green ecotherm Pony PS9, Pony PS9D User Manual

of automatic hot air pellet stove
of series
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Thank You for buying automatic hot air pellet stove of series „Pony”. This manual will help You to use and maintain the unit properly.
NOTE : the model “Pony PS9” is designed mainly for single room heating
purposes, while the model “Pony PS9D” is equipped with additional hat air channel for supplying another room with hot air, prepared by the stove’s heat exchanger.
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User manual for automatic hot air pellet stove of series “Pony” (model “Pony PS9” and “Pony PS9D”);
(document version: 28.02.2012 10:40)
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1. Description and advantages of automatic hot air pellet stove of series
“Pony”. .................................................................................................................5
2. Technical data of automatic hot air pellet stove of series “Pony”........ 7
Table 2.1 Thermal and technical data for hot air stove of series “Pony”,
utilizing wood pellets......................................................................................... 8
Table 2.2. Operating parameters of the heated air, supplied thought the ducts to another room – valid for model “Pony PS9D” only, at totally closed air
distribution control flap...................................................................................... 8
Table 2.3 Dimensions and technical data of hot air stove of series “Pony”,
utilizing wood pellets......................................................................................... 9
Table 2.4 Recommended solid fuel properties – wood pellets ............................ 9
Table 2.5 ENplus - European standard for wood pellets; ............................... 10
3. Description of the construction of hot air automated pellet stove
“Pony PS9”......................................................................................................... 11
4. Installation process. ................................................................................21
4.1. Norms and recommendations :..............................................................21
4.2. Norms and recommendations ................................................................ 21
4.3. Installation process of the stove. ............................................................ 22
4.4. Appliance positioning in order to achieve comfortable maintenance....
................................................................................................................... 23
4.5. Connecting the stove to a chimney ........................................................ 25
4.6. Connection of the hot air pellet stove , model “Pony PS9D” with hot
air duct for heating another room in a dwelling ............................................ 29
5. Entering the appliance in service. ......................................................... 31
5.1. Basic fuel requirements....................................................................... 31
5.2. Starting hot air pellet stove of series “Pony” procedure. ................ 32
5.2.1. Interface control board of hot air pellet stove of series “Pony”
..................................................................................................... 33
5.2.2. Description of the function of the buttons of the interface
panel. ..................................................................................................... 34
Power supply of the stove ......................................................... 36
5.2.4. Turning ON the appliance........................................................36
5.2.5. Set up of the stoves operating parameters .............................. 38
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5.2.6. Set up of the stove according to the thermal power needed.. 42
5.2.8. Adjustment of the operating parameters of the hot air,
supplied to a neighboring room – valid for model “Pony PS9D” only. .......43
5.2.9. Nominal operating mode of the stove...................................... 43
5.3. Adjustment of the thermal capacity of the stove.............................. 44
5.3.1. Decreasing the thermal capacity of the stove ......................... 44
5.3.2. Decreasing the thermal capacity of the stove ......................... 44
5.3.3. Adjustment of the thermal capacity of the hot air, supplied to
the neighboring room – valid for model “Ponu PS9D” only......................... 45
5.4. Stopping the operation of the stove.................................................... 45
5.5. Cleaning the stove................................................................................ 45
5.6. Turning OFF the stove........................................................................ 49
Emergency stop of the stove................................................................. 49
5.7. Showing and teaching the end user about the maintenance and
adjustment procedures. ................................................................................. 50
5.8. Safety and unexpected risks ...............................................................50
5.9. Operation faults and their repairing from the end user..................52
5.10. Alarm messages, shown on the display of the stove ......................... 55
Table 5.8. Alarm messages, shown on the display of the stove ..................... 55
5.11. Operation faults and their repairing from the service personal
ONLY .............................................................................................................. 56
5.12. Hot air pellet stove of series „ Pony” warranty form completion. ... 59
5.13. Actions, after the unit is not in exploitation anymore...................... 59
6. Electrical scheme of the apliance........................................................... 60
WARRANTY CONDITIONS .......................................................................... 61
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1. Description and advantages of automatic hot air pellet stove of
series “Pony”.
