Description of the device operation: fill enough water into the water tank as described in user
manual, plug on the power supply, turn the knob clockwise to start up the unit, mist will go
out from top of the unit. Control the knob to acquire desired mist output volume. If the indicator
light turns red, indicates water run out. Fill water into water tank and re-place the water tank
will restart the unit.
2.Description of the circuitry in the device: Power input PCB as power supply, use transformer
and diode to commutate and turn AC power into DC 36V and 12V output. 36V supply to the
transducer, 12V supply to the blower fan, the transducer make water into mist, the blower fan
blow mist out of the unit to humidify the air. The circuit is constructed with power input PCB,
transducer, resistor, Reed Switch, Blower Fan, Indicator LED light and decorative LED light
3.Description of the antenna and ground system: This device has no antenna and ground system.