6. Then select from L. Horz., Vert., R. Horz. (the screen will change immediately)
7. Touch the Enter button.
Setting up your vehicle.
1. From the Monitoring Screen, touch the screen. (anywhere except at the item name)
2. The Main MENU with [PATTERN] [ITEM] [SETTING] will appear.
3. Select [SETTING].
4. Select [VEHICLE].
5. Select [MAKER].
6. Select your car Make. ( i.e. TOYOTA, NISSAN, MITSUBISHI, etc.)
7. Once selected the screen will display [CONECTING…].
8. Touch the Enter button. (or the Back to continue the setting the other optional
Vehicle parameters: (i.e. WEIGHT, ENGINE SIZE, BODY IMAGE,
CORRECTION% - used for other features)
Setting up Metric or SAE measurements.
1. From the Monitoring Screen, touch the screen. (anywhere except at the item name)
2. The Main MENU with [PATTERN] [ITEM] [SETTING] will appear.
3. Select [SETTING].
4. Select [UNIT].
5. Select from [METRIC] (kg. km/hr, C.) or [SAE] (lbs., mph, F.)
6. Touch the Enter button.
How to select an item.
1. From the Monitoring Screen, Touch the indicated Item name. (i.e. TACHO,
2. Select any item from the list. Use the scroll bar at the right to see the whole list of
items available.
How to change the Read-out Pattern of the Monitoring Screen and # of Items.
1. From the Monitoring Screen, touch the screen. (anywhere except at the item name)
2. The Main MENU with [PATTERN] [ITEM] [SETTING] will appear.
3. Select [PATTERN]
4. Select from the 5 pre-set Patterns
5. Push Enter to confirm and return to the Monitoring Screen or Back to select
another pre-set pattern. (or touch one of the displays to change its display style -
see next #5. )
How to change the read-out Style of the Monitoring Screen for an Item.
1. From the Monitoring Screen, touch the screen. (anywhere except at the item name)
2. The Main MENU with [PATTERN] [ITEM] [SETTING] will appear.
3. Select [PATTERN]
4. Select from the 5 pre-set Patterns (Select the same pattern if you do not want to
change the pattern)