The unit of series “Pony PS9” is steel-plate hot air pellet stove, which uses solid biomass fuel in shape of pellets. The stove is designed for local heating of domestic and office spaces. The stove utilizes wood pellets, as well as other type/shape of biomass; the resulting heat energy from thermo-chemical conversion (i.e. combustion process) is transmitted from the heat-exchanging surfaces to the surrounding air, both by convection as well as thermal radiation. The model “Pony PS9D” is equipped with additional hot air duct for heating more that a single room.
The complete set of the pellet stove consists of:
Automatic hot air pellet stove– 1 ct; Battery – Toshiba 23A, 12v, V23GA – 1 ct; Remote control - 1 ct; Plastic heels M10 X 43 - 4 ct; Handle - 1 ct; PC power supply cable AC 220V - 1 ct; Users guide for automatic hot air pellet stove of series “Pony” – 1 ct;
The unit could utilize following types of fuel:
Wood pellets, having diameter 6 mm, covering the requirements of
class ENplus-A1 of standard EN 14961-2:2010;
Other solid biomass based pellets, but confirmation for these fuels
utilization need testing and approval by stove’s producer company laboratory;
The unit is equipped with:
Steel plates welded heat exchanger for heating-up the surrounding air; Flue gas fan; Fan for forced convection and heating-up of the surrounding air; Daily fuel hopper with capacity of about 19 kg; Programmable operating module, which controls the functions of the
unit and is adjustable to the specific needs of the client;
Ash container with capacity of 0.5 kg;
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The model “Pony PS9D” only : the unit is designed with additional air
flow control system, allowing hot air distribution control and hot air supply duct fir heating another room;
The unit is supplied with:
Automatic fuel ignition system; Automatic fuel feeding auger system;Remote control;
Unit’s advantages:
The hot air stove gives you an incredible feel of warmth and comfort due
to a controlled and highly efficient combustion process;
The model “Pony PS9D”
is redesigned in order to allow simultaneous hot
air supply to another room of the dwelling;
The hot air stove is designed to utilize solid biomass fuel, making it
environmentally friendly, CO
neutral and does not contribute to the
global warming process – result of fossil fuel utilization;
The specific price of the heat energy, delivered by solid biomass
utilization is less dependent on the world fuel market trends and practically the heat energy price is competitive to the conventional energy sources;
The stove is automatic and the thermal comfort achieved is close to that,
originating from exploitation of fully automatic heaters, (for example running on liquid or gas fuel, as well as electric heaters). The stove is equipped with integrated programmable room thermostat (daily, weekly and weekend programs);
The unit is equipped with automatic fuel ignition system and performs
burner’s ash cleaning procedure, controlled by the electronic module;
Remote control of the operating mode of the stove; The stove utilizes wood pellets, covering the requirements of class
ENplus-A1 of standard ENplus, or other standards as ONORM M7135, DIN 51731 и DINPlus;
High efficiency; Low pollutant contents in the flue gases; Automatic fuel feeding system, transported from the built-in “daily”
hopper to the burner;
Simplified maintenance and service procedures; Minimized running costs;
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2. Technical data of automatic hot air pellet stove of series
Thermal and technical data for hot air stove of series “Pony”, utilizing wood
pellets are given in Table 2.1;
Operating parameters of the hot air, heated up by pellet stove “Pony PS9D”
are given in Table 2.2;
Dimensions and technical data for hot air pellet stove of series “Pony” are
given in Table 2.3;
Recommended solid fuel properties – wood pellets, are given in Table 2.4; The European standard for wood pellets properties is given in Table 2.5;
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Parameter Dimension Value
Nominal thermal capacity kW 9 Thermal capacity operation range kW 3.5 – 9 Utilized solid fuel Wood pellets diameter d=6mm Utilized pellets, complying ENplus ENplus – A1 Wood pellets fuel consumption rate at nominal thermal capacity
kg/h 2.1
kg/h 16 - 18
Fresh air flow rate, required for effective combustion process
/h 14 - 16
Averaged wood pellets consumption rate kg/h 1.2 Average refueling cycle h up to 20 Thermal efficiency at nominal capacity up to 90 Air excess ratio λ 1.6 – 1.9 Flue gases temperature at nominal thermal capacity
ºC 160 – 200
Solid fuel residue ash
The quantity depends
on the ash contents in
the raw fuel, as well
as operating
Table 2.1 Thermal and technical data for hot air stove of series “Pony”, utilizing wood pellets.
