Hippotizer V4
4.2 — Last update: 2017/02/01
Green Hippo
Table of Contents
Welcome To Hippotizer Version 4 ........................................................................................................ 5
Code Examples.................................................................................................................................. 7
Whats New In Version 4.2 ..................................................................................................................... 8
4.2 Release Notes ............................................................................................................................. 9
Using This Manual............................................................................................................................... 17
What is Hippotizer? ............................................................................................................................. 18
Contacting us ...................................................................................................................................... 20
Green Hippo Offices......................................................................................................................... 21
Support ........................................................................................................................................... 22
User Forum...................................................................................................................................... 23
Feedback ......................................................................................................................................... 24
Software Information........................................................................................................................... 25
Software Assurance Policy............................................................................................................... 26
Hippotizer and SHAPE EULA ........................................................................................................... 27
Beta Software ................................................................................................................................. 29
Hardware Information.......................................................................................................................... 30
FCC Declaration .............................................................................................................................. 31
Rack Mounting ................................................................................................................................. 32
Ventilation ....................................................................................................................................... 35
Power .............................................................................................................................................. 36
Hardware Changes .......................................................................................................................... 37
F12 Restore Utility and Acronis ........................................................................................................ 38
Hardware Warranty .......................................................................................................................... 39
SSD Refresh Tool ............................................................................................................................ 40
Capture Cards.................................................................................................................................. 41
System Specific Information............................................................................................................. 43
Amba.......................................................................................................................................... 44
Karst........................................................................................................................................... 45
Boreal ........................................................................................................................................ 48
Taiga .......................................................................................................................................... 49
Audio ............................................................................................................................................... 50
Multichannel Audio ..................................................................................................................... 51
EDID Emulation ............................................................................................................................... 52
Hardware Emulation DVI Output ................................................................................................. 53
SDI Outputs ................................................................................................................................ 56
Software EDID Emulation .......................................................................................................... 58
Before you start .................................................................................................................................. 61
Installing Hippotizer and Zookeeper ................................................................................................ 62
Minimum system requirments........................................................................................................... 63
Networking ...................................................................................................................................... 65
HippoNet .................................................................................................................................... 66
Data Network.............................................................................................................................. 67
Firewalls ..................................................................................................................................... 68
Setting a Static IP address.......................................................................................................... 69
Disable Windows DPI Scaling .......................................................................................................... 73
Starting Up .......................................................................................................................................... 75
HippoLauncher................................................................................................................................. 76
Advanced Options ...................................................................................................................... 78
Remote Update ..................................................................................................................... 79
Software Download ............................................................................................................... 81
Licensing............................................................................................................................... 82
Zookeeper ............................................................................................................................................ 83
Advanced Startup options ................................................................................................................ 84
Start Page........................................................................................................................................ 86
Quick Access Buttons ................................................................................................................. 88
Hippo Net ................................................................................................................................... 89
Zookeeper Settings..................................................................................................................... 92
Customizing the Interface................................................................................................................. 94
Pin Boards ................................................................................................................................. 95
Adding Elements to a Pin Board ................................................................................................. 97
Previews..................................................................................................................................... 99
Selectors .................................................................................................................................. 101
Layer Controls ............................................................................................................................... 104
The Source ............................................................................................................................... 105
Media Player ....................................................................................................................... 106
Transport Controls ........................................................................................................ 107
Media Player Controls ................................................................................................... 108
TimeCode on Layer........................................................................................................ 110
Audio Controls ............................................................................................................... 112
Other Media Player Functions ........................................................................................ 114
Live Capture........................................................................................................................ 115
Relays ................................................................................................................................. 117
Generators .......................................................................................................................... 119
