MIN IMAT E generate s an elect rostatic ion wind t hat char ges
oatin g part icles in t he breathing zone. The char ged par ticles a re
then repe lled away from the wearer creating a breat hing zone that
is free of toxi ns like allergens, smoke, dust, viruses and bacteri a.
Studies have conr med that the MINIM ATE technology is
effective in signica ntly reduc ing breat hable par ticles b etween . 04
and 3 microns, a rang e that represents most viruses a nd bacter ia.
MIN IMAT E also minim izes perfumes a nd odors.
For more in formation see ww
• Do not attempt to charge the batter y. It is not rechargeable.
• Do not im merse i n liqu ids or allow f luids to enter unit.
• Do not ope n or attempt to repair the inside of the unit .
There a re no user serv iceable pa rts i nside.
• If the indicator light does not come on, the batter y needs
to be replaced.
• If there is no breeze or airf low when you turn your
MIN IMAT E on, t he battery needs to be re placed.
• If you are in a he avily polluted environment and your
MIN IMAT E makes a hissi ng sound, blow ge ntly i nto the
top of the gri ll to d islodge dust build up.
TIP: When using your M INIMATE i n a heavily pol luted
environment, b end your head for ward to d raw in more
ionized air.
MIN IMAT E is not a medica l de vice. Do not reduce or eliminate
any t herapies or drug s prescribed by a physic ian while usi ng
MIN IMAT E. Although MINI MATE does not treat or cure any
sickness or disease , it does reduce the risks associated with the
inha lation of airborne vir uses and bacteria much like a surgica l
mask. Combining the MI NIMATE with a mask has been proven
to dramatical ly enhance the ef fective ness of part icle exclusion.
However, neit her MINIM ATE nor any sur gical or respir ator mask
(or the combination of ) can offer 100 % protection a gainst viral or
bacterial infections.
Infect ious agents can enter the body by routes other than inha lation
includ ing ski n contact and oral/food ingestion. Public healt h
authorit ies recommend frequent and thorough hand wash ing.
Persons should consult a doctor before use if under t reatment for
any ailments or d isease. Not for use by ch ildren under 4 yea rs old.
Not for use by pacema ker patients.
1. Refer to the R EPLACI NG THE BATTERY sect ion for init ial
insta llment of t he batter y.
2. Find the sw itch located on t he side of your MI NIM ATE and
slide it up into the “ON” posit ion. The indicator l ight locate d
under the gril l will blin k when MI NIM ATE is on.
3. Use the included necklace to hang your M INI MATE around
your neck or use the clip to clasp it to a shirt pocket. Your
MIN IMAT E should be located about 6 to 8 inches bene ath
your nose and the metal gr ill shou ld be facing upward.
4. With your MINIM ATE turned on and in the proper posit ion, you
wil l feel the puried breeze wafti ng upward as you inha le.
NOTE: Th is is not a fan or mechan ical blower. The a irow is
lim ited so that sensit ive mucous membranes a re not affected.
NOTE: MIN IMATE has lim ited effectivene ss in wind y conditi ons.
5. When not in use , turn off your MI NIM ATE by slid ing the
switch dow n into the “OF F” posit ion.
1. Slide the battery access door, located on the s ide, al l the
way off exp osing the used batter y.
2. Place your nger aga inst the p ositive side of the battery, push
towards the negative side and sw ing the positive side out.
3. Replace with new battery by i nserting p ositive (+) end
first (match positive (+) and neg ative (-) marki ngs on the
batter y with like markings in battery compartme nt) and
push negative (-) end onto its met al contact.
4. Using the grooved ra ils, slide t he battery access door back
on so it cl icks into place.