Assessment Policy
Name: Assessment Policy
Approved by: General Manager –Group Quality, Accreditation & Compliance
Date Approved: O4.03.2021
Approved by: General Manager – Greenwich English College
Date Approved: 04.03.2021
Implementation Owner Academic Manager
Maintenance Owner Group Quality, Accreditation & Compliance
Review Date 04.03.2022
SECTION 1 – INTRODUCTION ...................................................................................................................... 3
1) Purpose ........................................................................................................................................ 3
3) Scope ............................................................................................................................................ 3
SECTION 2 – POLICY ................................................................................................................................... 4
1) Assessment tasks ........................................................................................................................... 4
2) Quality Control .............................................................................................................................. 4
3) Principles of Assessment ................................................................................................................ 4
4) Rules of Evidence ........................................................................................................................... 5
5) Basis of Assessments ...................................................................................................................... 5
6) How Students will be Assessed ....................................................................................................... 5
7) When will Students be Assessed ..................................................................................................... 6
8) Submission of Assessment and Late Submission ............................................................................... 6
9) Assessment Regulations ................................................................................................................. 6
10) Late Submission of Assessment ................................................................................................... 7
11) Assessment Outcomes ............................................................................................................... 7
12) How Students will be Graded ...................................................................................................... 8
14) Grading of Assessment Tasks in Subject/units (VET & HE) ............................................................. 8
15) Appeals against results in Assessment tasks or subject/units ......................................................... 9
16) Feedback .................................................................................................................................. 9
17) Final Evaluation of Competency Outcomes (VET) .......................................................................... 9
18) Moderation ............................................................................................................................... 9
19) Publication .............................................................................................................................. 12
Greenwich English College Pty Ltd RTO: 91153 CRICOS: 02672K
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Assessment Policy
Section 3 – Reference and Supporting Information ..................................................................................... 12
1) Definitions .................................................................................................................................. 12
2) Supporting documentation ........................................................................................................... 12
Greenwich English College Pty Ltd RTO: 91153 CRICOS: 02672K
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Assessment Policy
1) Purpose
2) The purpose of this Assessment Policy is to ensure that effective mechanisms are in place to
monitor and manage assessment processes and outcomes, to ensure that they are conducted
with fairness and transparently for all students of the Greenwich English College Pty Ltd
(Greenwich), including its sub-brand Greenwich Management College.
3) Scope
This policy applies to:
i) All students (domestic and international) of Greenwich
ii) All staff of RedHill Education including employees and contractors;
iii) All courses delivered by the College including those delivered on their behalf by
education providers with whom there a licensing arrangement.
Greenwich English College Pty Ltd RTO: 91153 CRICOS: 02672K
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Assessment Policy
1) Assessment tasks
The Course Committee (CC) is responsible for oversight and key decision making in relation to
assessment. Assessment are aligned to subject/unit/Unit of Competency outcomes and to course
outcomes. There will be a minimum of 1 assessment per subject/unit or course (including short
2) Quality Control
The Academic Manager will regularly hold subject/unit committee meetings to validate assessment
tasks against course delivery requirements, training package requirements and industry needs. All
courses will be validated at a minimum of once yearly.
They will validate for:
i) Appropriateness of the assessment type against the defined learning outcomes;
ii) Appropriateness of criteria employed to measure learning outcomes;
iii) Weighting of tasks;
iv) alignment with AQF levels of tasks;
v) Usability.
The committee will refer all changes to the CC for approval; this may include a change in the:
i) Type of assessment;
ii) Assessment weightings;
iii) timing of assessment
iv) assessment instructions;
v) assessor guides.
Subject/unit specialists may also recommend that a learning outcome be revised.
Subject/unit specialists will be responsible for initial review of vocational qualifications in the case of
transitions, and will provide the CC with an overview of any/all required changes for consideration
and the CC’s development of a transition plan.
3) Principles of Assessment
Fairness: The individual learner’s needs are considered in the assessment process. Where
appropriate, reasonable adjustments will be applied to take into account the individual learner’s
needs. Greenwich informs the learner about the assessment process, and provides the learner with
the opportunity to challenge the result of the assessment and be reassessed if necessary.
Flexibility: Assessment is flexible to the individual learner by:
i) Reflecting the learner’s needs
ii) Assessing learning outcomes, no matter how or where they have been acquired;
iii) Drawing from a range of assessment methods and using those that are appropriate to
the context, the learning outcome, and the individual.
Validity: Any assessment decision is justified, based on the evidence of performance of the
individual learner.
Validity requires:
i) assessment against learning outcomes and associated assessment requirements
ii) covers the broad range of skills and knowledge that are essential to the learning
iii) assessment of knowledge and skills is integrated with their practical application;
Greenwich English College Pty Ltd RTO: 91153 CRICOS: 02672K
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