KVS Fact Sheet
Kitchen Ventilation Systems
Heat Gain to the Space
What is Heat Gain?
Heat gain to the space is from the heat/energy that is emitted from lights, people, sun
light, cooking equipment, and etc.
The emitted heat is absorbed into the space’s air, walls, etc. Cooking equipment emits
large amounts of heat into the kitchen which has to be cooled or removed from the space,
or employee/patron comfort is at risk.
As CFM rises the heat gain to the space from the cooking
equipment will be lower. As CFM is lowered the heat gain
to the space will increase.
•More Heat Gain = More conditioned air needed to cool space
•More Exhaust = Less heat gain to the space more make-up air needed
It’s a choice, cool more hot air or provide more make-up air
Greenheck 10 ft x 5 ft Twin Canopy Hood
Heat Gain to Space [kBtu/h]
0 250 500 750 1000 1250 1500 1750 2000 2250 2500 2750 3000
The more heat gain to the space the more money is needed to cool/treat that air.
32,000 BTU - 20,000BTU = 12,000BTU
12,000 BTU is equivalent to an extra $1,000.00 for the extra two tons needed to cool that
air.(Not including operating costs)
(Using $400.00 per ton of cooling. 1 ton=12,000 BTU)
The more CFM used to exhaust the
air the less A/C is needed to treat that
air. But more make-up air is needed.
Exhaust Flow Rate [CFM]
Greenheck understands that air costs money to move and temper. That is why we
developed the Economical Operating Point (EOP). This is the point on the curve where
capture and containment and operating cost are the most balanced. The EOP is
determined by Greenheck to perform the best at the most economical cost. This is
determined by the cooking equipment under the hood. There is a low amount of heat gain
to the space but not enough to have a large increase of cooling tons. This saves the
owner/operator money.