Screen Thief........................................................................................................................ 120
Spout .................................................................................................................................. 121
Geometry.................................................................................................................................. 122
Keystone on Layer............................................................................................................... 123
High Performance Mode ................................................................................................................ 124
Show Management ........................................................................................................................ 125
Components ..................................................................................................................................... 126
Starting and Stopping Components ................................................................................................ 128
CITP .............................................................................................................................................. 130
DMX............................................................................................................................................... 132
System Setup ........................................................................................................................... 133
Basic Layout ............................................................................................................................. 134
Universes ............................................................................................................................ 136
Universes Detail .................................................................................................................. 139
Patched Fixtures ................................................................................................................. 140
Fixture Detail ....................................................................................................................... 141
General Settings ...................................................................................................................... 142
Engine ........................................................................................................................................... 143
Host Manager .......................................................................................................................... 144
Hippo Snapper ............................................................................................................................... 147
LED ............................................................................................................................................... 149
Macro Manager.............................................................................................................................. 150
Example Macros ....................................................................................................................... 151
Fading Layer Level.............................................................................................................. 152
Fade All Levels.................................................................................................................... 154
Hippotizer API........................................................................................................................... 156
Component API ................................................................................................................... 157
DMX Component API .......................................................................................................... 159
Engine API .......................................................................................................................... 160
Media Manager .............................................................................................................................. 162
Basic Layout ............................................................................................................................. 164
Encoding Media ....................................................................................................................... 165
Media Manager Settings ........................................................................................................... 167
Encoding ............................................................................................................................. 168
FlexRes Performance..................................................................................................... 169
FlexRes Quality.............................................................................................................. 171
Lossless......................................................................................................................... 173
Mpeg-2........................................................................................................................... 175
General Settings ............................................................................................................ 177
Sync.................................................................................................................................... 180
Watchfolders ....................................................................................................................... 182
Setting up Networked Watchfolders................................................................................ 186
STRATA .............................................................................................................................. 187
Multicontroller ................................................................................................................................ 188
Controllers ............................................................................................................................... 190
ArtNet Input ......................................................................................................................... 192
BlackTrax ............................................................................................................................ 194
DEAP / GHAP ..................................................................................................................... 196
Labjack / Pokeys ................................................................................................................. 198
Midi ..................................................................................................................................... 199
OSC .................................................................................................................................... 200
Posi Stage Net .................................................................................................................... 202
PRG Automation.................................................................................................................. 204
TCP Listener ....................................................................................................................... 206
Pin Mappings ........................................................................................................................... 209
Action Mappings ....................................................................................................................... 210
Output Manager ............................................................................................................................. 211
Basic Layout ............................................................................................................................. 213
Basic Configuration .................................................................................................................. 216
Patching SHAPE....................................................................................................................... 219
Viewports and mix resolution .................................................................................................... 221
Windowed Outputs.................................................................................................................... 224
Startup behaviour ..................................................................................................................... 225
Re-patching Outputs ................................................................................................................. 226
Advanced Options .................................................................................................................... 228
Graphics Card Restriction.................................................................................................... 229
Martin P3 Integration ........................................................................................................... 230
Virtualised Viewports ........................................................................................................... 231
Render Buffering ................................................................................................................. 232
PinBridge ...................................................................................................................................... 233
Pixelmapper................................................................................................................................... 236
Pixel Maps................................................................................................................................ 237
Pixel Map Properties ........................................................................................................... 242
Fixture Profile Properties ..................................................................................................... 246
Fixture Properties ................................................................................................................ 250
Settings .................................................................................................................................... 253