Parameter Dimension Value
Temperature at nominal thermal
160 - 190
Temperature at minimal thermal
115 - 130
Heating capacity of the hot air at
nominal operating mode
4.0 - 4.4
Heating capacity of the hot air at
minimal operating mode
1.8 - 2.0
Table 2.2. Operating parameters of the heated air, supplied thought the ducts to another room – valid for model “Pony PS9D” only, at totally closed air distribution control flap.
NOTE : the data, shown in above table should be considered tentative, as in practice the temperature of the heated air, as well as the air flow rate are strong function of the ambient air and mainly the hydraulic loses in the hot air duct,
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which conducts the hot air to another room (mainly the length as well as the number and configuration of the curves).
Parameter Dimension Value
Model - PS9 PS9D
Weight kg 91 105
dm³ 29
Fuel hopper capacity
19 kg
(wood pellets
Overall dimension of the unit (WxDxH) mm 470x612x1083 Class (according to EN 303-5) - 3 Recommended air temperature in the heated space
ºC 20
Minimum air temperature in the heated space
ºC 14
Draught Pa 4 - 10
Fresh air channel
mm 35
Flue gases duct
mm 80
Hot air duct
mm --- 80
Electrical supply - 50Hz; 230V
Electrical power VA
< 350 (at ignition
Environment protection index - IP20
Table 2.3 Dimensions and technical data of hot air stove of series “Pony”, utilizing wood pellets.
The recommended fuel for hot air stove of series “Pony”, utilizing pellets is:
wood pellets with specific size – diameter 6 mm. Main properties of the fuel are
given in the next table.
Parameter Dimension Value
Pellet’s characteristic size mm 6 Pellet’s characteristic length mm Max 30
MJ/kg >17.2 Recommended fuel net calorific value (low
heating value)
kWh/kg >4.7
Wood pellet class according to ENplus
Ash content % See Table 2.4. Moisture content % Max. 8 – 10%
Table 2.4 Recommended solid fuel properties – wood pellets
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The European wood pellets standard EN 14961-2:2010 defines wood pellets certificate ENplus for pellets, utilized in boilers, stoves and appliances for domestic heating systems. The certificate EN-B is applied for pellets, utilized in industrial boilers. In principal the ENplus standard defines
two quality classes: А1 и А2. The class А1 is highly restricted, considering the ash content. The class А2 the limit of the ash content of the wood pellets is higher – up to 1.5%. For industrial boilers the certificate
EN-B is applicable, which defines fewer restrictions on the pellets quality.
Parameter Dimension ENplus-A1 ENplus-A2
Diameter mm 6 (± 1) 6 (± 1) Length mm 3,15 L 40 1) 3,15 L 40
Bulk density kg/m³ 600 600 Low calorific value MJ/kg 16.5 16.5 Moisture content % 10 10 Dust % ≤ 1
Mechanical durability % 97.5
Ash content % 2) 0,7 1.5 Ash melting point temperature °C 1200 1100 Cl %
0.02 0.03
S %
0.05 0.05
N %
0.3 0.5
Cu mg/kg
10 10
Cr mg/kg
10 10
As mg/kg
1 1
Cd mg/kg
0.5 0.5
Hg mg/kg
0.1 0.1
Pb mg/kg
10 10
Ni mg/kg
10 10
Zn mg/kg
100 100
1) not more that 1% of the wood pellets should be with length of 40 mm, the maximal pellet length is 45 mm ;
2) determined on dry mass;
3) the particles are <3.15 mm, fine particles, before fuel delivery;
4) in case the test measurements are performed with Lignotester, than the limit value is
97.7% m.w.;
Table 2.5 ENplus - European standard for wood pellets;
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3. Description of the construction of hot air automated pellet
stove “Pony PS9”
The heat exchanger of the stove complies with the acting requirements for
such kind of units, defined in operating norm: EN 14785:2006 – „Heating units
for dwellings, utilizing wood pellets. Terminology, requirements, testing and marking”.
