Instruction Manual P/N: 12559005
Make: Honda Model: Accord Year: 2013-2014 Engine: L4-2.4L

• Please read the entire instruction manual before proceeding.
• Ensure all components listed are present.
• If you are missing any of the components, call customer support at 951-493-7100.
• Ensure you have all necessary tools before proceeding.
• Do not attempt to work on your vehicle when the engine is hot.
• Disconnect the negative battery terminal before proceeding.
• Retain factory parts for future use.
Label Qty. Description Part Number
A 1 Air Filter (Pro DRY S) TF-9004D
B 1 Tube (Polished) 05-T1019P1
C 1 Tube (Wrinkle-Black) 05-T1019B1
D 1 Housing 05-T1019B2
E 1 Coupling Silicone 05-01107
F 9” Seal Trim 7/16” 05-00072
G 2 Washer, Flat M6 03-50070
H 2 Nut M6 03-50059
I 1 Isolation Mount M6 03-50022
J 2 Clamp, 044 03-50019
K 1 Hose, 5/16” - 25.25” 05-00112
L 9” Hose, 5/8” 05-00069
Installation will require the following tools:
Phillips screw driver, 8mm nut driver, ratchet, extension, 10mm socket & pliers
Note: Legal in California for use on race vehicles only. The use of this device on vehicles used on public
streets or highways is strictly prohibited in California and others states that have adopted California
emission regulations.
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Figure A
Refer to Figure A for step 1-6
Note: Make sure car is cool before starting this installation to avoid coolant burns.
Step 1: Unplug the MAF sensor, then remove the wire harness from the OE air box 1 .
Step 2: Disconnect the crank case line from the OE tube 2 .
Step 3: Loosen the clamp connecting the OE tube to the throttle body 3 .
Step 4: Remove the two bolts holding the OE air box 4 .
Step 5: Pull out your OE air intake system out of your engine bay 5 .
Step 6: Remove the small engine cover on the side of your engine bay 6 .
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