Pixelmapper Universes........................................................................................................ 255
ArtNet Output ................................................................................................................. 257
KiNET Output................................................................................................................. 259
sACN Output.................................................................................................................. 260
Network Config.................................................................................................................... 261
Devices .............................................................................................................................. 263
Profile Library ..................................................................................................................... 265
Mix Controls ............................................................................................................................. 267
Preset Manager ............................................................................................................................. 270
Saving and Editing Presets ....................................................................................................... 272
Presets and Timelines .............................................................................................................. 273
Presets and DMX...................................................................................................................... 274
ScreenWarp Manager .................................................................................................................... 275
Sync Manager................................................................................................................................ 276
Audio Input ............................................................................................................................... 278
Generator Input ........................................................................................................................ 280
HippoNet .................................................................................................................................. 281
MIDI ......................................................................................................................................... 282
Alpermann Velte ....................................................................................................................... 284
Sync Buses .............................................................................................................................. 285
Sync Bus Link ..................................................................................................................... 287
Timeline ......................................................................................................................................... 288
Creating a new Timeline ........................................................................................................... 290
Timeline Structure .................................................................................................................... 292
Video Mapper................................................................................................................................. 296
Creating a Video Map ............................................................................................................... 298
Properties of a Video Map ........................................................................................................ 301
Adding Tiles.............................................................................................................................. 303
Properties of a Tile ................................................................................................................... 305
Viewport Controls ..................................................................................................................... 307
CSV Import ............................................................................................................................... 312
Colour Blocks ........................................................................................................................... 313
Compatibility Mode ........................................................................................................................... 314
Pan Mode ..................................................................................................................................... 315
Advanced Topics............................................................................................................................... 316
Querying Component Status with TCP ........................................................................................... 317
Changing In/Outpoint Behavior on Media Change .......................................................................... 319
Minimizing Capture Delay .............................................................................................................. 320
Appendixes........................................................................................................................................ 321
Glossary ........................................................................................................................................ 322
DMX Charts ................................................................................................................................... 324
4.2 Layer ................................................................................................................................. 325
4.2 Mix...................................................................................................................................... 333
4.2 Viewport ............................................................................................................................. 335
Timeline.................................................................................................................................... 338
Creating DMX Personalities ........................................................................................................... 339
Layer Playback Speed .............................................................................................................. 340
Pixelmapper Map select update only......................................................................................... 341
Effects List .................................................................................................................................... 342
Generator List ................................................................................................................................ 347
Green Hippo Hippotizer V4 - 4.2
Welcome To Hippotizer Version 4
Welcome to Hippotizer Version 4!
Hippotizer Version 4 combines the flexibility of a real-time media server with the power of a fully
integrated 3D workflow. Designed to be intuitive to learn and use yet powerful enough for the largest
events, V4’s open structure allows it to be controlled seamlessly from a variety of sources such as
Lighting desks, Timelines, show controllers or the Zookeeper Interface. Combined with SHAPE,
Hippotizer is a fully configurable 3D media tool box.
Eurovision Song Contest 2016.
Video Design: Mikki Kunttu
Technical Manager Video: Morgan Brown
Video Operators: Fraser Walker, Pekka Martti, Neil Trenell
Hippotizer Technicians: Anders Granström,Magnus Grönberg
Photo Credit: Ralph Larmann
All Rights Reserved
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Green Hippo Hippotizer V4 - 4.2
Note: This manual is continually being updated. For the most up to date information use the web based
version: http://www.green-hippo.com/manual/hippotizer-v4?v=4.2
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Code Examples
Dressed to the left
Photo Credit
Eurovision Song Contest 2016.
Video Design: Mikki Kunttu
Technical Manager Video: Morgan Brown
Video Operators: Fraser Walker, Pekka Martti, Neil Trenell
Hippotizer Technicians: Anders Granström,Magnus Grönberg
Photo Credit: Ralph Larmann
All Rights Reserved
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Green Hippo Hippotizer V4 - 4.2
Whats New In Version 4.2
Hippotizer Version 4.2 builds on the success of V4 by adding a series of improvements throughout the
Hippotizer system.
Version 4.2 focuses on improving performance and workflow while introducing Hippotizer PLAY. A free
to use demonstration version of Hippotizer, PLAY required significant changes to the way that
application is saved and managed. 4.2 also brings the ability to save and load whole shows to aid in
moving data from PLAY to a Hippotizer system.
All changes from the previous version of Hippotizer are listed in the Release Notes
Major changes
• Show Management
• Direct HAP encode
• Sync Bus Link
• Improved Performance with more than 4 viewports with Virtualised Viewports
• Proxy Media
• Posi Stage Net support in Multicontroller
• Windowed outputs in Output Manager
• Improved Startup behavior of Output Manager
• Advanced Zookeeper Startup Options
• Improved Hippo Launch
• Ability to start a clean show
• Ability to add previews to custom layouts
• Improved Performance with High Performance Mode
• Video Mapper DMX Colour Blocks
• New Colour Spaces in Pixelmapper
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4.2 Release Notes
Hippotizer is continuously being developed and improved; please read these notes carefully to
understand the changes and limitations with each version.
Version 4.2:
Current Codec Support
Encoding Media into V4 requires the use of one of the supported Codecs. This list changes with each
release as Green Hippo extends support for more codecs. As of 4.2 Release the following have been
Note: There are restrictions on the resolution that must be observed such as a maximum resolution for use
with Mpeg-2 (1920 × 1152), and the resolution (X and Y) must be divisible by 4 in order to work in FlexRes
Performance and Quality. FlexRes Lossless has no restriction on height, while the width must be divisible
by 4.