The unit consists of:
Main part of the unit is heat exchanger. In the combustion chamber of
this exchanger is mounted specialized grate burner, designed for horizontal fuel feeding;
The heat exchanger is welded construction of carbon steel plates. The
lower part of the exchanger is designed as combustion chamber. The burner is mounted in this chamber and under is the ash container.
Combustion chamber: It is designed to provide conditions for optimal
burning process and helps for complete combustion of the fuel. The chamber is closed by a door with heat-resistant (ceramic) glass, giving the possibility to see the combustion process and also provides direct heat radiation to the surrounding objects.
Stainless steel burner, mounted in the combustion chamber of the heat
Ash container, positioned in the lower part of the combustion chamber,
below the burner;
Fuel hopper is mounted right behind of the stoves’s burning chamber. In
the hopper (in the center and inclined) is mounted a fuel transport auger;
Fresh air for burning is provided by a pipe. The air for burning needs to
be with room temperature. Do not connect the pipe directly to the outside of the building;
Flue gases exit duct is positioned in the lower rear side of the unit (after
the flue gases fan, concerning the flue gases flow direction), utilized for forced flue gases extraction;
Hot air duct, which allows the heated ambient air to be convected to
another room – this is valid for model “Pony PS9D” only
. The size of the duct is shown in Table 2.2. The hot air distribution is controlled by a level drive flap, installed in the front upper section on the unit;
Control unit it is placed in a cold zone of the stove and provides save
function of the appliance. The control is equipped with a lithium battery,
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which has live time of 5 years – it is used to memorize the settings of the control module in cases of interrupted main power supply. In order to maintain safe function the stove is supplied with a pressure switch for monitoring the functionality of the chimney. In cases of malfunction of the chimney, the pressure switch stops the stove immediately, preventing damages to the appliance and emergency situations. Also the stove is monitoring the flue gases temperature. In cases of increased temperatures, the controller of the stove goes in minimum power, or in case of excessive values, it shuts down the unit;
Interface panel is used for set up of the control unit. And to monitor the
work parameters and massages;
The heat exchanger, fuel hopper and other modules of the stove are
covered with decorative covers , powder painted in different colors;
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Figure 3.1. External view and description of the main modules of hot air stove
of series “Pony”;
The characteristic dimensions of the automatic hot air pellet stove of series “Pony” are shown on the Figures 3.2 – 3.5.
Interface panel of the control
module of the stove
Fuel hopper lid
Decorative guiding grill for
the hot air
Door with fire-resistant glass
Cover of the ash container
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Figure 3.2. Front side view of automatic hot air pellet stove of series “Pony”;
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Figure 3.3. Back side view of automatic hot air pellet stove , model “Pony PS9”
Exhaust gases
outflow duct
Fresh air for
combustion inlet
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Figure 3.4. Back side view of automatic hot air pellet stove, model “Pony
Hot air outflow duct
Exhaust gases
outflow duct
Fresh air for combustion
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Figure 3.5. View of automatic hot air pellet stove of series “Pony” – top side
view and left side view;
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Main modules/elements of hot air stove , model “Pony PS9” are given in figure
Figure 3.6. Cross section view and description of the main modules/elements of hot air stove, model “Pony PS9”.
Fuel hopper
Fuel transport auger
Interface panel of the control
module of the stove
Fuel transport auger motor
Pipe for fresh air
Hot air fan
(forced convection fan)
Stainless-steel burner
Flue-gas duct
Flue gas fan
Ash container
Combustion chamber door
Guiding plate – back of the combustion chamber
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Figure 3.7. Cross section view and description of the main modules/elements of
hot air stove, model “Pony PS9D”;
Fuel hopper
Fuel transport auger
Interface panel of the control
module of the stove
Fuel transport auger
Pipe for fresh air
Hot air fan
Stainless-steel burner
Flue-gas duct
Flue-gas fan
Ash container
Combustion chamber door
Guiding plate – back of the
combustion chamber
Hot air duct (for heating
another room)
+ 44 hidden pages