in order to have
optimal protection of the system and personnel.
The components in the inverter are live. Touching live
components can result in serious injury or death.
Do not open the inverter except the wire box by
qualified persons.
Electrical installation, repairs and conversions may
only be carried out by electrically qualified persons.
Do not touch damaged inverters.
Danger to life due to high voltages in the inverter
There is residual voltage in the inverter. The inverter
takes 20 minutes to discharge
Wait 20 minutes before you open the wire box.
Persons with limited physical or mental abilities may only
work with the Growatt inverter following proper instruction
and under constant supervision. Children are forbidden to
play with the Growatt inverter. Must keep the Growatt
inverter away from children.
Mak e all e le ct ri ca l conn ect io ns ( e. g. c on duc tor
termination, fuses, PE connection, etc.) in accordance with
prevailing regulations. When working with the inverter
powered on, adhere to all prevailing safety regulations to
minimize risk of accidents.
Systems with inverters typically require additional control
(e.g., switches, disconnects) or protective devices (e.g.,
fusing circuit breakers) depending upon the prevailing
safety rules.
The Growatt Inverter converts DC Current from PV generator
int o AC current. The inv erter is suitabl e for mountin g indoors
and o utdoo rs.
You can use the AC cur rent ge rnera ted as fo llows :
En erg y flow s i nto t he ho use g rid. The co nsumer s
con necte d, for e xampl e, household devices or lighting,
con sume the energy. The energy left over is fed into the
pub lic grid. Wh en the Growatt is not gernerating a ny
ene rgy, e.g., at night, the c onsum ers which are c onnec ted
are supplied by th e public grid. The Growatt does not have
its own energy meter. When energy is fed into the publ ic
gri d, the en ergy me ter spi ns back wards
Ene rgy is fed directly into the public grid. The Growatt is
connec ted to a sep arate en ergy met er. T he ene rgy
pro duced is compensated at a rate depending on the
ele ctric p ower co mpany.
2.6 Operation Warnings
All operatio ns regardin g transport , installat ion and st art-u p,
inc ludin g maintenance mus t be o perat ed by qualified , trained
per sonne l and in c ompli ance with all prev ailin g cod es and
reg ulati ons.
Any time th e inverter has been d iscon necte d from the power
net work, u se extr eme caution as some comp onent s can ret ain
cha rge sufficient to create a shock hazar d; to minim ize occur rence
of such conditions, comply with all cor respo nding safe ty symbols
and m arkin gs pres ent on th e unit an d in this m anual .
In special cases, there may still be inte rfere nce for the specified
app licat ion area despite maintaining stand ardiz ed emission limit
val ues (e.g. when sensitive equipment is located at the s etup
loc ation or when the setup location is near radio or televisi on
rec eiver s).In this c ase, the ope rator is obliged to take prop er
act ion to re ctify t he situ ation .
Do no t stay cl oser th an 20 cm to t he inve rter fo r any len gth of ti me.
Ens ure al l covers and doors are closed and secure during
ope ratio n.
Alt hough de signe d t o m eet all safety requirements , s ome part s
and surfaces of Inve rter are still hot duri ng operation. To reduce
the risk of injury, do not touch the heat sink at the back of the PV-
Inv erter o r nearb y surfa ces whi le Inve rter is o perat ing.
Inc orrec t sizing of the PV plant may result in voltages being
pre sent which could destroy the inver ter. The inverte r display will
rea d the err or mess age “PV- Voltag e High! ”
Tur n the rot ary swit ch of the DC Disco nnect to the Off position
imm ediat ely.
Con tact in stall er.
3 Product description
3.1 MTL-S Overview
PV input
AC Output
Symbol on the inverter
Tap sym bol
Set ting th e displ ay oper ation b y tappi ng
the L CD (see S ectio n 7).
Inv erter s tatus s ymbol Ind icate s inver ter ope ratio n statu s
3.2 Type label
More details about the type label as the chart below:
The type labels provide a unique identification of the inverter (The type of product,
Device-specific characteristics, Certificates and approvals). The type labels are
on the right-hand side of the enclosure.