All media has a minimum size of 64 × 64 pixels
Video File Types
Codec Extension Status
Mpeg2 .mpg Does Not Work
Mpeg2 .m2v Does Not Work
Mpeg4 .mp4 Works
Mpeg4 .m4v Does Not Work
ProRes422 .mov Works
ProRes420 .mov Works
ProRes444 .mov Works*
ProRes4444 .mov Works*
FlexRes .fxr Works
AVI .avi Works
Animation RGB .mov Works
Animation RGB + Alpha .mov Works
h.264 varies Works
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HAP .mov Works**
Image File Types
Codec Extension Status
Tiff .tiff Works
PNG .png Works
Jpeg .jpg Works
Targa .tga Works
Image Sequences
Codec Extension Status
Tiff .tiff Works
PNG .png Works
Jpeg .jpg Works
Targa .tga Works
Audio Encoding
Codec Channels bit depth Status
Wav 1 16b Works
Wav 2 16b Works
Wav 4 16b Works
Wav 6 16b Works
Wav 8 16b Works
Wav 2 24b Works
Wav 2 32b Works
MP3 2 Works
• *Content encoded from ProRes 444 may show a slight colour shift compared to the original
due to an issue in the 3rd party media encoder. The ProRes 444 family also has limited
support in Windows so it is best to test the specific codec and resolution when establishing
a content workflow.
• **As of Version 4.2, HAP content can be ingested without transcode.
Note: 4.2 will be the last V4 version to support playback of Mpeg-2 encoded content. It is strongly advised
to avoid Mpeg-2 as it will not playback in future versions.
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Current CITP Support
CITP (Capture Interface Transport Protocol) is an open network protocol to allow visualisation software
and lighting desks to exchange thumbnails and streaming previews from media servers. Green Hippo
works to ensure CITP is working correctly with as many 3rd party applications as possible. Here is a list
of currently tested systems against this version.
Desk or Software Version Tested Thumbnail Exchange Streaming Previews
Grand MA2 Works Works
Grand MA2 Works Works
MA-3D N/A Works
MSD N/A Works – Inverted about Y Axis
Martin M-PC 3.50.645.641 Works N/A
Capture Argo 21.1.30 N/A Works
Hog 4 3.2.5 (Beta) Works N/A
Avolites Titan (9/10) Works N/A
Current Datapath Drivers
The latest tested version of Datapath capture drivers is 7.14.1 . These drivers extend support to Quad
SDI capture in 3G and should be downloaded from the Datapath Website.
Installation Notes
• Previous versions of Hippotizer must be removed before 4.2 is installed. Export all component
data and uninstall older Hippotizer installations before running the 4.2 installer.
• A restart of Windows is required to complete the installation when first upgrading to 4.2.
• 4.2 is supported on all Hippotizer V4 systems, including Portamus and Play.
• 4.2 introduces a new way to manage show data. When installing onto an existing 4.1 version all
component settings will be lost. (Media is not affected). Save your data before upgrading by
exporting all relevant components .
• From version 4.2 Onwards the Hippotizer data is stored in new locations to comply with Windows
security guidelines.
• The binaries (executable files) are stored in: C:\Program Files\GreenHippo\HippotizerV4
• The settings are stored in: C:\Users\\AppData\Local\GreenHippo\4_2
• The Media folder by default on Portamus and Play is: C:\ProgramData\GreenHippo\MediaV4
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Green Hippo Hippotizer V4 - 4.2
• From Version 4.2 Hippo Launch should be used to start Zookeeper and the Engine. For this
reason, shortcuts to the engine and zookeeper will no longer be deployed on the desktop as part
of the install. If a link to the engine or Zookeeper is required they should point at the Hippotizer
Binaries directory listed above.
Major Changes In Behavior
• With the addition of anti-aliasing in Videomapper (better rendering of diagonal tiles), there is now
an 8192 × 8192-pixel limit to the size of video maps.
