Double Gland Axle Seal
5/16”-18 SS nut
Stuffing box retaining clip
5/16”-18 x 2 1/4” SS weldstud
Stuffing Box Assembly
Note: Turn packing material
to stagger splices 180°.
Packing Cup
Damper shaft
Packing material
(note splice orientation)
Packing clamps
Replacement Instructions
These instructions explain how to replace double gland
axle seals in the field. Axle (shaft) penetrations through
frame are protected by double gland stuffing boxes.
Tighten as required to prevent leakage around axle.
Caution: Over tightening will create excessive frictional
torque and rapid packing wear.
1) Replaceable packing material may deteriorate due
to wear, oxidation or exposure to adverse chemicals.
Replace as necessary. Greenheck provides a unique
sealing construction with a two- piece packing
clamp that splits to allow easy access to the packing
material. See Figure 1
2) Remove 5/16”-18 nuts and stainless steel retaining
clips. spread packing clamps and remove.
3) Remove old packing. In most installations, the
packing cup can be pulled away from the damper
frame to assist packing removal.
4) Cut replacement packing material on a 45° angle.
Form into a ring.
5) Install the two rings (glands) of packing into
cup, staggering the splices half turn apart. The
removable cups have a ridge at the bottom to stop
packing from passing through cup and to hold cup
against damper frame.
6) Replace packing clamps against axle so they push
against the packing.
7) Install stainless steel retaining clips and the two
5/16”-18 nuts. Tighten by hand. It is difficult
to specify required tightening torque due to
differences in axle diameters and packing materials
but, packing should be below the top of the cup.
Figure 1
Copyright © 2006 Greenheck Fan Corporation
Double Gland Axle Seal Replacement IOM