that pedals or rack effects units
just can’t seem to duplicate at
any price...a 3 spring all tube
Reverb. Our Reverb is deep and
harmonically rich, designed to
run in parallel so it doesn’t sap
highs as you crank it up. If your
heart is set on Surf Music, our
reverb will go for it!
The Power Amp Stage
Your Soul-o 45 can use any of 14
different Pentode tube types
currently available from our GT
catalog allowing you to customize
your amp for you’re playing and to
dramatically change the power, tone
or response. Order you S45 with
any tube you like, and rest
assured you can always change
them later if the mood hits you
with just a simple bias
Speaker Impedance Selector
and Speaker Output Jacks
The GT custom designed output
transformers not only work with
many types of power tubes, but
also have secondary windings for
selection between 4, 8, and 16
ohms speaker loads. You have
two speaker jacks. Use the #1
speaker jack if using one speaker,
the #2 jack is for adding a second
speaker. The #1 jack has
shorting circuitry which turns the
amp off if there is no speaker
The Parallel FX Loop
This is the most tonally
transparent FX loop you have ever
heard. When properly set, this
loop allows you to use any digital
or analog FX unit mixed in parallel
with your original preamp signal
with no sacrifice of tone. Most
guitar amp loops are Series types,
so the FX is between the preamp
and power stage and the nice, fat
tube preamp signal is converted
to a thin, wimpy transistor tone.
We call this “the tone sucking
transistor FX loop syndrome”.
Our exclusive design cures it!
Our parallel loop has two signal
paths; the original dry path and
the FX path. These are mixed on
the rear panel via the Mix control.
Set your FX unit for 100% Wet
and 0% Dry then use the FX loop
Mix control (b/w your in/out on
the rear panel )to blend in the
desired level of FX. Best results
happen with the Mix level set @
98% Dry signal and 2% of FX
Another neat trick is to insert an
ordinary foot volume pedal
between the output of the FX and
the Return of our loop. You
increase or decrease the FX level
with the volume pedal without
changing the actual volume!
NOTE: When not using your loop,
be sure the Mix control is set fully
to the “preamp” side. Otherwise
it can reduce your amp’s volume
level. Worse yet, if the Mix is
fully to the FX side without an FX
unit in use, there will be NO
output from the amp at all!
“Power Tube Tone Tips”
• Warm & bouncy round old USA
Tweed type tone, tr y any of the
6L6/KT66 tubes. Power output of
a S45 ranges from 40 to 55 watts
depending on 6L6/KT66 used.
• British Metal punch/crunch
tone, tr y any EL34 type. Our
favorite is the new high power
GT E34Ls. Estimated
power output of a S45
ranges from 45 to 60 watts
depending on EL34 type
Biasing Your S45 Amp
This is the most critical setting of
your amp and should always be
readjusted when changing tube
types or performance rating.
NOTE: Be sure to have your amp
biased by a qualified amp service
tech each time you change to a
different tube type. Do NOT
attempt this procedure yourself
as you can seriously damage
your amp as well as yourself!
The bias control pot is located
inside the amp on the PCB but can
be accessed without removing the
chassis from the wood. Use a
small slotted head screwdriver and
look for the rubber isolated hole on
the underneath side of the chassis
just behind the power tubes.
Soul-o Speaker Cabinets
Our cabinets are “tuned” for guitar
playing and made fundamentally
different than any other
commercially available guitar
cabinets on the market. We use a
lightweight 5/8” baffle board and
slant it upward on an angle for
better projection. They can be
either open back, or closed back
at your option. Lastly, we have a
baffle board designed to raise the
cabinet resonance for guitar
which produces a tight, powerful
bass without the common mushy
“Big E” string syndrome.
They come loaded with one of our
Classic Clone speakers including:
the CC112/A made in America by
Eminence; the CC112/B, or the or
the CC10/B made by Celestion.
EX112 - 1 x 12” CCB speaker
EX212 -2 x 12” CC speakers
EX410 - 4 x 10” CCB speakers.
COMBO - 1 x 12” CCA speaker
Groove Tubes LLC
Custom Shop Products
1543 Truman Street
San Fernando, California 91340 USA
Tel 818 361 4500
Fax 818 365 9884
©2002 Groove Tubes LLC.
All rights reserved. Groove
Tubes, the “GT-in-a-circle”
logomark, Groove Tubes
Custom Shop, Groove Tubes
Custom Shop Products, Dual 75 and
D75 are trademarks and service marks created
and owned by Groove Tubes LLC. All other marks
are the property of their respective owners. All
specifications subject to change without notice.
1/4 “ phone jack
Input Level
-10 dB nominally
FX level
-10 dB nominally
3 x GT12AX7
1 x 12AT7
1 x 12AU7
used as follows:
V1a - 1/2 12AX7
1st Gain
V1b - 1/2 12AX7
2nd Gain stage
V2a - 1/2 12AU7
Reverb recovery stage
V2b- 1/2 12AU7
Tone - Cathode
V3a+b - 12AT7
Reverb Driver Stage
V4a - 1/2 12AX7
Loop send
V4b - 1/2 12AX7
Loop Recovery &
V5a+b - 12AX7
Phase Inverter or
Power Section
Tube Options - 6L6
be Options - EL34
AC requirement
internally selectable
117 VAC
230 VAC only
H.T Fuse
1 Amp Slo-Blo
AC Fuse
@ 100 -120VAC
use 3A Slo-Blo
@ 230 VAC
use 1.5A Slo-Blo
S45 Combo
42 lbs.
S45 Top
32 lbs.
Soul-o 45 Combo
on a SFX 112 decoder cab
w/ Backrack attaching
SFX E1 encoder
and Stereo FX unit
Soul-o 45 Amplifier Operators Guide
“Hear the Difference”