• In Zookeeper, the outpoint of each clip is now shown as the out-frame when set to maximum to
correctly reflect the length of the clip (previously it was set to 23:59:59). To avoid undesirable
behavior, if the outpoint is set to max, and the clip is changed, the new outpoint will automatically
reset to the end of the new clip. Controlling media changes from other means such as Timelines
and DMX may need to consider this behavior when programming. This behavior can be changed if
desired please see the manual for details.
• The Watchfolder Queue has been moved from the media encode Queue to a new Pin Item in
media manager. Each Watchfolder queue pertains to the local media manager only, and not all on
the entire as network as before.
DMX Personalities
Current Layer Personality: 4.2 Layer
Changes from 4.1 Layer
• Added Pause on Dark
• Added Rewind on Dark
• Set Volume Control to update only
• Added Keystone on Layer
Current Mix Personality: 4.2 Mix
Changes from 4.1 Mix:
*Set Timecode Offset to be a 16bit Channel
*Set Pixelmapper mix controls to be update only
Current Viewport Personality 4.2 Viewport
Changes from 4.1 Viewport
*Added 2 Channel space for Preset Select in 4.2 Viewport
*Added 16bit Preset select to 4.2 Viewport Presets
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Features Added
• Added Hippotizer Play
• Added Proxy Media rev 23037
• Added indication in output manager of windows primary display 10906
• Added ability to window outputs 10647
• Added PosiStageNet support to Multicontroller 23152
• Added support for Portamus
• Added new generators: 030 – Westliner, 031 – OneShot 23194
• Added Group selection to Pixelmapper
• Added Watchfolder Queue. 23325
• Added User pins to MacroManager 23256
• Added ability to export Watchfolder database to CSV. 10212
• Added Media Player performance pin 23325
• Added ability to change the output framerate of Pixelmapper 23338
• Added antialiasing in Videomapper. 10986
• Added Art-net3 support to DMX Component. 23378
• Added ability to bypass media player when the level is down 10859
• Added RGBW subtractive colour mode to Pixelmapper 23403
• Added media merging progress bar in Media Manager 23462
• Added indication of sync type to media player sync gui. 11297
• Added colour space option to FlexRes lossless. 11522
• Added HAP import without transcode
• Added progress bar to media import 23800
• Added Mix and Viewport links to quick launch bar in Zookeeper 11516
• Added ability to drag and drop between mixes and viewports
• Added status indication in host selectors. 11536
• Added Mirrored tiling effect (120)
• Added High Performance Mode to Zookeeper 11985
• Added ability to scale the Timecode readout UI element 8598
• Many new features to Hippo Launch:
• Added ability to start clean show
• Added ability to load/save Shows
• Added ability to automatically start the engine and zookeeper
• Added support for MSEX1.2 in CITP 24247
• Added support for installation onto non-admin user accounts
• Added indication of mapping type to Multicontroller
• Added ability to import CSV into Videomapper
• Added integration with SMODE — Ask for a Alpha
• Added Integration with Notch — Ask for a Beta
• Added 4:2:2 and 4:4:4 colour spaces to FlexRes Lossless.
• Added ETC Selador Vivid-R Colour space to Pixelmapper
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Green Hippo Hippotizer V4 - 4.2
• Added new DMX Component User Interface
• Improved monitor
• Improved patch / re-patching of universes
• Faster interface with large patches
• Added Virtual Viewports
• Added Keystone on Layer
• Added ability for master/slave timecode in Sync Manager
• Added ability to set countdown in media player
• Added indication of Date added to media player
• Added ability to drag Watchfolder queue onto pinboard
• Added scroll bars to Pinboards when too small for the display
• Added ability to launch Zookeeper into specific pages
• Added ability to launch Zookeeper without page navigation
• Added auto start to Hippo Launch for zookeeper and the engine
• Added Colour Blocks to Videomapper
• Added ability to add DMX monitor as a pin item
• Reduced font size on slider text
• Added Date to media player information; re-styled media player UI.