IP 65
DC Switch
The DC switch of Growatt MTL-S series is optional for
different countries.
Gro watt
250 0MTL- S
500 V
10A /10A
70V5 00V
230 V
50H Z
250 0VA
10. 8A
0.8 leadi ng-
0.9 5lagi ng
Gro watt
300 0MTL- S
500 V
10A /10A
70V5 00V
230 V
50H Z
300 0VA
0.8 leadi ng-
0.9 5lagi ng
Gro watt
360 0MTL- S
550 V
10A /10A
70V5 50V
230 V
50H Z
360 0VA
15. 6A
0.8 leadi ng-
0.9 5lagi ng
Mod el Name
Max i nput DC
vol tage
Max i nput DC
cur rent
PV vo ltage
ran ge
AC no minal
vol tage
AC gr id freq uency
Max . appar ent
pow er
AC no rmal ou tput
cur rent
Pow er fact or
Env ironm ental
Pro tecti on Rati ng
Ope ratio n Ambien t
tem perat ure
-25 ...+6 0 (-1 3...+ 1 40°F
wit h derat ing abo ve 45°C 113°F
xxx xxxx
xxx V
xxx A/xxx A
xxx V- xxxV
xxx V
xxH z
xxx xVA
Rj45 Port
After long term storage, the Real Time Clock of the inverter
maybe not correct ,it will cause the energy produced today
(E_today)error ,you need to set the time and date, refer to
clause 7.2.5 setting date and time .
3.3 Size and weight
Dimensions and weight
Height (H)Width (W)Depth (D)
Gro watt 25 00
Gro watt 30 00
Gro watt 36 00
Gro watt 42 00
Gro watt 50 00
Gro watt 55 00
419mm 16.5inch
419mm 16.5inch
419mm 16.5inch
419mm 16.5inch
419mm 16.5inch
419mm 16.5inch
355mm 14inch
355mm 14inch
355mm 14inch
355mm 14inch
355mm 14inch
355mm 14inch
138mm 5.4inch
138mm 5.4inch
138mm 5.4inch
138mm 5.4inch
158mm 6.2inch
158mm 6.2inch
3.4 Storage of Inverter
If you want to storage the inverter in your warehouse, you should choose an
appropriate location to store the inverter.
The unit must be stored in original package and desiccant must be left in the
The storage temperature should be always between -25and +60. And the
storage relative humidity can achieve to 100%.
If there are a batch of inverters need to be stored, the maximum layers for
original carton is four.
After long term storage, local installer or service department of GROWATT
should perform a comprehensive test before installation
3.5 The advantage of the unit
Maximum efficiency of 97.5%
Wide input voltage range from 70--550Vdc
Reactive power regulate
Integrated DC switch
Multi MPP controller
DSP controller
Sound control
Multi communication pattern
Easy installation
IP 65
-25 ...+6 0 (-1 3...+ 1 40°F
wit h derat ing abo ve 45°C 113°F
Gro watt
420 0MTL- S
550 V
15A /15A
70V5 50V
230 V
50H z/60H z
420 0VA
18. 5A
0.8 leadi ng-
0.9 5lagi ng
Gro watt
500 0MTL- S
550 V
15A /15A
70V5 50V
230 V
50H z/60H z
460 0VA
0.8 leadi ng-
0.9 5lagi ng
Gro watt
550 0MTL- S
550 V
15A /15A
70V5 50V
230 V
50H z/60H z
500 0VA
21. 8A
0.8 leadi ng-
0.9 5lagi ng
Mod el Name
Max i nput DC
vol tage
Max i nput DC
cur rent
PV vo ltage
ran ge
AC no minal
vol tage
AC gr id freq uency
Max . appar ent
pow er
AC no rmal ou tput
cur rent
Pow er fact or
Env ironm ental
Pro tecti on Rati ng
Ope ratio n Ambien t
tem perat ure
+ 21 hidden pages