GREENIS 150W Slow Juicer Instruction Manual

Your Up rig ht Cold P resse d Juice r --- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----0 1-02
Saf ety Fir st ---- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 03-04
Wha t’s in the B ox ---- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- -05
GRE ENIS Cu stome r Messa ge ---- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- --05
Par ts and Acc essor ies --- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ---06 -09
Ass embly I nstru ction s ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 10-13
Cle aning a nd Main taini ng your J uicer - ----- ----- ----- ----- ----1 9
Sel f Clean - ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ---19
Troub lesho oting - ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 20
Spe cific ation s ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----2 1
Dir ectio ns for Use - ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 14-16
Cold Pressed Juicer
Years o f experi ence, m onths o f desig n and test ing, has t eamed u p with som e of the wo rld’s mos t reput able sl ow-jui cer man ufact urers to l aunch t he revo lutio nary , the w orld’s s lowest s low jui cer:
Fru it Juic es
The is able t o easil y juice any thing f rom a soft b erry to a h ard app le, cre ating a he althy d rink wi th 35% mo re jui ce than c onvent ional j uicers .
Veget able Ju ices
The C old Pre ss Proce ss of the wil l slowl y juice h ard vege table s to leafy gre ens in se conds ma intai ning ma ximum liv ing nut rimen ts and en zymes, j ust cho p the m up and of f you go.
Whe atgras s
Whe atgras s, aloe l eaves , pine nee dles an d oth er medi cinal h erbs ca n be juic ed with eas e using t he Cold P ress Pro cess of t he
, whe n you foll ow the si mple
pre parati on steps .
Nut m ilks
Soa k almon ds, pis tachio s, Braz ilian n uts and many m ore nut s overn ight, a dd water a nd pla ce in you r for a nu triti onall y fre sh nut- milk.
Ice c ream fro m frozen f ruits
The can tur n your fav ourit e fru its into a f at free, p reser vativ e free, bea utifu l guilt -free b owl of ice c ream.
1. Pl ease fol low the i nstru ction s carefu lly for e ase of us e, bette r mai ntenan ce and lo nger li fespa n of your GR EENIS E xtrac tor Ser ies Jui cer.
2. Pl ease kee p the use r’s gui de where i t is easi ly acce ssibl e.
3. Pl ease en sure th e curren t, volta ge and fr equen cy are in acc ordanc e with th e stand ard of you r count ry.
4. Th is Ju icer de sign an d worki ngs are s ubjec t to chang e wit hout wa rning d ue to cont inual p roduc t develo pment .
GREENIS Slow Juicer Instruction Manual
Soy M ilk
The G REENI S can repl ace a tra ditio nal soy m ilk mac hine, a s the Col d Press Proc ess can e xtrac t milk fro m soaked s oy bea ns in sec onds.
Nut b utters
Alt hough w e recomm end the G REENI S Ble nder for n ut butt ers, soa ked nut s pro cessed i n the GRE ENIS Ju icer ha ve the e nzyme i nhibi tors rem oved mak ing the m more di gestib le. You mus t remov e the w iper bl ade atta chmen t before p repar ing nut b utter. Lim it of 500 g rams at a ti me.
Bab y Food
The G REENI S can make h ealth y food for yo ur baby, ju icing f ruits a nd vege table s into e ither a j uice or a h ealth y puddi ng full of nu trime nts and m ineral s.
Sel f-Cle aning
No ne ed for a dis hwash er, the GRE ENIS ca n self- clean , removi ng most o f the pul p before r insin g.
Com prehe nsive Wa rranty
All G REENI S produc ts are co vered by a n inter natio nal warr anty, sup porte d by ser vice ce ntres in E urope , Asia, t he Paci fic and s oon the U nited St ates an d other cou ntries .
GREENIS Customer Message
GRE ENIS is d edicat ed to pro vidin g 100% nat ural nu triti on to our c ustome rs throu gh our h igh qua lity ki tchen a pplia nces. W ith the G REENI S Juicer y ou can en joy a var iety of nu trien t rich ju ice alo ng with t hese be nefits .
•Abi lity to j uice gre ens, he rbs and g rasse s (with a h igh yie ld) whe n prepar ed corr ectly
•Jui cing fr uits AN D vegeta bles, i nclud ing sof t variet ies
•Col d press ed, to pro duce a su perio r enzym e and nut rient co ntent j uice
•Low s peed (r pm), to m inimi se oxida tion an d produ ce a longe r lasti ng juic e
•Upr ight de sign al lows grav ity to as sist in t he juic ing pro cess
•Jui ce tap to re duce fr oth and fo aming
•Les s waste th an cent rifuga l juice rs
•Chi ld frie ndly wi th no sha rp blad es
•Spa ce savin g desig n
•Aut o pulp ej ectio n for cont inuou s autom atic jui cing
•Bui lt in reve rse fun ction e limin ates clo gging f or cont inuou s juici ng
•Easy t o clean w ith onl y 5 parts w hich ne ed a quic k rinse o r wash
•Low n oise
Dua l stage ju icing t hat effe ctive ly juic es:
•Sof t fruit e .g. ora nges
•Har d Fruit e .g. app les
•Sof t Vegetab les e.g . kale
•Har d Vegetab les e.g . carrot
•Nut s
•Whe atgras s
•Soy beans
Oth er func tions t hat inc lude mak ing:
•Ice c ream fro m frozen f ruits e .g. ban ana
•Nut m ilks wi th soft o r soaked n uts
•Soy milk fro m soybe ans
•Bab y food
Fabu lous re cipes fo r your GR EENIS S low jui cer can b e found on o nline .
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