• Added ability to import and export show data from Hippo Launch
• Added ability to export PNG of Pixelmap
• Changed Timecode Offset to Shift for Alpermann Velte and Audio timecode sources in Sync
• Added Timecode readout to layer
• Added GRB Colour space to Pixelmapper
Fixes (Since 4.1 Release)
• Fixed issue where 4.1 Personalities for Mix and Viewport with Preset were not visible in DMX –
• Fixed issue where media would not encode when disk space is below 10% – 10684
• Fixed issue where Timecode over HippoNet could fail. – 10829
• Fixed issue where Media Manager could fail to encode images reporting “out of memory” – 10935
• Fixed issue where a blank IP address in ArtNet settings of Pixelmapper or DMX could cause a ZK
crash. – Rev 23093
• Fix for issue with CITP streams failing with MA-3D – Rev 23096
• Fixed issue where sorting of clips in media manager by slot would not be correct – 8387
• Fixed TCP Disconnect issue in CITP – 10223
• Fixed issue where output manager UI could become confusing after deleting mixes. – 10827
• Fixed issue where viewports would not be visible before clicking in zookeeper Rev 23202, 23253,
23316, 23348 FB: 11257, 10909
• Fixed intermittent zookeeper crash when immediately navigating to mixes page – 11098
• Fixed possible crash in output manager failing to write to storage – Rev 23262
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• Improved DPI handling of Output manager – Revs: 23274, 23276, 23279
• Fixed issue with 30NDF Timecode rev; 23434, 23438, 23440
• Fixed issue where fixture width in Pixelmapper is not calculated correctly. Rev 23438
• Fixed issue where case LEDs would not change to blue on media upload. 11177
• Fixed issue where output manager would crash of vertical displays. 11508
• Fixed issue where windows task bar could overlay higher numbered viewports 11731
• Fixed issue where the Timeline UI could crash if long timelines were zoomed too far 10921
• Fixed issue where DMX Pin selector could not see some components 11190
• Fixed Issue where the Mute state of a Timeline was not saved. 11518
• Fixed issue where you could not set a timeline 0. 11549, 11545, 11519
• Fixed issue where editing presets created by drag and drop would crash zookeeper. 11556
• Fixed issue where midi ports could become locked, this could stop the engine from shutting down
and potentially cause additional midi devices to not appear. 11377
• Fixed issue where sub-folders would not appear in Media manager in certain situations 11722
• Fixed issue where colour picker would not remember selection. Rev 23654
• Fixed issue where Hippo Launch would try to register already registered machines 11432
• Fixed issue where random play mode did not respect speed Rev 23671
• Fixed issue where DEAP and PRG automation would not set axis. 11568
• Improved performance of CITP thumbnail delivery 24248, 24249
• Fixed Zookeeper crash from entering incorrectly formatted timecode value to timeline’s timecode
offset. 11619, 23992
• Fixed Issue where timeline sorting by number or name was not working. 24879
• Fixed issue where output limits were not being enforced. 10911
• Fixed issue where it was difficult to patch lots of pinbridges to DMX. 23698
• Fixed issues where viewport changes in Output manager configuration did not occur in real time.
• Fixed but where integer number boxes could become unresponsive. 10986
• Fixed issue where engine would crash where non-Latin characters were in the name of media files
encoded by Watchfolders. 5472
• Fixed issue where output would cover single display or Portamus with only one screen. 11400
• Fixed issue where hosts did not disappear in media manager after engine shut down 11459
• Fixed issue where the first frame of a clip could flash with changes to sync state.
• Fixed issue where Videomapper would copy outputs if enabled with no map selected.
• Fixed issue where Watchfolders queue would indicate entire network.
• Fixed issue with zookeeper slowness switching between hosts with large media libraries.
• Fixed issue where STRATA re-map would not always work correctly.
• Fixed issue where Output manager would not show connected monitors correctly with specific
• Fixed issues where mixes may not be patched in order in DMX with auto patch
• Fixed lots of issues where Zookeeper licenses could become corrupt on non-Hippo hardware
• Fixed issue where Amba would allow more than one output.
• Fixed issue where track media select would not scroll to correct clip
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• Fixed issue where Hippotizer would default to a wireless network adaptor.
• Improved encoding of audio files (see list of codecs supported)
• Fixed issue where multiple mjpeg files encoded at once could create corrupt content.
• Fixed issue where names to media files in media manager would not update immediately when
• Fixed engine crash when the in-point was made greater than the outpoint in clips containing audio.
