Part # 461468
Models ERH, ERCH, and ERT
Installation, Operation, and Maintenance Manual
pCO2 built-in terminal
Disconnect and secure all electrical power to the “OFF” position on the unit prior to inspection or servicing.
Failure to comply with this safety precaution could result in serious injury or death.
Temperature Control Package
Table of Contents
Temperature Control Package Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Sensor Locations...........................................................................2
Sequence of Operation - Summer .............................................................2
Sequence of Operation - Winter ............................................................... 2
Navigating the Controller ....................................................................3
Programming Loops ........................................................................3
Getting Started ............................................................................3
Status Loop ............................................................................... 3
Set Point Loop............................................................................. 4
Time and Holiday Loop ......................................................................5
Unit Set-Up Loop......................................................................... 5-6
Options ..................................................................................7
Controller Wiring ...........................................................................7
Remote Interface Panel......................................................................8
Troubleshooting ...........................................................................8
Greenheck warrants this equipment to be free from defects in material and workmanship for a period of one
year from the shipment date. The energy recovery wheel is warranted to be free from defects in material
and workmanship for a period of five years from the shipment date. Any units or parts which prove to be
defective during the warranty period will be repaired or replaced at our option when returned to our factory,
transportation prepaid.
Motors are warranted by the motor manufacturer for a period of one year. Should motors furnished by
Greenheck prove defective during this period, they should be returned to the nearest authorized motor
service station. Greenheck will not be responsible for any removal or installation costs.
As a result of our commitment to continuous improvement, Greenheck reserves the right to change
specifications without notice.

Temperature Control Package Description
The Temperature Control Package enables models ERH, ERCH, or ERT to temper outdoor air to desired
temperature and relative humidity. The controller and accompanying sensors are mounted in the unit, wired,
and fully programmed at the factory. Default settings are pre-programmed, but are field adjustable. This unit
has been programmed for either discharge or room control. Discharge control will temper the outdoor air to the
desired discharge condition. Room control will temper the outdoor air to meet the desired room air conditions
with the use of a remote thermostat. An optional humidistat is available for tighter control of room humidity
Sensor locations
Outdoor air sensor
(summer/winter changeover)
After-wheel temperature sensor
(energy savings readout, coil freeze protection)
After-coil cooling temperature sensor (on units
1 432
with cooling)
Discharge temperature sensor
Summer Sequence of Operation
1. Outdoor air sensor detects high enthalpy and
activates summer operation mode.
2. The energy wheel cools and dehumidifies the
outdoor air.
No Room Thermostat or Humidistat
3a. After-coil temperature sensor sends signal to
controller to regulate condensing unit stages or
chilled water valve. DX or chilled water will cool air
to the specified after-coil set point.
3b. Sensor detects discharge air temperature (for
reheat). Controller adjusts hot water valve, electric
heat, or indirect fired furnace stages to meet the
summer heat setting.
Room Thermostat only
3a. When the room temperature set point is met, the
DX or chilled water coil will cool air to the specified
after-coil set point. If the unit is equipped with
reheat, the air will be reheated to the specified
summer heat setting.
3b. When the room temperature is above the summer
set point, the after-coil temperature will drop to
the specified after-coil override setting and the
discharge temperature will drop to the summer
heat override setting (i.e. turn the heater off) .
Room Humidistat only
3a. When the humidity set point is satisfied, the DX or
chilled water coil will cool air to the specified aftercoil set point. If the unit is equipped with reheat,
the air will be reheated to the specified summer
heat setting.
3b. When the humidity in the space is too high, the DX
or chilled water coil will drop to the specified aftercoil override setting with no change in reheat.
Room Thermostat and Humidistat
3a. When the room temperature and humidity set
points are satisfied, the DX or chilled water coil
will cool air to the specified after-coil set point.
If the unit is equipped with reheat, the air will be
reheated to the specified summer heat setting.
3b. If the temperature is met, but the humidity is high,
the after-coil temperature will drop to the specified
after-coil override setting with no change in reheat.
3c. If the temperature is high (regardless of the
humidity conditions in the space), the after-coil
temperature will drop to the specified after-coil
setting and the discharge temperature will drop
to the summer heat override setting (i.e. turn the
heater off).
Winter Sequence of Operation
1. Sensor detects that the outdoor air enthalpy
has fallen below the summer/winter changeover
enthalpy and activates winter operation mode
which disables the unit’s cooling capabilities.
2. The energy wheel heats and humidifies the
outdoor air.
No Room Thermostat
3. Discharge air sensor senses temperature.
Controller adjusts hot water valve, IG furnace, or
electric heat stages to the winter heat setting.
With Thermostat
3a. When room temperature set point is met, the unit
will discharge air at the winter heat setting.
3b. When room temperature is below the set point, the
unit will discharge air at the heat override setting.

Navigating the Controller
Alarm indicator for water coil freeze protection
Access Set Point loop (See page 4)
Return to the Status screens (See page 3)
Used to scroll through the screens and
change set points.
Used to enter a screen to change set points and
advance to the next set point
Access Unit Set-Up Loop (See pages 5-6)
Access Time and Holiday Loop (See page 5)
Getting Started
Figure 1: Start-up screen
Greenheck Fan Corp.
Version: 2.xx
Temperature Control
Cooling setting: 0
Table 1: Cooling settings
Cooling Method Cooling Setting
0 Chilled Water
1 1-stage DX
2 2-stage DX
pCO2 built-in terminal
Figure 1 shows the screen that appears when power is initially
supplied to the controller. It lists the program version and the cooling
The cooling settings are as shown in Table 1. Compare the settings
on the screen with the options on the unit. Jumpers control all
the settings on the first screen. If there is a discrepancy between
what was ordered and the first screen, compare the wiring on the
controller to the wiring diagram on page 7 or on the unit’s control
center door and adjust accordingly.
To allow the fans and energy wheel in the unit to operate, wire a
switch or jumper between terminals 2 and 3 in the unit’s control
Programming Loops
Several programming loops may be accessed to
change settings on the controller. Navigation through
the loops remains the same throughout the program.
1. To scroll through the screens, use the and
2. To enter a screen to change a set point, press .
3. Use and to change the set points.
Status Loop
The Status Loop monitors the following conditions:
1) Date and Time
2) System set points
3) Outdoor air conditions
4) Tempering status
5) Energy savings calculation
To enter the Status Loop, press .
4. Press
to advance to the next set point on the
5. When the set points have been changed, press
until a solid box appears in the upper left corner
of the screen. You may then resume scrolling
through the screens.
Time 00:00
Date: 00/00/00
After Wheel: 00.0F
After Coil: 00.0F
Disch Temp: 000.0F
Outdoor Air
Temp: 00.0F
RH: 00.0%
Enthalpy: 00.0B/lb
Tempering Status
Heat (%): 000
Cool Stage 1: Off
Cool Stage 2: Off
Energy Savings
00.0 Tons