Yubot Easy Start Guide
I am Yubot,
I am always by your side.
Shenzhen Grit Technology Co., Ltd.

1. Download & Install “BackHome” APP
Scan the QR Code above or search “BackHome” in App Store or Google
2. Register
Step 1. Enter Mobile Phone NO.
Step 2.Input password after receiving identify code.
Step 3.Finish registration

3. Start/Boot Yubot
Turn on the power switch, the indicator light on the top cover will turn red
to white. Robot begin booting after 10 seconds with “di” sound, while the
indicator light will turn to white flash.
Please ensure the robot is in standby mode and keeping charging so that
users can connect it anytime.(it’s available anytime)
4. Yubot Administrator Setting
4.1 Yubot Emits WIFI signal
Press the function button for a while and release it after “di”-“di-di” sound.
Yubot complete WiFi signal emitting while the indicator light become white
4.2Mobile Phone Connects Yubot
Enter into mobile phone WIFI setting to connect “Yubot”.
4.3 Yubot Administrator Setting
Login “BackHome “APP and click “Administrator Settings” icon to enter the

account No.(i.e. mobile phone No.), this phone No. will be the
administrator account. (PS: Only the administrator can manage “Robot
Chain Management”、equipments and other settings.
5. Yubot WIFI configuring
5.1 WIFI Auto-configuring
Access mobile phone WIFI setting to select the right one and enter the
password, Yubot will connect WIFI successfully after “di” sound. (P.S. The
indicator light become white breathing)

5.2 WIFI Configuring by hand—Manual Configuration
Enter WIFI account and password by hand, Yubot will connect WIFI
successfully after “di” sound.(P.S. The indicator light become white
6. Remote Control Yubot
Login BackHome main interface, click Yubot icon to make real-time
communication (PS: please make sure the mobile phone is horizontal at this