• Fixed issue in Pixelmapper where changes to which NIC to use would not apply without an engine
• Fixed issue where Sync to clock would fail at midnight
• Fixed issue where timecode readouts would create UI elements of Integer boxes
• Fixed issue where the clip and bank offset on layer could not be made negative
• Fixed issue where arrow keys did not move screen warp nodes.
• Fixed issue where Mix presets could not be applied to mixes with a different layer mode.
• Fixed issue where Geometry control on layer would show the aspect ration of the next mix.
Known Limitations
• Presets are always saved with a playback position of 00.00.00:00. If it is desired to play a clip
back from a different position than the beginning use the in-point instead of play-head position.
• Deleting profiles from the Pixelmapper profile library does not work.
• Resetting the Pixelmapper component from within Component settings does not work. To create a
new pixelmapper component it is necessary to start a clean show.
• If patching mix controls from DMX, Pixelmapper’s map select must be set to update only.
• After using High Performance Mode all sources may not be available. To fix this, restart
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Green Hippo Hippotizer V4 - 4.2
Using This Manual
This manual covers a broad range of topics from basic Hippotizer operation to advanced video concepts.
To make this more readable, the manual uses some standard formats.
Critical information, or areas that could interfere with video output are noted as important.
Unplugging the power to your Hippotizer system will stop video output.
Information that can save time or is known to cause users problems will be flagged with a Note box.
Note: Windows firewall can block Zookeeper communicating over the network if not configured correctly.
Code examples will be separated into a code box.
Each page has the option to leave feedback. If you find a section unclear or see an error please note this
in the feedback.
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What is Hippotizer?
Lowlands festival 2016 – Bravo Stage
Hippos Supplied and Operated by: tenfeet
Photos: Bart Heemskerk, De fotomeisjes
Hippotizer is a software toolbox to display media for the live events industry. Borne from visual jockey
software first developed 15 years ago; Hippotizer V4 combines an easy to use structure with powerful 2D
and 3D functionality.
In general, we separate 2D and 3D workflows. Hippotizer is considered 2D, while the SHAPE application
adds the third dimension. SHAPE is developed by Green Hippo and is supplied free for use with
Hippotizer is comprised of dedicated media server hardware running the Hippotizer V4 software.
SHAPE is a software application to assist with projector setups and 3D mapping of video onto complex
objects in real time. SHAPE enables the user to import a model and apply video from a Hippotizer V4
machine to the model. SHAPE allows you to edit model meshes and is able to assist with aligning,
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blending, masking and warping the projector(s).
SHAPE is comprised of two parts: the SHAPE application that is free to download from Green Hippo,
and the Hippotizer V4 system running on a Green Hippo media server. SHAPE communicates via the
network to Hippotizer V4 machines to allow real time manipulation. Once the model is configured, all
settings are saved to the Hippotizer which then handles all content play back; the SHAPE application is
then no longer required.
SHAPE’s manual can be found here: SHAPE Manual
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Contacting us
We strive to ensure this manual is an inclusive guide to all of Hippotizer’s features, though there
inevitably will be places in the software that are not fully documented or are being used in a new way.
For additional information, Green Hippo maintains a user forum, holds training sessions, operates
telephone and email support, and benefits from a network of knowledgeable distributors and users
world-wide: help is never far away.
There are different ways to contact Green Hippo depending on the nature of the Inquiry:
Sales and marketing inquires:
• Green Hippo Offices
Support and training:
• Support
Questions about the software or hardware:
• User Forum
Feedback and suggestions:
• Feedback
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Green Hippo Offices
UK Main Office:
Green Hippo Ltd.
Unit 307 Parma House
Clarendon Road, Wood Green
London, United Kingdom.
N22 6UL
The UK offices handle sales and support for Europe, the Middle East and Asia as well as most of our
research and development.
US Sales Office:
US Office Address:
425 E Colorado St
Suite 610
Glendale, CA 91205
The US offices handle sales and support for the Americas.
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The Hippotizer Media Server is a tool set used by media professionals world wide. With a wide range of
skills and requirements, Green Hippo customers have a host of support methods at there disposal.
Local Distributor
Your local Hippotizer Distributor is frequently the best way to quickly answer questions.
Green Hippo support
Green Hippo operates a support system directly that can be reached by email:
In Europe, the Middle East, Africa or Asia email:
In the Americas email:
This email is monitored seven days a week, with urgent queries answered as fast as possible, often
within an hour. Please be sure to include the exact nature of your problem, the Hippotizer software
version and hardware you are using.
Alternatively, a support request can be created from the Green Hippo support website:
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User Forum
Green Hippo forum
With hundreds of users worldwide active, the Green Hippo forum is an invaluable resource. Green Hippo
technical staff also monitor the forum and can help to answer questions.
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If you have a suggestions or feedback you would like to send to us, please email:
All feedback is read by Hippotizer’s Product Management; we may contact you to request more
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Software Information
The Hippotizer software package is comprised of different elements developed both by Green Hippo and
third parties. Some parts are covered by an End User License Agreement (EULA) these are below.
Other software polices such as the Software Assurance Policy are also noted below.
End User License Agreements
• Hippotizer and SHAPE EULA
• 3rd Party Licenses
Other important software information
• Software Assurance Policy
• Beta Software
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Software Assurance Policy
Every Hippotizer V4 system features a three (3) year software assurance policy period. While software
assurance is active, the Hippotizer V4 system is entitled to install and run the latest version of Hippotizer
V4 software released by Green Hippo. When the assurance policy has expired, the Hippotizer system
will not be able to install Version 4 software released after the expiry date. An early adopter extension
was in effect for systems purchased in the first year of the product, all systems purchase on or before
February 2016 will end software assurance February 2019. Systems purchased after this date have
three (3) years of free software upgrades. The system will continue to work as normal after assurance
has ended. Please discuss extensions to the software assurance period with Green Hippo or your local
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Hippotizer and SHAPE EULA
Please read carefully all the terms of this agreement for the use of Hippotizer V4 and SHAPE software. If
you do not agree to all the terms please do not click Accept and return the Hippotizer to the location you
purchased it.
GREEN HIPPO LTD (“The Company”) hereby gives you a non-exclusive, perpetual license to use
Hippotizer-V4 and SHAPE (“The Software”).
The software is for use only in conjunction with a Hippotizer Media Server and a valid use license from
Green Hippo Ltd. Any attempt to use this software under any other circumstances will result in legal
Should the software be a BETA version it must only be used by individuals or companies aware that
BETA software may not function as advertised and should only be used in test environments.
You may
• use the Software on the single media server for which it was supplied;
• copy the Software for archival purposes, provided any copy contains all of the original Software’s
proprietary notices.
You may not
• modify, translate, reverse engineer, decompile, disassemble in whole or in part (except to the extent
applicable laws specifically prohibit such restriction),
• create derivative works based on the Software;
• copy the Software (except as specified above);
• rent, lease, transfer or otherwise transfer rights to the Software to a third party unless as part of rental
hire-stock and on the Hippotizer server to which the software was purchased;
• remove any proprietary notices or labels on the Software.
The license to use will terminate automatically if you fail to comply with the limitations described above.
On termination, you must destroy all copies of the Software and Documentation.
The Company will collect user information about you (name, email address, location) for the purpose of
licensing the software correctly. This information may be stored on servers located in Europe.
System usage and performance data may be collected for the purposes of improving the product,
providing support and other services.
The Software is provided on an AS IS basis, without warranty of any kind, including without limitation the
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warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose and non-infringement.
The Supplier does not warrant that the use of the Software will be uninterrupted or error-free.
The entire risk as to the quality and performance of the Software is borne by you. Should the Software
prove defective, you and not GREEN HIPPO LTD assume the entire cost of any service and repair.
The above disclaimer does not affect your warranty agreement on any hardware supplied by the
Company. The above disclaimer does not affect your rights to technical support and response to bug-
reporting. The software will be supported for an initial 3 years from purchase, and then on
Title, ownership rights and intellectual property rights in and to the Software shall remain in GREEN
HIPPO LTD. The Software is protected by international copyright treaties.
This agreement and any dispute or claim arising out of or in connection with it or its subject matter or
formation (including non-contractual disputes or claims) shall be governed by and construed in
accordance with the law of England and Wales.
If you have any questions on this agreement please contact Green Hippo Limited.
3rd Party Licenses and EULAs
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